With Jiuluo's help, Grandma Zuzhu walked to Wei'an with a cane.

"You can't always demand others based on the war you have experienced, Wei'an."

"What you are facing now is just a new civilization that has developed for a hundred years."

"Yes." Wei'an nodded and sighed: "Only a hundred years."

The hundred years consumed by the development of the Zerg seems very long, but on the scale of the universe, it is not enough.

Not to mention the ten thousand years of stagnation in the Wall of Sighs.

Even millions of years ago, there were still traces of ancient civilizations such as the Pioneers.

Even if the Zerg can evolve again, it has only developed for a hundred years.

And a mere hundred years.

How can it surpass everything left by their ancestors' struggle ten thousand years ago?

"I am obsessed." Wei'an nodded.

Then he coldly entered the command from the console and turned on the power of all the facilities of the master to the maximum.

Since it is impossible to be evenly matched, then rapid destruction is the greatest mercy he can give to the enemy.

As the power of the Overmind reached full, the Zerg finally fell into complete chaos.

Due to the need for space travel, most biological warships no longer rely on backward organs such as vision.

But this also directly led to the fact that once the pheromones were completely disordered, they would be like losing their eyes, no different from the deaf and blind of humans.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss--"

It's not just biological warships.

As the "Overmind" Silent continued to overclock and expand the various facilities it carried.

Even the shells in the Zerg biological warships were in turmoil to varying degrees.

They couldn't tell whether they were being fired or whether they were inside the starship of the hostile race.

In confusion, some biological shells mistakenly thought they had been fired and exploded directly inside the Zerg biological warship.

At this time, the Overmind was still pouring out its own firepower network.

Although the design concept was not the "Eternal Light" based on firepower.

But the main gun carried by "Silent" was not weak either.

After a round of full-power charging, only one shot penetrated the biomass armor of the Wasp Queen.

Blood, minced meat, wreckage...

The destruction of biological warships is always bloody and terrifying.

"This is war." Katrina couldn't help but sigh.

"When the stars are far away from us, the ballads have become fairy tales that cannot be recalled."

"Stars?" Gao Qiang asked in confusion, and then guessed: "Does it mean the departure of civilization and the arrival of barbarism?"


Katrina didn't seem to want to talk more about this sentence.

Glancing at the battlefield that was almost over.

Since the Overlord intervened in the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of Zerg biological warships have never made any waves.

All attacks were blocked by the Overlord, and the rest of the starships could follow the Overlord and pour out artillery fire as much as they wanted.

Victory seems to be just a matter of time.

"You won another victory, how do you feel?" Katrina asked Gao Qiang.

Gao Qiang scratched his face, "It's OK, haha."

"If you really want to describe the feeling, it's like watching it live in the cinema but without some popcorn?"

"It's really... a wonderful metaphor." Katrina held it in for a long time before she came up with a word to describe Gao Qiang's words.

However, this kind of war without any art would not please Katrina.

She didn't want to participate too much in this meaningless massacre.

After thinking about it, Katrina looked at Gao Qiang seriously.

"Lord, you should still be able to choose a final strategy, right?"

Seeing Gao Qiang nodded.

Katrina immediately suggested: "I suggest you choose 'geocentrism', you won't be disappointed with it."

According to Katrina's description, Gao Qiang opened the final strategy interface that had not yet been selected.

From the countless messy final strategies, he found what Katrina described.

[Tidal Device | Geocentrism]

[Introduction: In the past, we had no choice but to confirm the existence of heliocentrism because of our broadened horizons.

Now, our horizons are more open, our technology is more advanced, and we finally have the power to set the geocentric theory right. 】

[Effect: After choosing this final strategy, we will start the construction plan of the tidal device for a week. 】

[Tidal Device]

[Effect: Ebb and flow. By simulating the tides of the sea, we will have the power to control the orbits of planets.

Let us throw those planets that do not meet our wishes out of our world!

From now on, we are the center of the world, and everything will revolve around us. They may not understand, but they must obey! 】

"What do you think, Lord?"

Facing Katarina's expectant eyes, Gao Qiang nodded, "Okay!"

It only took about a week.

Due to the characteristics of the awakening empire, the construction of the tidal device did not consume any resources of Gao Qiang.

And in a week, the main force of the Zerg that came with the Wasp Queen was also consumed.

The tidal device "Geocentric Theory" was actually built without any waves.

At the same time as the geocentric theory was established, a new projection panel was connected to the control room of the highest command center where Gao Qiang was located.

Like the star map panel, this new panel contains the orbits of all planets in the entire galaxy.

But it is different from the star map panel.

This new panel lacks the ability to monitor enemies in real time and has the ability to drag planets.

"It seems magical."

Gao Qiang looked at the star map in front of him and pointed his finger at an inconspicuous planet.

With just a slight touch, the planet flew far away and completely changed its orbit.

At this time, following Gao Qiang's movements, the tidal device violently erupted with a gravitational wave, hitting the planet that Gao Qiang had moved.

Under the influence of gravitational waves, the planet changed its orbit just like in the star map.

In the end, it collided with the burning star and was completely swallowed up, without causing any waves.

After seeing the tragedy of that planet.

Gao Qiang rubbed his chin and seemed to have an idea.

After picking out most of the planets eroded by the Zerg, Gao Qiang held those planets between his fingers and threw them one by one into the stars in the galaxy.

These dirty planets are obviously no longer available.

After devouring a large number of planets, those stars began to bulge and seemed likely to explode at any time.

Seeing this, Gao Qiang directly pushed forward, changing the trajectory of several stars, and directly threw them out of the galaxy.

Soon, the originally huge thousand-star system was reduced to the last star by Gao Qiang.

And this star was dragged by Gao Qiang to the side of Ideal City and rotated around Ideal City.

Perhaps, this is the effect that the geocentric theory originally wanted to achieve.

With this in mind, Gao Qiang set his sights on a Zerg planet in the star map that was surrounded by the White Feather Consortium fleet and had not yet been thrown into the star.

According to the star map, there seems to be a miracle inside this planet.

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