"Although I also want you to save me." Yimeng said.

"But what can I do?"

"You are just a human, a weak human."

"Without the protection of those people around you, you should have been eaten by me in the last game."

Yimeng looked very hard when she spoke, but facing the slowly extending tentacles, she still tried her best to say everything.

"I didn't lose to the Krista people, let alone some mythical life form."

"From the beginning to the end, I lost to you, and lost to those people's unlimited protection for you."

"I lost a long time ago, didn't I?"

"What's the difference between saving and not saving!"

After shouting the last sentence hysterically, Yimeng suddenly stood up and stuffed the disaster into Gao Qiang's arms.

Then she pushed Gao Qiang away and faced the arrival of chaos alone.

The despair in her eyes was finally about to condense into substance.

She knew what her weakness was. Even in the woven dream, she could not fight against the chaotic entity created by the Krista people.

This is the biggest weakness of the Weavers.

When you are fearless, the existence that needs to be feared becomes the Weavers themselves.

And Chaos, as a dimension created by the Krista people and a war weapon, obviously will not be afraid.

Yimeng knew that she would lose, and she also knew who could save her.

But the people who could save her had already left.

Watching the tentacles getting closer and closer, Yimeng almost completely gave up resistance and let despair envelope herself.

It was her mistake to provoke the Krista people.

But it doesn't matter.

After all, she had already lost. The moment she was caught in the insect net by Gao Qiang, she had already lost.


Gao Qiang suddenly shouted angrily.

"Everyone only protects me, what's the matter!"

The scenes of the past flashed in Gao Qiang's mind, and Gao Qiang also recalled a power that he had forgotten for a long time.

That power that did not belong to him.

[Kabbalah Source V·Severity]

When the black ball was still there, he could summon roots to protect himself.

But the appearance of the root vine has nothing to do with the black ball. The root vine's source of power comes from the Anti-Kabbalah Tree of Life.

Gao Qiang once saw Him in his dream.

His body supported the world, but it only brought corruption and destruction.

At that time, Gao Qiang almost became a part of the tree, and it was the black ball who helped him to successfully save Gao Qiang.

But now, Gao Qiang wants to embrace His power.

It was also in a dream at that time, and it is also in a dream now.

Since it is all in a dream, why can't he become stronger occasionally?

"Lord, your body."

Jiu Luo's shocked voice came from behind Gao Qiang.

Gao Qiang looked down and saw that just when he had the idea of ​​embracing the Anti-Kabbalah Tree of Life, his body actually began to wrinkle.

His vitality was fading, but his thinking did not stop.

Gao Qiang slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw his dry body.

So what is he now?

Gao Qiang's consciousness moved and saw his current appearance.

A tree man made of scarlet roots, some of whose branches were connected to the blood vessels of his original body.

He successfully embraced the Anti-Kabbalah Tree of Life, and obtained the power of roots and corruption without going through the black ball.

He just had this thought, but he actually succeeded?

Gao Qiang was a little unbelievable.

Even in a dream, this is too easy, isn't it?

After all, it's just a thought.

Or is it that the Anti-Source V·Cruelness has never left him?

Of course, now is not the time to entangle these.

Gao Qiang stretched out his withered fingers and pointed at the dream that was about to be caught by the tentacles.

"Protect her."

Countless scarlet blood-red roots grew out from all directions, surrounded the dream, and directly wrapped the dream into a sphere.

The tentacles tried to push the roots away, but the roots were like stubborn stones, motionless.

The roots even grew sharp thorns with a broken breath, trying to resist the tentacles.

The tentacles paused for a moment and began to shrink backwards.

And every time the tentacles shrank an inch, the scarlet roots would erode forward an inch.

Until the tentacles stopped retreating, the two had formed a two-legged situation in the control room.

One side was shrouded in the breath of scarlet and corruption, and the other side was the breath of chaos and destruction.

The two confronted each other, and the situation was deadlocked in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Gao Qiang was delighted.

It seems that he guessed right.

How terrifying the picture he saw in the dream was.

The Anti-Kabbalah Tree of Life almost swallowed up half of the planet, and all life fell into corruption under its erosion.

Such an existence, even if it is not a mythical creature, its actual combat power will not be much worse.

But suddenly, the voice of Yimeng came from the sphere wrapped in the roots.

"His target is only me."

"Do you think you can save me alone with the power of dreams?"

"Do you know how stupid you are doing!"

As the voice fell, the tentacles changed again.

There was no new communication this time.

It seemed that the strong resistance and the corrupt smell of the roots had completely angered the chaos in front of him.

The tentacles threw Sasha, who was biting on the body, away.

Then it split into eight petals from the middle, forming a ferocious mouth.

His speed was more than ten times faster than the previous slow state.

Almost in an instant, he attacked the root vine.

The scarlet root vine tried to resist, but was bitten to pieces the moment of contact, and began to fall off in large sections.

Gao Qiang did not really become a tree after all.

Therefore, the corrupt power of these root vines is far from reaching the limit they can reach.

Resisting chaos is still too difficult.

And the offensive of chaos is still intensifying. As the tentacles bite frantically, chaotic entities gradually begin to form.

Those chaotic entities rushed into the control room and began to attack the root vines with all their might.

The root vines also generated guards to resist, but even the root vine units carrying automatic weapons can only struggle to support under the attack of chaotic entities.

On the other hand, after the tentacles broke through the outer defense of the root vines.

They did not focus on the hard-to-chew shell that wrapped the dream.

Instead, he turned his attack directly to Gao Qiang, the culprit.

His wisdom fully understood that as long as Gao Qiang was killed, the roots and corruption would definitely fade away.

Gao Qiang wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't move at all at this moment.

Because of the power of the tree, Gao Qiang temporarily possessed the characteristics of the tree at this moment.

His roots were like fixed dead, firmly rooted in the ground.

And because his body was completely withered, it was completely unable to dodge the attacks of chaos.

In the sphere wrapped by the roots and vines.

Yi Meng sighed slowly, and the despair in his eyes did not diminish.

"You can't save anyone, you can't even save yourself."

Seeing that Gao Qiang was about to be hit.

The disaster next to Gao Qiang pursed his lips, unable to hold back his emotions.

He burst into tears with a wow sound.

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