
The mandible of an undead lord fell to the ground.

What happened at that moment?

Snow rushed forward, one of Snow's arms was removed, Snow's head was removed, and Snow hit GG.

Everything happened so fast that the ten lords who came with Snow didn't even react.

"She killed Snow?"

One of the undead lords took off his own brain and wiped it hard before putting it back on his head.

But the scene I saw was completely unchanged from just now.

Who is Snow? He is a cadre of the necropolis and can hunt down small carnivorous dragons with his bare hands.

Now he was easily killed by Hai Youqin.

No, it is not accurate to say that he killed him. Haiyouqin just removed Snow's brain so that he could not communicate with his body.

But everyone knows that unless Snow can use his talent to transfer his consciousness to other skulls now, falling into the hands of the enemy will be no different from death.

Unless they can get Snow's head back.

That's right.

"Get Snow's head back!" an undead lord roared, commanding the skeleton warrior behind him to charge.

Their undead are not as fragile as other races.

As the lords of the undead, as long as their heads are still there, there is still a chance of resurrection.

The other lords also reacted quickly.

Snow is a cadre of the Necropolis, and the Necropolis has now almost unified the power of the undead.

If they don't want to end miserably in this game, Snow must be saved.

Otherwise, not a single soldier was lost, but only one general died. How should the other undead lords treat them when they return to the necropolis?

Haiyouqin was holding Snow's skull and turned a deaf ear to the vibrations of tens of thousands of skeletons in the distance.

"It's so interesting." Hai Youqin couldn't help but admired as she hit Snow on the head.

At this moment, Snow kept opening and closing his mouth in Hai Youqin's hand.

Hai Youqin could imagine what vicious words he must be using to insult her.

But because some of the sound-producing bones were missing, Snow's single skull was completely unable to make any sound.

Seeing Hai Youqin playing with Snow's head like this, the leader of the undead clan shouted sharply from a distance: "Give Snow's head back!!!"


Hearing this, Hai Youqin put Snow's head on her waist and glanced at the sea of ​​undead that was gradually advancing with swaying steps.

"The intimidation effect is good, but the combat effectiveness is not much worse than those cute wolves."

"But the distance is almost the same."

The sea player waved back.

The next moment, several undead clan lords saw a scene they would never forget.

Countless arrows rained from behind the wall.

The longbowmen's bows and arrows were okay, most of them slipped through the hollow bones of the skeletons, and only a few of them pierced the skulls, completely killing the skeleton warriors.

What really frightened them was the giant crossbow arrows that were launched one after another as if they were free of charge.

Often after ten seconds of loading, thousands of giant crossbow arrows are fired.

As long as a giant crossbow hits, it will definitely crush one or more skeleton warriors on the spot.

Even if they are not crushed, they can be directly incapacitated in combat.

What makes the undead lord most powerless is that these skeletons with limited mobility cannot perform such a difficult action of dodge.

"How many more of these giant crossbows do they have?"

Some lords couldn't help but yelled at the other lords.

Any fool can see that this giant crossbow is expensive to make.

From just now to now, in just a few minutes, thousands of these giant crossbow arrows have been fired in Gao Qiang's territory.

Counting the arrows fired from those longbows, the ground was almost covered in hedgehogs.

The Lord of the Undead couldn't help but curse in his heart.

In the past, they, the undead clan, used their numbers to suppress others. Even if the quality was poor and the combat effectiveness was low, if they couldn't kill someone, they could still tire them to death.

As a result, when they met Gao Qiang today, they could see what phobia of insufficient firepower was.

Is this material reserve the amount it should have been in the Stone Age?

In just a short moment, several undead clan lords had a lot of things in their minds.

For example, Gao Qiang may be a lord who has participated in many war games and embarked on some material-related lord path.

Even so, several undead clan lords couldn't help but want to curse.

If he's so awesome, why don't he go to the mechanized age and throw missiles? Instead, go to the Stone Age and fry fish, right?

But in the end, the number of undead tribe is superior.

Finally, a skeleton warrior crossed the rain of arrows and approached Haiyouqin's side.


In the empty eyes of several undead lords.

The flood control wall's tens of meters of gates opened with a bang.

Tyrannosaurus rex walked out from behind the door, looking at a pile of skeleton warriors on the ground that were no bigger than their own feet.

That look, let alone fear.

It's just like looking at a bunch of toothpicks or teething sticks!


The Tyrannosaurus rex roared, and its foul-smelling mouth passed by Haiyouqin. It picked up a few skeleton warriors and put them in its mouth to chew slowly.

I have to say.

Although there is no meat, it tastes crunchy and crunchy, which is quite a good experience.

While the Undead were stunned, Hai Youqin took action again, stretched out her hands to grab the heads of two Undead Lords, and removed them from their bodies.

Seeing that Hai Youqin had three heads hanging on her waist, the remaining Undead Lords stopped immediately.

Something was wrong, eight or nine out of ten.

How could this little potato be so scary.

Doesn't she feel scared with three skulls hanging on her waist?

The remaining Undead Lords looked a little wrong.

If they dared to go up like this again, wouldn't their heads be removed as decorations?


An Undead Lord couldn't help asking.

"Okay, your order!"

The other Undead Lords were overjoyed, and while ordering their warriors to resist the attack of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, they drilled into the soil fiercely.

As Snow's direct descendants, they all mastered the skills of digging the ground, which could be used for sneak attacks during the attack, and could also be used for escape if they failed, and they were always successful.

In the blink of an eye, only the Undead Lord who had just proposed retreating was still standing there, a little dazed.

"No, I should have used a questioning tone just now, right?"

"Indeed, I will testify for you."

Click --

In a split second, his head was also removed by Hai Youqin and pinned to his waist.

After losing the command of all the Undead Lords, the remaining Skeleton Warriors completely became headless flies, running around the field.

This is also the disadvantage of the Undead.

They are quite cheap in recruiting people and training warriors, but at the same time their IQ is not high.

Once the command of the Lord is lost, the remaining people cannot act independently.

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