"A Magister warrior comparable to a hero's class class!"

Su Wen's eyes were as bright as stars, and he looked at the panels of the other Five Elements Elemental Magisters with interest.

[Name: Chuanliu]

[Race: Five Elements Element]

【Class: Water Elemental Magister】

【Lord: Su Wen】

[From the lord: He Yufei]

[Rating: 109 (00.00%)]

[Rank: 12 (MAX)]

[Attributes: Strength 1934 Agility 1937; Spirit 2607; Constitution 1927]

[Equipment: None]

[Career skills: Advanced Water Element Control, Advanced Water Formation Specialization, Advanced Water Magic Knowledge Specialization, Advanced Water Escape, Advanced Water Control, Tides, Bone-Eroding Rainstorm, Impact, Special Skill Thousands of Miles of Ocean, Special Skill Turbulence, Special Skill Weak Water]

[Loyalty: 100%]

[Tide: Launches a tidal wave in front of the enemy, the wave is 500 meters wide, causing a knockback effect to the place where it hits, the target suffers a stacked water element attack, each time taking 1000 points of water element damage, after 5 times, the stacking effect explodes, directly causing 1W water element damage to the target! Duration 30 seconds, cooldown time 1 minute. 】

[Bone Erosion Rain: Pull a circular precipitation area with a diameter of 500 meters, inflict 500 points of mixed damage of poison and water elements to the enemies in the target, and after stacking 12 times, it will recruit 2W points of water element critical damage and 5000 points of poison element damage at one time. Duration: 5 minutes, cooldown: 10 minutes. 】

[Impact: Launches a wave of water at the individual unit, forcing the opponent back 500 meters.] Instantaneous】

[Special Move: Mobilize the current of the surrounding waters, create an ocean about 10 meters deep for an area with a diameter of 10 kilometers, and enemies who fall into the water will sink into the water and suffer a continuous attack of 3000 water elements per second, lasting 1 hour, with a cooldown of 1 hour. 】

[Special Skill Turbulence: After the actual combat of the Thousands of Miles of Ocean skill, you can cast this skill to create underwater turbulence for enemy units in the Ocean, and the Turbulence will forcibly interrupt all actions such as the opponent's spell casting, causing the opponent to fall into a state of stiffness for 5 seconds, and take an additional 5,000 points of continuous damage of water elemental per second. Duration: 5 seconds, cooldown: 10 seconds. 】

[Special Skill Weak Water: Water System Single Divine Skill, summons a divine water to drown the target, the divine water ecstasy destroys the bone, the water pressure is 10W megapascals, and the target is inflicted with 20W water elemental damage, and anyone killed by this skill cannot be reborn through the death-free card. Duration 5 seconds, cooldown 15 seconds. 】

"Whew, the water elemental is not bad, either!"

Su Wen let out a breath and couldn't help but admire.

This pure elemental race does have a unique advantage in terms of elements.

Don't look at anything else.

Just look at the attack.

It's heart-pounding.

Especially the special move weak water.

This is to be applied to the battlefield of the Blue Star.

The lords with the death-free cards didn't even have the slightest chance of surviving.

He then looked at the Wood Magister again.

[Name: Mu Ziwen]

[Race: Five Elements Element]

【Class: Wood Elemental Magister】

【Lord: Su Wen】

[From the lord: He Yufei]

[Rating: 109 (00.00%)]

[Rank: 12 (MAX)]

[Attributes: Strength 1934 Agility 1937; Spirit 2607; Constitution 1927]

[Equipment: None]

[Professional Skills: Advanced Wood Element Control, Advanced Wood Formation Mastery, Advanced Wood Magic Knowledge Mastery, Advanced Wood Escape, Advanced Plant Control, Vine Lock, Thousand Thorns, Wood Golem, Special Skill Thousand Forest Realm, Special Skill Life Poison, Special Skill Wood Man]

[Loyalty: 100%]

[Vine Lock: Control the vine to lock the enemy, deal piercing damage to the enemy, take 1000 points of wood elemental damage per second, after 10 seconds, you will suffer 5000 points of wood element critical damage! Cooldown time is 10 seconds. 】

[Thousand Thorns: Condense a wooden spike covering a diameter of 1000 meters, and continuously strike targets within the range, dealing 1000 poison damage and 3000 wood damage per second, with a duration of 1 minute and a cooldown of 1 minute. 】

