After being stunned by this sentence for half a second, Huade couldn't help but asked Shasha: "Can you repeat it again?"

Sasha tilted her head strangely.

"So, can I have a bite?"

Sure enough, his ancient machine language program was updated incorrectly!

Full of doubts, Hua De tried back and forth several times before he was finally convinced that his translation system was not wrong.

It turns out that there is something wrong with the human brain on the other side of the communication.

Forced calming emotion simulation system.

Huade looked at Sasha on the other side of the communication seriously.

"Besides this sentence, you should have something else to say to us, right?"

"Like, you're our compatriot or something."

He didn't quite believe it. Shasha contacted them at the risk of exposing her coordinates just to ask if they could give her a bite.

Come on, they are silicon-based life forms!

Even the Zerg, which claims to devour all things, most branch communities do not eat silicon-based life forms.

Before Shasha could respond to the other party.

Seeing that Shasha was really chatting with the omnic lord on the other side of the communication, Gao Qiang couldn't help but ask: "What are you talking about?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Shasha went over what Hua De said just now in her mind, "It seems that the other side wants to treat us to eat steamed buns or something."

"Invite us to eat steamed buns?"

After hearing Shasha's translation, everyone present had a question mark on their head.

Don't tell me, this omnic lord is quite friendly.

"Oh, lord, don't interrupt, let me talk to the other side again."

Shasha waved her hand to signal everyone not to disturb her, and then looked at Huade with serious eyes.

"You agreed to treat Shasha to some steamed buns, don't go back on your word!"

"What buns?"

Huade's logic module was almost shut down by Shasha again.

If there was no problem with his storage, the word he just used in the question was the word compatriot, not "baozi".

So is there really nothing wrong with his translation system?

After going back and forth, Huade once again had doubts about his software.

"Yeah, you just asked Shasha if she wanted to eat steamed buns." Shasha nodded matter-of-factly.

Finally realizing something was wrong, Huade's electronic prosthetic eye gradually turned red.

"So are you kidding me?"

"You dialed this communication just to ask if we have any buns?"

"Don't you think so?" Shasha instantly became alert and looked at Huade with suspicion.

"You can sell the iron bumps on your body for a lot of money, so you can't afford a bun, right?"

Hearing that Shasha was still comparing herself with Baozi, Huade finally fell into anger.

At this moment, Huade was finally sure that the man in front of him was simply playing a trick on him.

"That's enough, we don't need buns at all!"

After scolding Shasha sternly, Huade issued an ultimatum in a warning tone.

"If this is all you want to say, then there is no need for us to continue communicating!"

"Your words will be your last words, and your body will be its final contribution to the great Omnic."

"So, there really are no steamed buns?" Shasha looked like she was abandoned at first.

Even his mood became angry.

"You don't mean what you say. If Shasha can't see the buns, just wait for Shasha to remove your heads and make them into bread machines!"

Steamed buns, steamed buns, why are they still steamed buns? !

He was obviously talking about compatriots!

Huade was so angry that the CPU was a little overheated.

"That's enough, there's no need for us to talk any more!"

After angrily hanging up the communication with Shasha, Huade turned directly to look at the other lords in the main network.

"The other party is not our compatriot and is ready to strike!"

Except for Milan, who was still panicking, the other omnic lords nodded.

As the order was given.

In a dead star system, the nano torrent that frightens countless races is aimed at the coordinates of Gao Qiang.

Immediately afterwards, a silver-white torrent spurted out and cut through the sky.

The attack trajectory of the nano torrent was quickly discovered by surrounding civilizations.

"Yes, the ultimate strategy of the omnic clan?"

"Are those iron lumps carrying out ultimate strikes too frequently recently?"

"If I remember correctly, the last place that was destroyed by omnics should be the gathering place of the Zeta clan, right?"

Every lord who discovered it had his own little thoughts.

There is sympathy, silence, and more of schadenfreude.

After all, in the Dark Ages, except for the lords of the clan, everyone is an enemy, the kind of enemy who cannot communicate.

Omnics can help them clear out the enemies lurking in the dark, and it's not too late for them to be happy.

Of course, it would be better if the omnics didn't continue to gain strength as a result.

Despite this thought, no one dares to act rashly in the face of the terrifying omnic clan.

After all, omnics have destroyed too many lords over the years, and they have countless ultimate strategic weapons in their hands.

Even if they know that the omnics are getting stronger, they can only pray that the arrogance of the omnics will provoke enemies they should not provoke.

Yes, as long as they continue to hide, the omnics will one day be destroyed by their own hands.

Many lords believed so.

On the other side, in the command room of the space station, Gao Qiang watched Huade turn off the communication, and couldn't help but ask Shasha: "What on earth did the other side say?"

"Why do you look so unhappy?"

Sasha sobbed and wiped away the tears from her eyes with a forced smile.


"It was just that the other party said, Lord, you look like a bun, and then Sasha had a big quarrel with the other party."

"Then the other party didn't quarrel with Sasha, and threatened to kill all of us and make buns."

"Did the other party really say that?"

Gao Qiang looked at Sasha suspiciously.

"Yeah, really!" Sasha nodded fiercely.

The two tears that were finally held back were thrown away without a trace.

Gao Qiang was speechless for a moment. He couldn't imagine what the iron lumps of intelligent machines were doing by making buns.

Is this some strange code?

Or is it a unique threat method of silicon-based civilization to carbon-based civilization?

But at this moment, the alarm sounded suddenly.

[Alarm, alarm]

[Stellar strike force detected]

[Currently 10.2 light years, 10.1 light years away from our coordinates...]

What a fast speed!

When Gao Qiang thought about this, the star map automatically popped up in the center of the control room and began to track the moving image of the nano torrent in real time.

According to the current speed of the nano torrent.

In half an hour at most, the strike will sweep across the star field where Gao Qiang is.

"I'm going to be made into a bun."

After seeing this scene, the disaster in Gao Qiang's arms trembled slightly and bit his lips tightly.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back.

He cried out.

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