"Baga! Su Wen, you ...... You...... You're the butcher!"

"Heinous heinous!

"I demand that Su Wen be executed in public!

"He committed crimes against humanity!"

"We can't let this kind of villain do whatever he wants just because he entered the Heavenly Dao Overlord Academy! Kill him! We must kill him!"


Representatives of Sakura, Sticks and other countries stood up and shouted loudly.

Hawk-chan looked at the situation in front of him with a smile.

Suddenly felt.

Sakura Fuso is good for the country to extinguish.

This time!

The Dragon Kingdom can be regarded as committing the people's outrage!

Look at how you still protect Su Wen's baby bump!

Zhong Jianwen looked at the hot scene with a cold eye.

He smiled at Su Wen.

As if telling Su Wen.

Don't care about this garbage!


"Su Wen, what do you have to say?"

Hawk-chan knocked on the table and said with a smile.

Su Wen sneered: "Kill me? You are not qualified enough! Let's put it this way! In my eyes, everyone here is rubbish!"

As soon as these words came out.

The scene was suddenly scolded.

Su Wen plucked his ears.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the representatives of the countries that had just scolded the most.

He looked at Eagle Sauce again.

The corners of his mouth hooked up a wicked smile: "I remember you!"

"What do you mean?"

The representative of Eagle Sauce felt provoked and asked with a pair of bull's eyes.

Su Wen laughed: "If you have to be my enemy, I don't mind going to your territory!"

"When the time comes, the corpses will be everywhere, the city will be destroyed, and the country will be destroyed, if you beg for mercy again...... It's night!"

"Don't say 457 either!"

After all that's said.

He sat down slowly.

This made the representatives of some countries who were clamoring just now shrink their necks in shock.

They shuddered.

looked at Zhong Jianwen cautiously.

I saw Zhong Jianwen's relaxed look.

Suddenly there was a chill in my heart for no reason.

And Su Wen's arrogant appearance.

Zhong Jianwen, who was watching, nodded slightly, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.



That's how it should be.



After Su Wen's words were finished.

Some of the timid and scared representatives suddenly shut their mouths.

The representative of Sakura Country, who had just scolded the most, suddenly stopped talking about it.

Eagle sauce looked around.

I just think.

Now there are countless hecklers.

And those who dare to face the threat do not.

It's simply ...... I'm mad at me!


Hawk-chan slammed the table.

He said in a low voice: "According to the Blue Star Lord Law that we formulated in the beginning! Su Wen has indeed committed a major crime, even he himself has admitted it!"

"Though he sins he will not die!"

"But there will still be a great punishment!"


"In the long run!"

"Blue Star Lord, who still obeys the law!"

"Isn't the world chaotic?"

"Mr. Zhong, I remember that set of laws was the first to be mentioned by your Dragon Kingdom!"

"Don't you say anything about (cjcg)?"

He thought he had choked the seven inches of the Dragon Kingdom.

This set is used.

It will inevitably make the dragon country soft.

Who knows.

Zhong Jianwen didn't react to this at all.

He stood up.

Said solemnly: "I will now formally introduce it to you!"

"This is the first overlord of my Dragon Kingdom's Heavenly Dao Overlord Academy!

As soon as these words came out.

Some looked dismissive.

As if to say it again.

This is the same as not speaking.

It turned out that the dragon kingdom was preparing to talk about the wheel.

Big things have turned small things into small things!


They think the same is true.

After all.

The main purpose of this meeting was not to punish Suvin.

Instead, he took the opportunity to damage the prestige of the Dragon Kingdom.

Eagle sauce wants to take advantage of this.

Buckle a hat to the dragon kingdom.

Zhong Jianwen's next words made everyone present uncontrollable and serious.

"He's the only disciple of the flower elf goddess Akuya!"

He looked at Eagle Sauce with a smile: "This incident is from a dispute between the sacred!"

"What some people have done, don't think we don't know!" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But I'm going to tell you!"

"You're stepping on the line!"

"It's you who are really anti-human!"

"You colluded with the outer gods to plot to kill me on the first day of Blue Star!"

"This is the real evil!"

When this is said.

There were no surprises or shocks at the scene, except for the four or five countries that knew the cause and effect.

