"Heavenly Dao restrictions!"

Su Wen sighed.

I thought about what I had been taught in school.

Heavenly Dao Limit!

When the Heavenly Dao planned the lord's career.

There are rules and restrictions on knowledge, skills, and special moves.

Want to move from knowledge to skills.

First of all, you have to master one.

Take this one to the extreme.

Then it is to cross the Heavenly Dao Rank.

Civilians are civilians.

A soldier is a soldier.

Both can be fought.

However, a low-level warrior can easily kill a high-level civilian with a powerful special move.

It doesn't matter how loyal the warriors under the lord are.

Just the order of the lord.

Their first inner thought is to follow.

Unconditional compliance.

Only when there is a rout, or when the psychological capacity is oppressed to the limit, or when the psychological breakdown, will they run away.

This is the Heavenly Dao Rank.

Su Wen thought of the previous panel of the Five Elements Elemental Clan.

Immediately relieved.


He said with a smile. "Eighty-Twenty-Seven"

This will cost you a lot of extra lord points to buy technology.

The benefits are:

He now finally had a team of magical researchers that could be put together.

Followed by.

He also used his wisdom to amplify the 5 newly recruited werewolves.

The attribute panels of these 5 werewolves are exactly the same as those of Mike the Werewolf, the Territory Steward.

They are all wise and wise teachers.

[Name: Quick Shadow]

[Race: Werewolf]

[Civilian: Wise Teacher]

【Lord: Su Wen】

[Level: 1]

[Rank: 12 (MAX)]

[Attributes: Strength 798, Agility 790, Spirit 897, Constitution 780]

[Equipment: None]

[Skills: Erudite, Advanced Discernment, Heart of Wisdom, Advanced Heavenly Knowledge, Senior Management Master, Advanced Operation Master, Advanced Insight, Advanced Mind Reading, Advanced Speech Master, Advanced Fighting Technique]


[Transformation: Silver Moon Wolf King (Base Attribute +240, Super Sense of Smell, Sharpening Iron Like Clay, Super Self-Healing, Super Berserk, Moonlit Night Invisibility, Advanced Devouring Memory, Blood Suppression)]

[Loyalty: 100%]

"These 5 can be used for experiments, inspections, and the management of the Magic Tower!"

He Yufei looked at the panel of the werewolf quick shadow, and she said with satisfaction.

Not all of them on a magical team are proficient in magic.

The skills and knowledge of the commoner class of the wise sage did meet her expectations and meet her requirements.

Su Wen nodded.

Now werewolves, mountain dwarves, and the Five Elements have been amplified.

Only the Night Elves and Minotaurs remained.

Su Wen looked at these 10 civilians who had long been impatient.

He looked at the Minotaur first.

[Name: Niu Er]

[Race: Minotaur]

[Civilian: Farmer]

【Lord: Su Wen】

[Level: 1]

[Rank: 0]

[Attributes: Strength 10, Agility 7, Spirit 8, Constitution 10]

[Equipment: None]

[Skills: Ploughing, hoeing, stevedore]

[Loyalty: 95%]

Very simple skills.

But the four-dimensional properties are not bad.

Su Wen increased the spiritual attributes of the minotaur.


A brilliant light bloomed.

Niu Er, the minotaur, cried and knelt on the ground.

The chant of the Tower of Light was chanted aloud at 24 o'clock.


It's finally time to get rid of the identity of a cow's leg.

Finally became a high-ranking civilian.

"Thank you, Great Majesty!"

"Thank you for the glow!"

"You are the sun in the sky!"

"You are the guiding light of the heavens of all races!"

"You are the only true God in the world!"


He screamed.

Although it is hard to hear.

But it's very real.

Su Wen's face jumped slightly, and he looked at Niu Er's panel.

