In the technology of military factories.

By accumulating 1,000 of the same intermediate technology, you can upgrade the corresponding technology to an intermediate technology.

By accumulating 100 of the same advanced technology, you can upgrade the corresponding technology to an advanced technology.

Among them, the primary level corresponds to the white level, which is the initial technology and the most expensive.

The intermediate level corresponds to the green level, and each 1 technology costs 10W lord points.

Advanced corresponds to the blue level, and each skill costs 100W lord points.

For purple and blue level drawings, it is an even rarer thing, and every 1 technology is made for 1000W lord points, or even more than 100 million lord points.

The specific price depends on the popularity of the product and various attributes.

To complete the progression from low to high, it takes a lot of money.

And the benefits of a full-fledged military factory to the manufacture of the territory are also priceless.

This is a long-term benefit.

Firearms are popular technologies.

Su Wen found that the primary technology was fried very high, and an ordinary bolt-operated magic 98K was actually fried to 10 million.

The better Barrett Sniper Magic Rifle's primary technique requires 10 billion lord points.

Among them, there are also BZ95 Magic Assault Rifle, HK416 Magic 29 Assault Rifle, AK, Vulcan Cannon, etc., all the weapons in the Blue Star Modern Armory have been crafted into the technology of the military factory, and equipped with magic runes as blessings.

Among the many firearms.

There are very few firearms dedicated to the Flower Elves.

There are only four or five models.

And it's all assault rifle type.

Su Wen looked at the inscription bullet technology again.

Because the bullet only needs to look at the caliber, and not at the firearm itself and the profession.

So, it has the most variety.

It is divided into burst bullets, ice bullets, flame bullets, acceleration bullets, armor-piercing bullets, homing bullets, poison bullets, split bullets, concentrated explosion bullets, nail fragmentation bullets, delay bullets, stun bombs, flash bombs, illusion bullets, and so on.

There are more than 100 species in total.

Each type of bullet is divided into thousands according to the caliber.

Some can already be called cannons.

In order to choose a bullet, you must first select a firearm.

At last.

Su Wen chose a Flower Elf exclusive assault rifle technology called Flower Posture 1.

It is an improved version of the Bluestar MK12 assault rifle.

A pistol called the Magic Eagle was also chosen.

This pistol is also based on the Desert Eagle.

After choosing two firearm technologies.

Su Wen continued to choose: primary frozen bullets, primary flame bullets, primary homing bullets, primary poison bullets, primary concentrated explosion bombs, primary split bombs, and primary stun bullets.

These two guns, as well as the seven bullet techniques, cost Su Wen a total of 1.5 billion and 3 million lord points.

The reason why he bought these techniques at the auction house.

The main reason is that this auction house is run by Tiandao.

After each product is put on the shelves, it has been tested and inspected by Tiandao.

Quality and safety are guaranteed.

There is also such technology in the bazaar, which may be better and cheaper than that of Blue Star.

But Su Wen didn't dare to use it.

I'm afraid this thing has a back door.

After all, he had just offended a god emperor because of Akuya's affairs.

If anyone wants to do something wrong with this.

It's so easy!

To be on the safe side.

It's still safe.

Only then did Su Wen begin to upgrade the military factory.

[Do you want to increase the stats of the military factory?]


Su Wen said excitedly.


A dazzling flash of light flashed.

The Arsenal has advanced to Tier 12 (MAX).

All guns and bullets have changed from beginner to advanced.

[Do you want to increase the limit of the military factory?1000 attribute points!]

The prompt of the Heavenly Dao came again.

Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.

That's it.

After he used the Arsenal 12 times in a row to break the limit amplification.

The hints of the Heavenly Dao have changed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Do you want to increase the limit of the military factory?Consume 10,000 attribute points!]

Look at the Heavenly Dao prompts.

Su Wen hesitated.

Follow his leveling experience.

For every 4 levels of the arsenal, weapons and bullets will be upgraded by one level.

The current weapons and bullets are Yellow Tier.

Next up is the god level!

This requires him to spend 40,000 stat points to complete this metamorphosis.

