Lord of All People: Am I the only one in the Fallen Empire?

Chapter 467: The Lord is Too Easy to Trick

At this time, someone in the fleet flagship that was moving slowly on the screen also noticed that something seemed to be wrong.

"There should be no such star field in the star map."

"Do you think we should be more cautious?"

A creature with dark green skin reported to his lord.

However, what he received was a scolding from his lord.


"Slow down now, do you want to be caught up by those iron shells!"

As he spoke, the lord's eyes were full of fear.

He came from a gathering place of the Zeta clan.

Although the Zeta clan is not a top powerful race in this universe, it is not a small fish or shrimp that can be easily eaten.

But even so, it cannot change the fact that they are now on the run.

The problem came not long ago.

When the Zeta clan's reconnaissance fleet went out to explore, it found a base of a star-level civilization.

According to the speculation of the reconnaissance fleet, that base should have been established by the lords who had just joined this battlefield, and it had not yet developed to the stage of cosmic voyage.

Therefore, in order to obtain more shares of the final strategic construction, the Zeta clan launched an attack on this new civilization without hesitation.

But they didn't expect it at all.

Everything they saw was an illusion.

At the moment when the Zeta clan attacked, they were not facing a weak primitive civilization, but an endless fleet of intelligent machines.

The weak civilization in their eyes was just a scam from beginning to end.

The intelligent machines released the bait, and when the Zeta clan attacked, everything about them was exposed to the electronic eyes of the intelligent machines.

The huge gathering place of fifteen star fields was swallowed up by the nano torrent in an instant.

That was a force they could not resist at all!

Only the reconnaissance fleet that happened to be outside the gathering place barely escaped the attack of the intelligent machines.

But it was only temporary!

The intelligent machines that swallowed the gathering place had the coordinates of all their fleets.

They will be found one day!

The fear in the lord's eyes was still increasing.

He felt as if he had been running for countless days and nights, but he couldn't stop.

Because those intelligent machines would never get tired.

Only by escaping endlessly can he have a chance to survive.

Facing the intelligent machine, all he can do is to stay alive, nothing more.

Looking at the lord's terrifying expression.

The people under his command opened their mouths, but swallowed back what they were about to say.

He felt that something was wrong with the star field the fleet was entering.

But at this moment, he really couldn't provoke his lord anymore.

The picture returned to the space station.

From Gao Qiang's perspective, the fleet of the unknown force was still heading towards their territory.

They had already reached the middle of the star system.

Due to the restrictions of the Dark Ages, even if Gao Qiang could communicate with them at this moment, he would inevitably face the embarrassing situation of language barriers.

Of course, these are not Gao Qiang's most concerned things.

What he cares about most at the moment is that Yimeng's crying is really scary.

Gao Qiang has no idea how to coax a dream weaver lord.

However, just when Gao Qiang was anxious, Yimeng's crying became more and more wrong.

"Woo woo~Puff~"

Gao Qiang suddenly lowered his head and looked at Yi Meng suspiciously.

"Were you trying to hold back your laughter just now?"


Yi Meng raised her head and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

But the hideous smile on her lips could not be covered up.

Looking at Yi Meng's face with clear lines, Gao Qiang was stunned for a moment. Before this, he had never thought that he would use the word "clear lines" to describe a human face.

So should we say that they are worthy of being a mythical race that weaves dreams?

The upper and lower halves of the face can actually have two different expressions at the same time.

Seeing Gao Qiang stunned, Yi Meng stretched out her slender fingers and tapped the screen.

"This era is really scary, isn't it, Lord?"

"I'm afraid of them."

"But they are also afraid of me!"

When Yi Meng's voice fell, the picture displayed on the screen changed.

In the star system, the stars were connected by spider silk, and the planets also looked wrong.


In the fleet flagship, the Zeta leader stood up and looked at the scene in front of him with horror.

"No, no, no, no."

"That's not a planet, those things are not planets!"

In his eyes, there is no so-called planet. The planets in front of the fleet are clearly the compound eyes of a spider.

Oh my God, a single compound eye is the size of a planet.

How terrifying is the other party?

I'm afraid that even the Leviathan life that is rampant in the universe is only the size of a hair of the other party, right?

Has he just escaped from the clutches of the intelligent machine and broke into the cafeteria of other races?

Is it God's will to destroy the Zeta clan?

"Run, run!!!"

A heart-wrenching voice sounded in the flagship. At this moment, the Zeta leader was so scared that he couldn't raise any resistance at all.

But it was too late to say this now.

They drove into the center of the star system, which was simply putting themselves in the most conspicuous position on the dining table.

It's really stupid!

The spider silk threads began to gather together, and the space where the fleet was located gradually shrank and collapsed.

Then, including the fleet, the entire galaxy suddenly disappeared into the void.

It was as if this galaxy had never existed.

"Burp, full!"

Yimeng rubbed his bulging belly and burped slightly.

Then he glanced at Gao Qiang and laughed: "Why, did I scare you just now?"



At this time, the entire space station suddenly lit up.

Sasha's voice also sounded in the distance, "Why don't you turn on the lights in such a dark place?"

As Sasha's voice sounded, the space station seemed to have the smell of fireworks again.

Occasionally, there would be people passing by Gao Qiang.

At this time, Gao Qiang realized that in fact, everyone had always been by his side, but he just couldn't see them.

"Puff, hahaha~"

Yimeng suddenly laughed.

"You are too easy to tease."

He couldn't stand up from laughing, so Yimeng could only roll on the ground with his hands covering his belly.


Gao Qiang was about to say something when the reminder of the war game sounded again.

[Your subject: Yimeng, loyalty plus 5]

Looking at Yimeng's loyalty increased to 67 points, Gao Qiang held back what he was about to say.

After hitting a stick, he gave a sweet date.

Is this the method that subjects should use on their lords?


Yimeng's laughter was so twitching that he finally stopped laughing.

After wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Yimeng looked at Gao Qiang and explained himself.

"Isn't this just simulating the most terrifying creature in this universe so that you can be mentally prepared in advance?"

"So what you mean is that the most terrifying creature in this universe is actually a crybaby?" Gao Qiang asked unhappily.

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