[Name: Niu Er]

[Race: Minotaur]

[Civilian: Great Shaman]

【Lord: Su Wen】

[Level: 1]

[Rank: 12 (MAX)]

[Attributes: Strength 790, Agility 787, Spirit 908, Constitution 790]

[Equipment: None]

[Skills: Advanced Witchcraft Knowledge, Advanced Herb Knowledge, Advanced Magic Rune Knowledge, Advanced Medical Knowledge, Sacred Totem, Multiplication, Advanced Agricultural Knowledge, Advanced Totem Formation Knowledge, Advanced War Knowledge] (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Loyalty: 100%]

[Sacred Totem: A skill that every great shaman of the Minotaur must master, through the ink concocted by special spirits and demons, the totem is tattooed on the skin of the clan, and the totem can be actively activated in times of war. The Holy Totem will give Warrior a buff: 2x Speed, 2x Attack Damage, 2x Critical Hits]

[Multiplication: The second essential skill of the Minotaur Great Shaman, which can multiply the warrior engraved with the sacred totem through magic spells. 2x size, 2x speed, 2x attack, 2x crit, 2x defense, 2x stamina]

"That's a good skill!"

Su Wen praised Niu Er.

This made Niu Er laugh.

Su Wen looked at He Yufei: "How is it?"

"Shaman, his knowledge of witchcraft and shamanism can make up for the lack of knowledge in my magic tower, it is indeed good!"

He Yufei nodded and said.

Only then did Su Wen increase the remaining four minotaurs into the Great Shaman.

Followed by.

He looked at the last of the Night Elves.

The newly summoned Night Elves have already communicated with the Night Elves such as Muguoguo and Arbor who have heard the movement and run over.

Their loyalty is now higher than that of any other unbuffed race......

It's 99 percent. []

Su Wen nodded at Mu Guoguo, and he asked He Yufei, "Do you want her......?"

He did not hesitate to tell the strange past of Muguoguo.

He Yufei's eyes couldn't help but widen after hearing this, and her eyes when she looked at Mu Guoguo became hot: "Great! This is really a scarce profession!


Su Wen summoned Mu Guoguo over: "In the future, you will go to work in the Magic Tower, Lord He Yufei is your direct boss!"

"Your Majesty, can I take the five Qiao Ye brothers and sisters with me?"

Mu Guoguo's eyes lit up.

Especially after seeing so many magical talents that Su Wen gained from.

She was really intrigued.

But her relationship with Qiao Ye's five siblings has been getting better and better during this time.

So I want to take the opportunity to pull them.

"Uh! their profession is to rob the Holy ......."

Su Wen was stunned, and he shook his head.

He Yufei's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Your Majesty! There is still a shortage of police officers in our territory for the maintenance of civil order! Qiao Ye Although they are thieves, they are absolutely clear about stealing, robbery, and so on!"

"With them, are we still afraid of thieves in our territory?"

"In addition, if we can in the Magic Tower in the future, we may be able to develop a magic early warning and monitoring system, and the abilities of the five of them will be of great use!"

Although she didn't ask for it directly, she gave advice.

After hearing this, Su Wen nodded: "Okay! Qiao Ye, the five of you temporarily form a territorial police department, and you are in charge of chasing down thieves and other work, I don't have a framework for this kind of thing, you go to the housekeeper Mike first, let him help plan, and then find me with the plan!"


The five brothers and sisters of Qiao Ye were immediately overjoyed when they heard this.

They didn't think of it.

5.1 for this thief yourself.

He can still be a thief catcher.

This made them delighted.

After arranging their affairs.

Su Wen increased the mental attributes of the 5 newly recruited Night Elves.


5 brilliant rays of light bloomed.

The five newly recruited Night Elves knelt on the ground excitedly.

Su Wen looked at the panels of the five of them.

[Name: Hazelnut]

[Race: Night Elves]

【Warlock: Moonlit Night Mage】

【Lord: Su Wen】

[Level: 1]

[Rank: 12 (MAX)]

[Attributes: Strength 788, Agility 790, Spirit 820, Constitution 785]

[Equipment: None]

[Skills: Advanced Moonlit Night Stealth, Advanced Shadow Control, Advanced Bow Shooting Mastery, Advanced Magic Rune Mastery, Advanced Magic Array Mastery, Advanced Herb Identification, Advanced Poison Quenching, Advanced Mental Interference, Advanced Spiritual Knowledge Mastery, Advanced Air Control]

[Loyalty: 100%]


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