"So, you mean, you traded all your stuff for a human affairs officer?"

"And now you are controlled by your own security machine, and you can't even commit suicide?"


Although the scholar civilization and the Eldar are somewhat on the verge of a fight because of the Fiery Sun Cannon.

But after listening to Qu Laiton's explanation, many lords of the scholar civilization couldn't help laughing.

"Qu Laiton, why didn't I realize that you have a talent for telling magic stories before?"

"I have known you for decades, and I always thought you were a cold-blooded guy, but I didn't expect that I misunderstood you."

Obviously, no lord of the scholar civilization believed that an affairs officer exchanged all the materials, buildings and troops.

As a racial force based on science, the scholar civilization has its own set of logical judgments.

And the "story" that Qu Laiton said is not logical.

However, although many lords of the scholar civilization did not believe it, they still believed it.

Because they needed such a reason!

"Okay, Qu Laiton, the story is well-written, just don't forget it later."

"We will help you explain to the Eldar, just use the story you told."

"Well, you stay out of the limelight for a short time and don't irritate the Eldar anymore, this matter should be over."

After all, they are still their own people. The Scholar Civilization cannot hand over one of its own Sky-Bearing Fortresses to calm the anger of the Eldar.

Didn't the Eldar destroy a Sky-Bearing Fortress on their side?

Anyway, there is an old saying that it is a blessing to suffer a loss!

The Eldar will get used to it sooner or later if they suffer more losses.

Seeing that many lords misunderstood him, Qu Laiton felt like crying but had no tears.

He really didn't mean that.

However, if it can really be covered up like this, it would be a good thing.

As for irritating the Eldar again?

No, absolutely not.

He once fired a Fiery Sun Cannon at the Fortress of the Peak of the Meteorite.

Now Qin Sui has activated the backup energy of the Fiery Sun Cannon and handed the last firing opportunity to the Chongming Fortress of the Eldar.

That is to say, for a long time, the Twin Fortresses will no longer have cross-galaxy strike power.

"One more shot!"


Seeing Qin Sui excitedly start the Fiery Sun Cannon again.

Qu Laidun looked at the control panel in disbelief.

In the control panel, the Fiery Sun Cannon actually started to prepare for firing.

But how come even he, the builder of the Twin Fortresses, didn't know when the Fiery Sun Cannon of the Twin Fortresses could fire the third round in a row?

No, no, no!

Qu Laidun reacted instantly.

The last Fiery Sun Cannon had destroyed a sky-supporting fortress of the Eldar.

If the firing direction of the Fiery Sun Cannon had not changed.

The next shot should still be aimed at the Eldar!

At this moment, the Eldar communication channel was also arguing about this.

"Damn it, the scholar civilization and the others clearly did it on purpose!" An Eldar lord cursed angrily.

Qu Laiton's explanation to the many lords of the scholar civilization was naturally passed on to the Eldar by the scholar civilization.

However, he sold all his assets and was pinned to the ground by his own assets.

Who would believe such an outrageous lie!

"I believe it."

Suddenly, another Eldar lord said.

"You must understand that now is not the time to go to war with the scholar civilization."

"The scholar civilization chose to destroy one of our sky-high fortresses now, which can only prove that they are afraid of us."

"They are afraid that after cleaning up humans, they will not have the power to compete with us, so they will do what they are doing now."

"But they are losing their minds, but we cannot ignore the overall situation."

"Once we go to war with the scholar civilization now, then humans will surely rise up in the chaos, and all the efforts we made with the scholar civilization earlier will really be in vain."

"That makes sense."

Soon, many Eldar lords responded to this statement.

In fact, they still don't quite believe Qu Laiton's words, but for the sake of the overall situation, they have to believe it.

In the eyes of many Eldar, the scholar civilization is gambling.

Betting that they can weaken the fighting power of the Eldar and make the Eldar swallow this breath.

Fortunately, they bet right...


"What just happened?"

After hearing a violent noise in the communication channel, an Eldar lord immediately asked.

"It seems that something happened to the Arclight Fortress?"

Realizing that something was wrong, many Eldar lords hurriedly checked the communication channel.

Sure enough, all the Eldar lords in the Arclight Fortress had lost contact.

"It's the Fiery Sun Cannon!" A lord screamed.

"The Fiery Sun Cannon directly destroyed the galaxy where the Arclight Fortress is located!"

Hearing this, the faces of all the Eldar lords became extremely ugly.

The light spots under their faces expanded rapidly, as if they were trying their best to restrain their anger.

First Chongming, then Arclight.

Continuously destroyed two Eldar Sky Fortresses.

Now whoever believes that he didn't do it on purpose is a fool.

No matter how careless he is, can he accidentally destroy two Eldar Sky Fortresses in a row?

It's almost like being careless on purpose!

Including the Garden Fortress that fell earlier.

The Eldar lords in the communication channel were shocked to find that the Eldar had lost three Sky-Bearing Fortresses.

In other words, in this war game, the overall strength of the Eldar has been greatly weakened.

"If I remember correctly, the Sun Cannon seems to have fired three times in a row?" A lord said silently.

It was this sentence that made all the lords in the channel realize.

The threat of the scholar civilization seemed too high!

A strategic weapon like the Sun Cannon, even if the firing frequency is only increased once, is extremely terrifying.

And now that the opponent has fired three times in a row, it is no longer a matter of deterrence.

This makes their allies want to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"We underestimated our ally too much."

The lord who advocated swallowing his anger at the beginning stood up and said silently.

He actually took the overall situation into consideration.

But now, for the Eldar, getting rid of the scholar civilization is the best way to take the overall situation into consideration.

The scholar civilization cannot be allowed to continue to develop!

[The Eldar have declared war on the Scholar Civilization, reason for the declaration: Total War! ]

Listening to the prompts from the war game, Qu Leidun collapsed.

He could fully imagine what happened.

The new Sun Cannon was probably either hitting the Eldar territory or blowing up another Eldar Sky Fortress.

The continuous loss of Sky Fortresses will lead to an imbalance in the combat power between the Eldar and the Scholar Civilization.

Balance is the core element for an alliance to be maintained for a long time.

The fear brought by imbalance will break any unbreakable alliance.

What's more, the alliance between the Eldar and the Scholar Civilization is far from being unbreakable.

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