Among the lords who had such thoughts, one was a lord of gaseous civilization named Uta.

Countless gaseous clusters floating in the universe constituted a special settlement that belonged to their gaseous life forms.

At the same time, gaseous civilization was one of the few god-level civilizations in the Dark Ages, and was a powerful existence that touched the dimensional barrier.

And Uta had another unknown identity.

As a lord of gaseous civilization, he was also a member of a secret society.

The members of the secret society came from all corners of the universe, and almost every existence came from the most powerful god-level civilization.

But compared with the laws of the Dark Ages, they were more interested in the truth of the infinite battlefield and war games.

Although they did not speak the same language, the same will brought these members together.

However, such behavior was no different from betrayal in some god-level races.

"Could it be that the lords of other god-level civilizations did it?"

Uta thought suspiciously.

He did not think that the existence that could tamper with the technology tree was a simple character. Perhaps only a few old things in the god-level civilization could do such a thing.

But since the lords of all parties are strictly guarding their own abilities.

Even if Wuta suspects, he can't be sure who did it.

No, maybe there is someone who knows.

A figure came to Wuta's mind.

That existence is also a member of the secret society like him. Although they don't speak the same language, he has a way to communicate with each other.

Just go and ask him.

The idea flashed through Wuta's mind.

At the same time, under the feet of the "Saint", a group of milky white mist suddenly rose up and floated in front of Chen Yanshuo.


Seeing the mist floating over, the man following Chen Yanshuo was shocked and subconsciously wanted to sound the alarm.

"Yan Yu, stop!"

Chen Yanshuo suddenly spoke and interrupted the man's action.

He turned his old face to the place where the mist floated, and said aloud: "This is an old friend of mine."

Almost, I have known each other for a thousand years...

Chen Yanshuo silently calculated in his heart.

Seeing that the mist had come close, Chen Yanshuo squatted down and picked up a piece of dust on the ground.

Then he sprinkled it on the mist.

The scattered dust turned into special patterns.

Although Chen Yanshuo could not understand these patterns, he always believed.

The power of "holy" would perfectly convey his meaning to the old friend in front of him.

[Greetings, plans, progress, smooth...]

The patterns of dust were transformed into words in Wuta's consciousness.

For thousands of years, they have been communicating with the human in front of them in this way.

Wuta has long been accustomed to this form of communication.

He could understand that Chen Yanshuo was asking him whether his secret society plan was going well, and why he came to him this time.

Therefore, the mist controlled by Wuta also quickly changed its form and turned into patterns that humans could understand.

Yan Yu looked at the mist suddenly turning into patterns, and was stunned for a second.

Then he reacted, "Is this, hieroglyphics?"

But soon, he denied his idea.

"No, that's not right."

"These words seem to be very different from hieroglyphics."

"It's a greeting." Chen Yanshuo said suddenly.

Extending his old arm, Chen Yanshuo pointed to a pattern that looked like a slightly open mouth.

"My old friend is sending us greetings."

"As for other aspects..."

Chen Yanshuo frowned deeply while analyzing Wuta's meaning.

[Veto, loop, infinity, prophecy...]

These words didn't make sense to Chen Yanshuo. This was the first time he couldn't directly understand what his old friend meant.

What do loop and infinity mean?

Is it related to peeping into the secrets of the infinite battlefield?

With doubts in his heart, Chen Yanshuo understood the meaning of the next word.

Prophecy, this old friend of his should need his own prophecy.

This situation hasn't happened for a long time.

The last time other lords in the secret society needed their own prophecies, it seemed to be hundreds of years ago.

This time, I need to make my own prophecy. Could it be that the time has come?

Think about it, after hiding for so long in the dark age, the lords of the god-level civilization should have almost lit up all the technology trees.

"Are we one step closer to the truth?" Chen Yanshuo said silently.

In fact, most of the members of the secret society have already been promoted to the ninth level and are qualified to go to the infinite battlefield.

And they are reluctant to leave this dark age, of course, not without a plan.

Walking away from Wuta, Chen Yanshuo once again put his hand on the toes of the "saint" and slowly closed his eyes.

After a long time, Chen Yanshuo suddenly opened his eyes and gave Wuta a word.



After receiving Chen Yanshuo's prophecy, Wuta left him.

But after regaining consciousness, Wuta was a little puzzled.

Because the question he asked Chen Yanshuo was that the technology tree suddenly faced an infinite loop, and he wanted Chen Yanshuo to help find the culprit through the prophecy.

As a result, the prophecy gave a seemingly inexplicable content.

What does upgrading mean? Is it to upgrade this war world?

Well, if you want to guess this way, it's not impossible.

It’s just that Wuta couldn’t imagine what the upgrade of the war world had to do with breaking the endless cycle of the technology tree.

Perhaps this is the charm of prophecy.

Since the direction of progress has been known through the prophecy, Wuta immediately began to contact other members of the secret society.

Because the language and even thinking patterns are not interoperable, this will be a very difficult challenge.

Fortunately, Wuta’s ability to express is still good, and he finally handed the prophecy of breaking the infinite cycle of technology to every member.

[Upgrade! ]

Let this world upgrade!

Wuta has no doubt whether he and other colleagues in the secret society have the ability to upgrade the world.

It’s just a pity that someone has to pay the price for the upgrade of the world.

[The current battle situation has triggered a special event: Broken Dimension]

The prompt of the war game appears in front of every lord in the Dark Age.

Among them, Gao Qiang is naturally included.

Gao Qiang is eating the food made by Jiu Luo at this moment.

Because of coming to the eighth-level battlefield, Jiu Luo’s range of ingredients seems to be wider.

The food Gao Qiang is eating now is basically made from creatures that Gao Qiang can't name.

[Because you took: Crystal Feast, Tentacles of the Golden King Worm, Fresh Skull Juice...]

[Your Hedonist Talent has been satisfied]

[In this war, your people's war-weariness -10%, cruelty +20%, happiness +10%...]

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