[Wooden Golem: Consumes energy to point spirits for plants, and creates wooden golems to fight for themselves. Wooden golems have about half the four-dimensional attributes of the caster, and they are invincible and invincible. You can ignite 3 wooden golems at a time, the wooden golem lasts for 5 hours, and the skill cooldown is 1 second. 】

[Special Skill Thousand Forests Secluded Realm: Forcibly incorporate the target area with a diameter of 10 kilometers into the god-level Jedi Thousand Forests Secluded Realm, and when you enter the secluded target, you will be attacked by the poisonous insects of the Secluded Realm and the guard wooden golem, and you will actively leave after 30 seconds. Ability cooldown is 1 minute. 】

[Special Move: Poison of Life: Unleashes poison of life on the target, causing the target to transform into a distorted monster controlled by the Wood Elemental Magister.] Distortion Skill: Explodes, dealing 1W critical damage to enemies within a radius of 50 meters. Instantaneous】

[Special Skill Wooden Man: Wood Single Divine Skill, summons a god-level plant essence, forcibly injects it into the target's body, and makes the target's body woody and becomes a wooden man. If the target can't get out of the wooden state for 1 minute, the soul will gradually melt and permanently become a wooden man!

"Five Elements Single Divine Skill!"

He Yufei couldn't help but exclaim at this time: "If I can obtain the unique military formation skills of the Five Elements Elemental Clan, I can fuse the five divine skills into one and release a true invincible forbidden spell!"

"The unique military formation skills of the race!"

Su Wen's eyelids moved, and he took note of He Yufei's words: "If you have the chance, I will help you get this skill!"

This skill is of limited use and is targeted.

There is no universal military formation skill that is of high value.

But it's still very rare.

He Yufei looked at Su Wen, she didn't expect that she just said a word of envy, Su Wen actually wanted to help herself find this rare skill, which made her very excited, and there was a wonderful emotion in her heart: "Thank you!"

The feeling of spring.

He Yufei's can't help but fantasize.

Su Wen looked at the Golden Elemental Magister again.

[Name: Iron Mountain]

[Race: Five Elements Element]

【Class: Golden Elemental Magister】

[Lord: Su Wen] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[From the lord: He Yufei]

[Rating: 109 (00.00%)]

[Rank: 12 (MAX)]

[Attributes: Strength 1934 Agility 1937; Spirit 2607; Constitution 1927]

[Equipment: None]

[Professional Skills: Advanced Gold Element Control, Advanced Gold Formation Mastery, Advanced Gold Magic Knowledge Mastery, Advanced Gold Escape, Brilliant Sword, Return of Ten Thousand Soldiers, King Kong Armor, Special Skill Unloading Armor, Special Skill Gengjin Sword Rain, Special Skill Indestructible]

[Loyalty: 100%]

[Sword of Glory: Unleashes a great sword that falls from the sky completely condensed by gold element, dealing 3000 gold damage to enemies within 500 meters]

[Return of the Ten Thousand Soldiers: Control Technique.] Take control of all metal weapons within a 5 km radius of the area ahead and summon them to the caster's side. Duration: 10 seconds, cooldown: 1 minute]

[Vajra Armor: Support skill, release a set of Vajra armor condensed by gold elements against allies, the defense of the armor (Zhao Wang Zhao) +5000, immune to the attack of elemental magic, duration 5 minutes, can be applied to 10 friendly units at one time! 】

[Special Move: Use it on enemies within 10 kilometers of the front area, causing their armor to temporarily lose protection, lasting 30 seconds, with a cooldown of 5 minutes. 】

[Special Skill Gengjin Sword Rain: Unleash a sword array condensed by gold elements against enemies within 10 kilometers of the front area, causing a continuous attack of 3000 gold damage per second to all targets in the area, with a duration of 10 seconds and a cooldown of 15 seconds. 】

[Indestructible Special Skill: A single gold skill that summons an indestructible sword light to launch a critical strike on the target, inflicting 50W gold element critical damage, and destroying the opponent's equipment and weapons. Cooldown time is 5 minutes. 】


Su Wen looked at Tie Shan's invincible special move, and couldn't help but inhale cold air: "The Five Elements Elemental Magister is indeed powerful!Since it has been decided to build a magic legion, I will recruit more Five Elements Elements later...... If anyone dares to come...... It must have been a spectacular scene!". []

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