Lord of All People: Am I the only one in the Fallen Empire?

Chapter 419 Hard-working worker bees, the cloud of death that devours everything

The scene of the outer armor going offline appeared on several ships at the same time.

But because the Seventh Fleet had already retreated and the radar did not detect any hostile signals, many lords in command on the ships did not care about it.

If it was other parts that were offline, they might have to panic, but the external armor was different.

The external armor was not delicate, and to a large extent it was just a "shield" on the outer layer of the ship.

Unless this shield fell off, it would not hinder the use of this shield whether it was online or offline.

As for the sudden offline status.

Starships are not perfect products. How could there be no malfunctions after using them for a long time?

No one suspected that the outer armor would fall off by itself.

It was precisely because of this idea that most lords only arranged for people to go and check the circuit connecting the external armor to see if there was a problem with the contact.

At this time, the flagship's communication came.

"P-01 frigate, the flagship has noticed some abnormalities in your ship data. Please report your status."

"P-01 frigate is in good condition. The initial prediction is that there is a partial circuit failure. We have sent people to repair it urgently."

After reporting the situation, the captain of P-01 frigate looked at the hatch behind him in a strange way.

The people he arranged to repair it took too long, right?

Just when he was puzzled, a frightened voice came from behind him.

"Lord, you, your back."

"What happened to my back?"

Just as the voice fell, the captain felt a pool of hot blood splashing out.

Looking down, it turned out that the sharp giant tail thorn pierced his chest.

"Uh wow."

He spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Is it the Zerg?"


Before he finished speaking, the captain felt himself shrouded by a huge black shadow, and then the hideous insect head approached in front of him, and the sharp mouthparts bit him directly.


Accompanied by screams, the entire ship was in chaos.

The giant swarm of insects shaped like wasps no longer hid, and drilled out from every corner of the hull, marching in the starship in a domineering manner.

Some marines had just rushed out of the hatch with their equipment, and were stabbed by the tail stinger that had been prepared long ago.

"P-01 frigate, this is the flagship, we seem to have heard your screams, what happened there?"

"P-01 frigate, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it!"

No one responded for a long time, and the docking crew immediately put down the summoner in their hands and went to Wan Hongfu to report with a sullen face.

And at this moment, he was not the only one who came to report the situation.

Almost all the detachments used by the Third Fleet to cover the rear had problems.

It was as if there was a ghost, quietly eroding them, ready to pull them into the bottomless abyss.

At this time, Wan Hongfu, who felt very bad, no longer cared about being exposed in front of the Zerg.

"Quickly pass my order, all satellite ships of the Third Fleet immediately construct signal base points!"

"Make sure to find the guy hiding in the dark!"

After giving the order, Wan Hongfu stood up and paced back and forth anxiously in the bridge.

Under normal circumstances, satellite ships do not have the ability to fight head-on and can only serve as temporary signal base points.

The role of signal base points is actually very powerful. Not only can it expand the effectiveness of radar, but it can also destroy electronic stealth.

But not all fleets carry satellite ships.

Because this is equivalent to the searchlight in ancient times.

Although it allows you to see more things at night, it will also completely expose your location.

If it is not necessary, no lord would want to use this kind of thing in a galaxy full of insect swarms.

"Are you not ready yet?" Wan Hongfu asked anxiously.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, the signal node constructed by the satellite ship was officially put into use.

The radar finally re-imaged, showing countless things that were previously undetectable.

Looking at the terrifying image projected in front of him, Wan Hongfu fell on his chair.

"Strange, monster!"

A huge and strange creature with countless holes like a nest slowly appeared behind the third fleet.

Even the largest Zerg mothership that Wan Hongfu had fought before seemed insignificant in front of this monster.

In the image, the monster's body was still twitching, just like a ball of fresh flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of millions of hideous insect eyes appeared from the hole, staring at the location of the third fleet with greedy and hungry eyes.

"Wasp mother!"

Wan Hongfu has confirmed the true identity of this ghost thing.

Only the final strategy of the Zerg can create such a terrifying ghost thing.

The existence of this thing in the world makes people feel that it is a kind of defilement of the world.

At the same time, Wan Hongfu is very sure that there will be a large Zerg force following the location of the final strategy.

"Quickly notify the 15th Fleet, we are in big trouble!"

Soon after Wan Hongfu issued the order, he received the news that the 15th Fleet refused to accept it.

It is obvious that Liu Wenlin is openly seeking revenge.

He didn't want to hear what Wan Hongfu wanted to say, nor did he care what Wan Hongfu wanted to say.

At this time, Wan Hongfu looked at the friend interface. He had been completely blacklisted by the entire 15th Fleet, and all the lords no longer accepted any news from him.

"That bastard who doesn't know how to consider the overall situation!"

Wan Hongfu cursed while trying to organize his lords to fight back.

But he obviously underestimated the power of the Wasp Queen.

As the ultimate strategy of the Zerg, the terror of the Wasp Queen is obviously greater than a fleet of the consortium.

Countless individuals flew out of the fleshy hole, and each pair of eyes was an independent individual.

When they gathered together, it was like a cloud of death in the universe.

The artillery fire of the starship had no effect on the swarm.

And the hardworking worker bees would dismantle all the materials that blocked the way and bring them into the body of the Queen.

On the way of the Queen, the starships of the Third Fleet were disappearing rapidly.

They could not resist, and they were powerless to resist.

"It's over..."

In just two words, Wan Hongfu expressed his regret.

It was not until then that he realized that in this war, humans had always been the loser.

The Zerg had crushed all the other races participating in the war game one by one.

The final strategy of the Thor made the lords of these consortiums think that the situation had been reversed, and thus followed Song Dejun to start a civil war.

Now thinking about it, it was just like a frog in a well, unable to see the full picture of the starry sky, how sad and ridiculous.

The Zerg gradually passed by, and the entire Third Fleet where Wan Hongfu was located disappeared in the universe, without even a piece of iron left.

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