She looked less than 1.5 meters tall and was wearing a long patterned skirt.

For some reason, the water in the river in front of her seemed very calm, with no ebb and flow.

Therefore, even though she was sitting on a rock by the water, her clothes were not stained by the water droplets at all.

The girl was holding a fishing rod in her hand.

Because her height did not match the size of the fishing rod, she looked inexplicably cute.

Suddenly, the girl pulled the fishing rod with her hand, and a column of water appeared from the river.

"Wow, did you catch a big fish?" Sasha asked subconsciously.

However, a few seconds later, seeing the creature thrown to the shore, Sasha shook her head in disappointment.

It turned out to be an inedible human.

Gao Qiang looked over.

The person who was caught was dressed quite uniquely.

She was wearing a snow-white robe soaked in water, and a hairpin embroidered with patterns on her head. Even if it was soaked in the river water, it never fell off her head.

It's not that because of the river water, the closed-eyed woman has a bit more beauty.

Obviously, Sasha didn't have the artistic cells to appreciate this beauty, and stepped directly over the unconscious woman.


Feeling the pressure on her stomach, the unconscious woman sprayed out a tiny stream of water.

At the same time, Gao Qiang also checked the panel of the unconscious woman.

It can't be checked, it seems that she is not a subject of the Fallen Empire.

However, just when Gao Qiang was distracted for a few seconds, Sasha rushed forward and hugged the fishing girl's thigh.

"Sister Wangchuan, I beg you for a favor?"

Hearing the word Wangchuan, Gao Qiang suddenly became alert.

If he remembered correctly, the defense measure he wanted to see this time was Wangchuan River.

But the strange thing is that Gao Qiang can even see the panel of [Data Delete].

Facing the little girl in front of him, who was called Wangchuan by Sasha, Gao Qiang couldn't see the attribute panel.

I don't know if it's because she is not considered as Gao Qiang's subject, or there are other reasons.

At this time, Sasha was still shaking the other's thigh.

"Good sister, good sister~"

"Help me cross the river, I'll catch a chicken and share it with you~"

Wangchuan just lowered his head with empty eyes and glanced at Sasha.

Then he ignored Sasha, turned his eyes away and looked at the woman who had just caught the fish.

He looked at the woman, and then at the fishing rod in his hand.

Wangchuan suddenly picked up the fishing rod and threw it into the river.

Before Gao Qiang could think about why.

The river suddenly began to surge, and there was a sound of bang, as if the fishing rod hit something hard.

Then Wangchuan looked at the center of the river with empty eyes again.

The thick fog on the river dissipated little by little, and a fleet of rafts was almost arriving before he knew it.

[Your defense facilities: Wangchuan River, hostile targets have been found, and you are being warned. ]

Gao Qiang suddenly received a prompt from the war game.

But this prompt came a little too late.

The fleet has arrived and is about to approach the shore.

According to the information given by the saint, among the many chaotic believers of gods in the west.

When believers of different gods meet, in most cases, there is only one way to fight to the death.

Even from the barbarians dressed in strange clothes on the fleet, Gao Qiang can't see the appearance of the war game lord at all.

Seeing the appearance of this fleet, Shasha let go of Wangchuan's legs, stood up and stuck in front of Gao Qiang, looking like she wanted to protect Gao Qiang.

Shasha's actions were naturally seen by the guys dressed as barbarians on the fleet.

Then Gao Qiang heard the sound of laughter coming from the river bank.

"Jili Gulu, Waibi Babu..."

Although it looks like a human, it is completely incomprehensible what era the other party is speaking.

Gao Qiang finally confirmed that the barbarians on these dozens of rafts are really the kind of barbarians he thought.

They have nothing to do with the lord of the war game.

At this moment, Sasha took two steps back, leaned close to Gao Qiang's ear, and whispered: "Lord, they are scolding you."

After listening to a few more words, Sasha continued: "They said that Lord, you are delicate and tender, not as good as their women."

"Oh, now they are talking about why Wangchuan is so short, like a bean sprout."

It can be seen with the naked eye that Wangchuan, whose eyes are still empty, has two more blushes on her face.

"Well, they said that I dare to protect my man in front of them, so I am a man."

"Stop, stop, stop, I know you understand, no need to translate anymore."

Gao Qiang interrupted Sasha to continue translating what the savage said.


Sasha turned her head and showed a puzzled expression.

"But they are negotiating with us."


Gao Qiang became interested, "What do those savages want to negotiate?"

Sasha turned her head and shouted a few words in a language that Gao Qiang couldn't understand. After hearing the other party's response of wanton laughter, she turned around and explained.

"They said that the woman caught by Wangchuan sister is the saint of the snow god, and also the sacrifice they want to offer to the hunting god."

"If we don't meddle in other people's business, they swear in the name of the hunting god."

"They can hunt us a few days later..."


Gao Qiang looked at the shirtless barbarian on the raft.

Is this the first time someone said they wanted to hunt him?

In the Stone Age, such a barbaric period, Gao Qiang had never heard anyone dare to say the word "hunt" in his territory.

How could this mythological era be more barbaric than the Stone Age?

But since she said the words "Snow Goddess", Shasha seemed to have thought of something.

She trotted all the way from Gao Qiang to the unconscious woman.

Shasha took out a water bag from her arms and put it on the unconscious woman's skin.

After a series of operations that even the barbarians could not understand, Shasha suddenly took a sip of the water bag.

"It's cold!"

Gao Qiang looked at Shasha's excited expression, as if she had found a new refrigerator.

At this time, Shasha threw aside her attitude of protecting Gao Qiang.

Hugging Wangchuan's thigh again, Shasha pointed to the raft on the river.

"Sister Wangchuan, kill them all, okay~"

"Good sister~"

Wangchuan did not respond, but looked at Gao Qiang with empty eyes.

"Kill them all?" Gao Qiang said tentatively.

For some reason, Wangchuan's empty eyes looked exactly the same to Gao Qiang as the eyes of [Data Deleted] in the shrine.

[You have changed the defensive building: Wangchuan River to attack mode]

[The Wangchuan River will no longer allow living things to cross]

[Due to the influence of the old family, before you or |Data Deleted| die, the Wangchuan River will be permanently upgraded to a miracle building (fake). ]

And just as Gao Qiang finished this sentence.

A thick fog suddenly rose on the river.

And Wangchuan sang a strange poem.

"By the Wangchuan River, laugh at the Wangchuan River, if you are destined to cross the Wangchuan River, if you are not destined to cross the Wangchuan River, the years will be cut off..."

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