Ninety-nine percent of countries looked at each other in disbelief.

They looked at Taka-chan, Omo, Sakura and other countries.

Suddenly I want to scold my mother.

Especially the countries that were the happiest just scolded.

It's been used!


Representative Eagle Sauce found that the situation he had finally created was reversed by Zhong Jianwen's words, and he hurriedly sneered: "As far as I know, Yu Hui, the deputy leader of your Dragon Kingdom Blue Dragon Legion, is a disciple of a certain god in the Asgardian God Clan!"

"It's your own who want to endanger you!"

What he said is also true.

But avoid the important and light.

They also have people who are in the middle of the Asgardian gods.

He even became the son-in-law of a high-ranking god.

"Hmph, that traitor has been executed by us!"

Zhong Jianjun snorted coldly, and said with sharp eyes: "I will show my attitude again! If anyone is found by us to violate the Blue Star Covenant, I don't care if you are the fifth light of the Eagle Sauce or the one of Bo Fo, there will be no mercy!"

"If I had known Sakura, the others were involved in this!"

"There should be more than 20,000 bloody crusades in our hands!"

As soon as these words came out.

Sakura Representative's face turned pale with fright, and he almost fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

Eagle-chan's face was also unusually embarrassed.


Da Mao's representative stood up, and he took out a letter and some things: "I can prove it! Eagle Sauce Country Gogaru is involved in this matter! This is the letter he wrote on behalf of that god to our lord, and the gift he prepared!"

"The other party demands, as long as our lord cooperates with the other party's actions and creates chaos in a certain area to cut off the road, it will give us a lot of convenience!"

"Now this traitor has been punished!"

"Heaven witnesses this matter!"

He looked at the Heavenly Dao.

As soon as these words came out.

Representative Eagle Sauce stood up violently.

The Heavenly Dao incarnation nodded: "This is indeed the case! The fifth of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom is a god of fraud in Asgard, and wants to kill Su Wen, and arranges for the afterglow of the Dragon Kingdom to act as an internal response, taking the opportunity to detain Wang Dahai and He Yufei, the subordinate lords of Su Wen!"

"At the same time, arrange for the demigod-level snake demon Satomi to ambush Su Wen in Sakura Valley!"

"Sakura Country Sato Tianwu arranges for Sakura, the son of national fortune, Fengyun Sasuke, to enter Sakura Valley to cooperate!"

"Eagle sauce sent He Qiufeng to Fusang Country as a backhand!"

"He Qiufeng will go to Da Mao's side first, buy Aluksky, and cooperate with acting!"

"Sunset has been dealt with in advance by the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Aruksky is treated by big hair!"

He simply told the story of what had happened.

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of Sakura and Taka-chan became extremely embarrassed.


Zhong Jianwen took advantage of the situation and said righteously: "Heavenly Dao confirms! Sakura General Sato Tianwu and Eagle Sauce Guowu Qing Fei Kiel and He Qiufeng did have an affair with the outer gods, and designed to ambush my Blue Star on the first day!"

"According to the Covenant!"

"Sakura and Takaka-chan must execute both!"


"We're going to help you do it, and we're going to take the crime of this black sheep that endangers the stability and development of Blue Star!"

"On behalf of the Blue Star Lord Council, I'm giving you an hour of time!"

"An hour later!"

"I, the Dragon Kingdom, will send troops together with Da Mao to attack the territory of the two lords!"

"On the way, anyone who intercedes or obstructs the army is regarded as a rebel and will be killed!"

"Again! I implore Heavenly Dao to take back the right of Sato Tianwu and Fei Kir and He Qiufeng to use the death-free card!"

As soon as these words came out.

The representatives of Taka-chan and Sakura collapsed limply in their upper seats.

What's going on?

What a good play?

How did it become a sin on his side?

What a shot you shoot yourself in the foot!

"I, Persia, am willing to send troops together to destroy the traitors!"

"I, camel, am willing to send troops together to exterminate the traitors!"

"I, Ah San, am willing to send troops together to exterminate the traitors!"

"I, the Gallic chicken, am willing to send troops together to exterminate the traitors!"


Accordingly, Zhong Jianwen shouted more than 100.

The Heavenly Dao incarnation responded at the same time: "Yes!"


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