Do you want to spend it?


Su Wen gritted his teeth and said.

Equip soldiers with standard artifacts.

Isn't it just to kill the enemy faster and faster?

This money cannot be saved.

Immediately. []

He chose yes.


The military factory was upgraded again.

That's it.

After four consecutive promotions.

Weapons and bullets have become a first-class god rank.

This made Su Wen laugh: "Good! good!"

Now these weapons are sold or used for their own use.

are enough to be used for a long time.

He looked at his stats panel.

This time to upgrade the arsenal, he spent a total of 52,000 attribute points.

At the moment, there are 41095 free attribute points left.

He looked at the munitions factory.

[Construction: Arsenal]

【Race: Flower Elves】

[Grade: 28]

【Main Items:Inscription Bullet】

[Auxiliary Projects: Firearms]

[Number of workers: 0/200]

[Number of Inscriptionists: 0/50]

[Number of craftsmen: 0/10]

[Storage: Primary Musket*1, Primary Burst Inscription Bullet*1]

[Manufacturing Technology: 1st Rank Divine Musket, 1st Rank Divine Rank Demon Eagle, 1st Rank Divine Rank Flower Posture 1st Generation Assault Rifle, 1st Rank Divine Rank Burst Inscription Bullet, 1st Rank Divine Rank Frozen Bullet, 1st Rank Divine Flame Bullet, 1st Rank Divine Trace Bullet, 1st Rank Divine Poison Bomb, 1st Rank Divine Concentration Bomb, 1st Rank Divine Split Bullet, 1st Rank Divine Stun Bomb]

[1st Rank Musket: Range 2000 meters, Attack Power 1000, 500 rounds per minute, Magazine: 1000 rounds, Accuracy +1000, 20x Critical Hit, Armor Piercing +1500, Movement Speed +500; Grade: 1st Rank God Rank, Type: Short-handled Pistol]

[1 Rank God Rank Demon Eagle: Range 2500 meters, Attack Power 2000, 1000 rounds per minute, Magazine: 30000, Accuracy +2000, 50 times Critical Hit, Armor Piercing +2000, Movement Speed +2000; Grade: 1 Rank God Rank, Type: Automatic Pistol]

[1st Rank God Rank Flower Pose 1st Generation: Range 5000 meters, Attack Power 1500, 15000237 rounds per minute, Magazine: 10W, Accuracy +3000, 50x Critical Hit, Armor Piercing +2500, Movement Speed +3000; Grade: 1 Rank God Rank, Type: Assault Rifle]

[First Rank Divine Rank Burst Inscription Bullet: Bursts after hitting the target, with an attack power of 00 and a coverage area of 00 meters. 】

[First Rank Divine Rank Ice Inscription Bullet: Deals 500 points of ice elemental damage per second to the target and freezes the target for 100 seconds.] 】

[First Rank Flame Inscription Bullet: Deals 500 ignition elemental damage per second to the target, lasting 100 seconds. 】

[Yipinshen-rank Tracking Inscription Bullet: Track and shoot the target until it hits the target!Attack +300]

[First Rank Divine Rank Poison Inscription Bullet: Deals 500 Poison Elemental Damage per second to the target for 100 seconds. 】

[First Rank Divine Rank Concentrated Explosion Inscription Bullet: Deals area damage to the target, attack +500, covers 1000 meters, and deals 100 ignition elemental damage per second to the target for 100 seconds. 】

[Yipinshen-rank split inscription bullet: Split into 10,000 small warheads, and carry out a split-type strike on an area with a range of 1,000 meters, and the attack power of each warhead is +500.] 】

[First Rank Divine Stun Inscription Bullet: Inflicts concussion damage to the target, causing the target to lose 100 seconds, stun for 10 seconds, and attack +500. 】

[Technical related: Barracks]

[Electricity-related: None]

[Please establish the power connection as soon as possible, arrange for workers to enter the venue, and solve the relevant material problems......]

"Huh? This ...... The stats of guns and bullets are too strong, right?"

Su Wen's eyes lit up when he saw this.

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