Lord of All People: Am I the only one in the Fallen Empire?

Chapter 469 The most terrifying creature: Disaster

Gao Qiang retracted his gaze from the territory interface and turned his gaze back to Yi Meng.

He found that Yi Meng had stopped moving and was now staring at him.

That look was full of amusement.

Being stared at by Yi Meng, Gao Qiang couldn't help but suggest: "Why don't you tell me about the most terrifying creature in the universe."

Although he suspected that it was made up by Yi Meng just to scare him.

But to be on the safe side, Gao Qiang thought it would be better to learn more about it.

But he didn't expect that after asking this question, Yi Meng's eyes became more amusement.

"You are talking about disaster."

While speaking, Yi Meng pointed to Jiu Luo's position.

"Why don't you ask your good sisters? They know much more about disaster than I do."

At this time, Sasha, who was pulled away, finally got her head out from Jiu Luo's shoulder.

After hearing the name of disaster, she immediately responded.

"Is the Lord talking about Disaster Sister? I know that!"

"Disaster Sister should still be hiding in the room. Do you want me to lead the Lord to find her?"


Gao Qiang was stunned for a second. He couldn't figure out how the two words "disaster" and "sister" could be mixed together.

"Or, take me to see?" Gao Qiang couldn't help but say.

It was really his curiosity that was aroused by Sasha.

At the same time, he also wanted to see what kind of existence the Disaster, which was called the most terrifying creature in the Dark Age by Yimeng, would be.

"I really can't do anything about you."

Seeing that Sasha had completely forgotten the duel he had just proposed to Yimeng, Jiuluo also let go of Sasha's hand.

At the same time, he reached out and handed something to Gao Qiang.

"If the Lord wants to see Disaster, it's better to be mentally prepared."

Take the thing from Jiuluo's hand.

Gao Qiang looked down.

[Shockwave Noise-isolating Earphones (Special Item)]

[Effect: Customize the range of audible sounds, and all sounds outside the range will be invalidated. ]

After handing the earphones to Gao Qiang, Jiu Luo also put a pair on himself and Sha Sha.

Seeing this scene, Gao Qiang's curiosity grew.

What on earth is the disaster, and even Jiu Luo has to do this?

After fully armed, Jiu Luo led Gao Qiang and others to the corridor.

Through the corridor's automatic path-finding mechanism, they were quickly brought to a closed door in the space station.

[Ding Dong——]

Jiu Luo pressed the doorbell, but received no response.

"Is no one here?" Gao Qiang asked.

"No." Jiu Luo shook his head, "This is the room of the disaster, so it's normal now."

"But pressing the doorbell before entering the door should be a very common etiquette, right?"

As he said, Jiu Luo reached out to press the fingerprint lock next to the door.

[Authorization detected: Jiuluo, welcome]

With a sizzle, the door opened to both sides, revealing a dark interior environment.

This environment is no different from the dream that Yimeng had woven to tease Gao Qiang when Gao Qiang just entered the Dark Ages.

It was so dark that not a single ray of light could enter, just like the huge mouth of a strange monster, waiting for the arrival of prey.

"Let's go in~"

After notifying the existence in the room, Jiuluo took the lead and walked in.

"Wait for my chef sister."

Sasha also followed Jiuluo without any psychological pressure.

"Then what are you still doing here?"

Yimeng smiled and put his hand on Gao Qiang's shoulder, half-pushing Gao Qiang into the room.

After everyone entered the room, the door of the room squeaked and closed automatically.

At this moment, the last bit of light from the corridor disappeared completely.

The cold and strange atmosphere continued to spread in the room.


With a crisp sound, the whole room suddenly lit up.

At the same time, Sasha's complaints were heard: "I suspect that when our ancestors built this space station, they designed it completely with their feet."

"Why are the light switches in each room hidden so secretly?"

The lit room dispelled all the cold feelings.

Gao Qiang also saw the whole picture of this room.

Pink wallpaper, neatly arranged plush toys, and warm sofas and tables and chairs.

Whose room does Disaster live in?

"Hey~ Lord~"

At this time, Sasha was standing next to a plush toy that was bigger than a person, waving at Gao Qiang.

"Sister Disaster is here, Lord Lord, come and see!"

Hearing Sasha's call, Gao Qiang quickly came to Sasha and looked down.

As far as he could see, there was only a little Lolita in a cute Western dress, curled up behind the plush toy, with her face completely buried in her legs.

"She is Disaster?"

Gao Qiang pointed at the little Lolita who was not as tall as Sasha, with some disbelief in his tone.

Although the movements were correct, the person Yimeng imitated was indeed good.

But from the appearance, Gao Qiang felt that Yimeng's performance was more terrifying.

It was obviously the same movement, but the little loli in front of him did not have anything to do with horror.

It was a bit like the antonym of horror: cute!

"Yes, this is Disaster Sister."

Sasha squatted down and poked Disaster's arm with her hand.

"Disaster Sister, say hello to the Lord."

However, in response to Sasha, it was Disaster who trembled and burst into tears.

"Woo, woo, woo!"

"No, no, Sasha didn't mean it!"

Sasha stood up quickly and waved her hands in bewilderment.

Seeing this, Jiuluo covered his face helplessly and sighed.

He walked to the refrigerator in the room, took out a chewy pudding, and handed it to Disaster.

At the same time, he reached out and gently stroked Disaster's short hair.

"Good boy, there is pudding to eat~"


Disaster raised his head carefully and glanced at Jiuluo with eyes full of crystal tears.

"Cook sister?"

The next moment, Disaster threw himself directly on Jiuluo and cried even louder.

"Woo, woo, woo, Disaster is so scared."

Being thrown heavily by Disaster, the pudding in Jiuluo's hand also fell to the ground.

Sasha's eyes rolled, and she caught the pudding in a lightning speed, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

At the same time, she did not forget to find excuses for her behavior.

"Well, sister Disaster doesn't like to eat pudding, don't waste it."

Jiuluo could only glare at Sasha unhappily.

In other words, she still had to comfort Disaster, otherwise she must let Sasha know what love education is.

After a while, Jiuluo finally comforted the crying Disaster, and stood timidly in front of Gao Qiang, holding the corner of Gao Qiang's clothes with his hands.

At the same time, Gao Qiang also opened the interface of Disaster's subjects.


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