Lord of All People: Am I the only one in the Fallen Empire?

Chapter 447: Sinners of Race and Civilization

Just at this time, a message from the Eldar made all the lords present look ugly.

"Garden Fortress, it has fallen!"

When they went out to support the Fortress of the Peak of Light, one of their own Sky Fortresses actually fell.

And it was a Garden Fortress that was famous for its defense and attack power.

At the same time, after realizing that the Garden Fortress had fallen, they were not surprised at all why the fleet in front of them had a quantum state barrier.

Some lords were even a little terrified.

Because they were not unfamiliar with the attack form of the quantum matrix.

Quantum entanglement cluster, an attack method that any starship would be afraid of!

As far as the current battlefield is concerned, except for the super-large space building such as the Sky Fortress.

No starship can resist the attack form of the quantum matrix.

"Don't panic."

Gustav's voice reached the Eldar warship.

He naturally saw where the opponent's defense method came from.

Although he felt very happy about Irma's death, the quantum matrix being taken away by the other party would only make his allies unhappy.


"I'm still here!"

As Gustav's voice fell, a huge photon barrier blocked the outside world, protecting the front of many fleets.

At the same time, under Gustav's control, there were many nearly materialized photon lines wandering between the starships.

He knew Irma, so he also knew Irma's weaknesses.

The biggest weakness of the quantum entanglement cluster is that it is ineffective against targets that are too large.

Although for now, no starship is big enough.

But Gustav can use the photon force field shield to fake this size.

All photon lines are connected to the huge photon shield. If the other party wants to use the quantum entanglement cluster, they will inevitably come into contact with these photon lines.

And once they come into contact with these photon lines connected to the photon shield.

Then, due to the large size of the photon shield, the other party could not successfully use the quantum entanglement cluster to destroy the starships of the two-race alliance.

This is also the countermeasure that Gustav thought hard to deal with Irma's invasion.

It's a pity that it was not used on Irma in the end.

In the combat base, Huan Zhirou supported her face and looked at the photon shield raised by Gustav.

She could guess what Gustav was defending.

"Well, if the core hadn't been taken away by Qin Sui, I really wanted to play with it." Huan Zhirou muttered.

"But the other party guessed wrong this time."

The attack means of the assault fleet do not include quantum entanglement clusters.

But correspondingly, the assault fleet also has its own attack technology: non-physical right of passage.

This attack.

He can't stop this top-level photon shield in basic physics!

Huan Zhirou pressed a few buttons at random and issued corresponding instructions.

[Quantum tunneling is being prepared]

[Quantum shells are being added to our projectiles]

[Quantum shells have been added, and the launch is allowed]


A strong light flashed, but the photon shield did not produce ripples.


The lords of the Eldar and Scholar civilizations who commanded the fleet breathed a sigh of relief.

The opponent chose to attack directly instead of using quantum entanglement clusters. It seems that Gustav's tactics are effective.

But the next moment, a scream resounded through the internal channel of the alliance.

"Our flagship has been penetrated!"


All the lords looked at it in disbelief. The one who said this was an assault ship of the Wanderer Fleet.

However, the photon shield was still intact. How did the opponent penetrate the Wanderer flagship?

Could it be that the opponent has an attack method that they don't know about?

Gustav had a bad premonition in his heart.

He hurriedly adjusted the picture just detected by the radar.

The shells fired by the assault fleet flashed instantly when they touched the photon shield.

In the flash, the shell passed through the photon shield intact and entered the position behind the shield.

At this moment, all ships were within the attack range of the shell.

And it rushed straight towards the flagship of the Wanderer.

Obviously, the Wanderer fleet's first attack was regarded as the first bird to come out.

The first bullet fired by the gun must be fired at the first bird.

Facing the shield and armor of the Wanderer flagship, the shell almost repeated the old trick and passed through in a flash.

Then came the explosion.

Because there was no obstruction at all, the interior of the Wanderer flagship directly absorbed all the firepower of the shell.

At the same time, Gustav also realized.

This newly arrived fleet is much more terrifying than he imagined.

At least, their current technological means are completely unable to defend against the opponent.

They were crushed at the technological level that they were proud of!

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

When all the lords were still in a daze, Gustav's roar came from the communication channel.

His belief was science. When he found that the other party had powerful technology that he had not yet understood, he had already lost the courage to fight against him.

"Quickly abandon the Light Meteorite Summit Fortress, and escape as many as you can!"

Gustav's roar did not make most of the lords realize the seriousness of the situation.

In the eyes of most people, it was just the loss of the flagship of the Wanderer Fleet.

They still had so many starships blocking here, and the photon shield of the Light Meteorite Fortress.

The opponent might not be able to break their defense before the shells were used up.

However, the explosion of the Wanderer flagship was just the beginning.

More and more main guns of the warships of the assault fleet began to emit light.

At a time when many lords were still careless, the gift of death was delivered.

Boom boom boom——

In front of the Light Meteorite Fortress, countless intact starships with open shields exploded instantly, as if someone's children set off fireworks in the universe.

The communication channel was also in chaos at this moment.

"This is the Think Tank Fleet. The battleship No. D51 has lost contact, the battleship No. F77 has lost contact, all shields are intact, we are not damaged, what happened?"

"This is the Star Weaver Fleet, the flagship has lost contact, requesting to take over... Wait! How did that shell fly into the bridge? Ah!!!"


In the Fortress of the Peak of the Light Meteorite, Gustav collapsed on the ground as he watched the transponders of the main fleets lose contact.

"No, no, no!!!"

What did he do?

Because of his request for help, the two tribes didn't know how many living forces were buried here.

And this could have been avoided!

After hesitating for a while, Gustav opened his friend list and sent a message.

"I failed, we all failed."

After saying this, Gustav stayed where he was in despair, looking at the wreckage of the fleet floating outside the armor of the Fortress of the Peak of the Light Meteorite.

A few minutes ago, they were still intact.

But now...

Gradually, Gustav's consciousness began to become drowsy.

The universe fell into lightless darkness before his eyes, and the wreckage of the starships seemed to have turned into a huge spider web.

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