[Congratulations on successfully completing the team crusade mission!]

[Evaluation: SSSSS-level berserk firepower!]

[Group reward per person: 500 attribute points, 100W lord points.] 】

Su Wen looked at the reward of the Heavenly Dao, and his eyes moved slightly.

He looked at his panel again.

The lord points became 14 2980W.

Stats are now 72,700.

"2000 Giant Bull Demon?"

Su Wen sighed.

That's a good return.

Up to 500 million lord points.

"Do you want to give all this money to your subordinates?"

Su Wen groaned.

"Oh! I've got 500 more free attribute points!"

"Me too!"

"What's going on?"


The warriors of the King's Guard let out a soft shout.

Qi Na hurriedly took a look and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

She looked at Su Wen and said excitedly, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Heavenly Dao has also rewarded us!"

"Well, this is a team dungeon, and Tiandao gives every warrior who participates in the battle 500 free attribute points, plus 100W lord points!"

Su Wen nodded, and said sincerely to Qi Na and the others.

Followed by.

He said solemnly: "The points reward Heavenly Dao is directly transferred to my 29 account, and I will transfer it to Qi Na later, and she will transfer it to you!"


As soon as these words came out.

The people of the King's Guard knelt on the ground under the leadership of Qi Na.

"What are you doing here?"

Su Wen asked puzzled.

"Please leave the lord points rewarded by the Heavenly Dao with Your Majesty!"

"We have been protected a lot by His Majesty, and we have been asking for it, but we have not helped!"

"How dare you be so rich!"

"Please take back your order!"

Qi Na and everyone said in unison.

This moment.

It's as if they have a soul in their hearts.

The request was uttered in unison.

Su Wen's heart shook after seeing it.

A wonderful feeling welled up in my heart.

This is my army!

Good! Good!


Su Wen was also not polite, waved his big hand, turned to face the plain in front of him: "Everyone go down with me to pack up the loot!"


The warriors stood up.

They spread their wings and followed behind Su Wen.


Su Wen came to the huge door.

[Do you want to enter the treasury of the fallen angel Tyrell?]

[Note!This treasure trove can only be accessed by the lord!]

Heavenly Dao prompts appeared in front of him.

Su Wen's pupils shrank: "And?"

He suddenly thought of Heavenly Dao's mission.

"The mission is to complete the exploration of the Rift!"

"Instead of crusading against the Giant Demon!"

"So you have to go in here!"

"O fallen angels!"


Su Wen muttered in a solemn low voice.

He turned his head to look at Qi Na and the others.

This time.

The Nine Rank Divine Rank Cicada Prophet brought his perception very mysteriously.

It's as if there's a special danger inside.

After these several tests.

He has a special faith in the perception of cicada prophets.

immediately turned around and walked back into the crowd of Qi Na and the others.

About ten minutes later.

Qi Na and the others have already completed the collection of loot.

These combat items are all the bones and beast crystals of the Giant Bull Demon.

Bones can be used to craft weapons and make potions.

Beast crystals can be refined through arcane techniques.

Craft special equipment weapons.

Some skills also require Beast Crystals to use.

"You guys get out first!"

Su Wen solemnly commanded Qi Na and the others.

Qi Na was stunned: "What about you?"

"I still have a mission!"

Su Wen said solemnly.

Qi Na looked at the door, and then knelt on one knee: "Your Majesty, please let us die for you!"

"Your Majesty, please let us die for you!"

The warriors also got down on one knee and pleaded for their lives.


Su Wen laughed: "It's a long time coming! There are many opportunities! But I can only enter this place by myself!"

Qi Na stood up boldly.

She walked straight to the door.


She was pushed back by a wave of energy.

Qi Na's face changed suddenly, and she knelt directly on the ground: "Your Majesty, please cure Qi Na for the crime of exceeding the rules just now!"

Su Wen nodded: "Punish you with a three-month bonus!"

"Now follow my orders, the whole army will exit the rift and wait for me outside!"


Qi Na left the rift with the King's Guard.

Su Wen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

He left a drop of blood outside.

Then he turned and walked inside the door.

[Do you want to enter the treasury of the fallen angel Tyrell?]

[Note!This treasure trove can only be accessed by the lord!]


Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.

The next second.

He came to a dark treasury.

Raise your eyes.

Su Wen was stunned.

What caught his eye was a mountain of gold coins.

Gold coins are also mixed with a variety of gemstones.

[Please be careful!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[The fallen angels who sleep are sleeping in the treasury!]

[You can only take one inconspicuous item!]

[Please leave immediately after inspecting the treasure house!]

The hint of the Heavenly Dao quietly appeared.

Su Wen's eyes jumped.

"The sleeping place of the fallen angel Tyrell!"

He turned his head to look around.

It was found that next to the gold mountain was a pile of dry bones.

This pile of bones is like a hundred-meter-high mountain.

Inside, you can clearly see many bones that radiate with sparkling brilliance.

"That's the bones of a god?"

Su Wen's eyes couldn't help but widen.

He saw a jade-like skeleton at the top of the Bone Mountain.

The skeleton is inscribed with divine inscriptions.

That's the kind of writing that only God understands. []

Each word represents the principle of heaven and earth.

And only the bones of God do.

If he gets this skeleton.

After going out, you can immediately exchange it for 1 lord point.

This is no less than the value of a kingdom of God!

This corpse may contain some secrets of the god's godhood.

The value is limitless.

"Let's see!"

Su Wen swallowed.

He cautiously walked forward.

Bypass the gold mountain.

Walk past the side of the Mountain of Bones.

Su Wen saw.

Then there are neatly arranged weapon racks.

There are ten weapons on each weapon rack.

At a glance.

There were 20,000 weapon racks in this room.

"Artifact! Every handle is an artifact!"

Su Wen muttered softly.

He continued to walk forward.


He walked through the first stone chamber.

came to the second room.

There are a lot of books in it.

Countless books are protected on the shelves by the formation.

Su Wen didn't dare to touch it.

Fear of disturbing the sleeping fallen angel Tyrell.

A dangerous place where even the Heavenly Dao has issued warnings.

Obviously not something he could handle.

He walked through the study.

I came to the back room. 050 This is a bedroom.

In the middle of the bedroom is a coffin.

Above the coffin.

There is a treasure box.

On the chest is a bloodstained spherical gem.

Next to it is a horseshoe-shaped metal fabric.

"Tyrell sleeping in a coffin?"

Su Wen muttered softly.

He cautiously walked around the coffin.

Then I went to the back of the bed to check.

He found a large broken hole in the back of the bed.

There was a cold breath coming from the big cave.

A whirlpool is spinning in it.


When Su Wen touched the whirlpool.

An invisible force blocked his hand's contact with the whirlpool.

[You have completed the exploration task, and after leaving the dungeon, you will settle and evaluate!]

Look at the hints of the Heavenly Dao.

Su Wen stopped.

He sat down on Tyrell's bed and gently stroked the bed made of sacred wood, "What a luxury......! If I'm fast enough, can I get everything here?"

Let's be honest.

He was particularly greedy.

The moment he had this thought.

The message brought to him by the Nine Rank Divine Rank Skill Cicada Prophet was certain death.

Su Wen, who has a chance to resurrect 4 times a day, doesn't want to give up this opportunity.

He probably only has this once in his life to get in.

Not getting enough of it.

He was reluctant to leave!

"Let's take a look at the formation in the study first!"

Su Wen stood up and walked outside cautiously.

Through this circle of exploration.

He found that as long as he didn't mess around and make noise, nothing would happen.


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