Ring close to the magic cannon ring.

That is, what Su Wen called "prison".

"This ...... It should be fine!"

Su Wen used spirit ink and magic crystals in the central area to build an abyss demon summoning circle according to the drawings.

It was one of many circles he had acquired from the Black Market.

Watch as the magic flame is lit in front of you.

and complete the circle of the mana cycle.

Su Wen spread his wings and flew up.

In flight.

He silently recited the incantation to open the formation.


He pulled out his shotgun.

An auxiliary turret has been prepared at any time.

Demons may run out of the turret ring area.

Deliver a devastating blow.


In the blink of an eye.

The Summoning Door is opened.

An evil force was released from inside the door.

The Eye of the Territory watchtower rang the bell.

Qi Na hurried towards Su Wen with the King's Guard.

Wang Dahai and He Yufei raised doubts from the chat channel in the territory area.

"Boss, don't say you made it yourself?"

"Your Majesty, why did you open a demon summoning circle in your own territory?"

The two of them said angrily.

There is a sense that His Majesty should rebel.

Su Wen looked at the messages in the chat channel, and he smiled and said, "You guys are ready!

Toot! Toot! Toot!

This moment.

One by one, the demons in the summoning circle ran out.

The melee turret started the counterattack.

I only heard the sound of the 783 of the Extremely Rich Festival sounding one after another.

At first the voice was choppy.

Later, it has been practiced into a piece.

Su Wen looked at the demons who came out and died, and smiled slightly.

"it, boss, what's going on? Why did I suddenly gain experience?"

"I'm 34!"

Wang Dahai and He Yufei were shocked again.

Su Wen nodded.

He guessed that this had something to do with the merging of the territory to the Treasure Kunwu Holy Casting Divine Palace.

The experiment turned out to be exactly what he had guessed.


He can arrange for a special person to arrange the summoning formation here.

You just need to lie down.

You can gain a lot of experience points and attribute points.


Not much.

Qi Na flew over with the King's Guard.

When they saw the ring-shaped near-anti-magic turret beside Su Wen.

There was a shock.

"Your Majesty!"

Qi Na took the lead in saluting in the air.

Su Wen nodded: "Do you all have experience points?"

"Uh...... Yes!"

Qi Na hurriedly looked at the attribute panel and said solemnly.

Su Wen turned his head to look at the ring of the Ring Near Demon Turret.

He instructed Qi Na: "In the future, this place will send 500 warriors to guard, if there is an enemy who comes out of the summoning formation is too strong, then shoot and strangle, and at other times, let the near (agac) anti-magic turret shoot!"

"I'll arrange for some of the magicians of the Wizard Legion to come over, and you will have a tent for rest and other things!"

"In addition, you will take care of the entry and exit of the mage legion!"

After Su Wen commanded.

Qi Na handed over the matter to Tang Fen to be responsible.

She followed the rest of the group back to the Lord's Castle with Suvan.

When Suvin came to the castle.

He's already jumped to level 49.

In this test, he gained a total of 3,231 attribute points.

Plus level buffs.

and the talent to gain 2 stat points per day.

He now has a total of 3422 stat points.

Not much, though.

But he has a large number of summoning formations.

Thin water flows.


Su Wen found Hua Qing, the deputy leader of the Magic Legion: "Hua Qing! You take 500 soldiers of the Magic Legion to the location of Tang Fen, the deputy leader of the King's Guard!


He handed the storage ring containing the various summoning arrays to Hua Qing.

Hua Qing's eyes moved after seeing it, and she received the order: "Does Your Majesty have any other orders?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"The summoning magic array should be arranged uninterruptedly until it is all consumed!"

Suvin gave instructions.

Hua Qing received the order, selected 500 warriors from the magic legion, cast a levitation spell together, and flew to the prison.

After arranging this task.

Su Wen came to the campfire again.

Everything is now in order.

He also needs to recruit a group of flower elves to take care of the back garden and fields of the flower elf goddess.


He directly recruited 2,000 flower elves.

And all of them were promoted to rank 12.

This gave them the requirement to maintain the garden and cultivate the fields.


He recruited 10 wood elementals, 10 earth elementals, 10 fire elementals, and 10 water elementals

Wait for them to be amplified with attributes.

We also arranged to go to the field area to open up the field. []

"Next up is the organization that maintains law and order and handles disputes!"

Su Wen muttered softly.

Now all the implementation of the territory of Blue Star is military management.

Even disputes are handled by a steward appointed by the lord.

Here in Suwen.

He wanted to be more formal.

Su Wen looked through the many architectural drawings he had obtained from the black market.

In piles of drawings like the sand of the Ganges.

He pulled out a drawing.

[Drawing: Holy Inquisition]

[Grade: Blue]

[Common materials required: 10 tons of metal, 20,000 tons of stones, 1,000 tons of wood, 100 brilliant crystals, 1W magic crystals]

[Core materials required: a fair heart, honest words]

[Cultivable Talents: Judgment Army]

[Note: The Inquisition of the Holy See, which can train professionals dedicated to the maintenance of law and order and the resolution of territorial disputes.] Please recruit civilians of your profession for the training of the Inquisition Army, civilians who are not of this profession are easy to usurp the throne!]

"Uh...... This kind of place can still make such a thing as usurpation!"

Su Wen looked at the last text of the explanation and couldn't help but smile.


He thought about it.

It is still feasible to recruit the Flower Elves as the Inquisitor.

At least they're eye-catching!

This is definitely a major feature of Lingxiao Palace.

Come to think of it.

He began his search for materials.

About half an hour later.

From the vast array of storage rings, he found all the materials to make the Holy Inquisition.

[Do you consume 10 tons of metal, 20,000 tons of stone, 1,000 tons of wood, 100 brilliant crystals, 1W of magic crystals, a heart of justice, words of honesty, and the blueprints of the Holy Inquisition, and build a sacred Inquisition exclusive to the territory?]

[This court is the only law enforcement unit in the territory, and once it is built, it will not be possible to build other law enforcement units!]

Look at the hints of the Heavenly Dao.

Su Wen directly chose yes.


In the open space behind the monument of faith.

A magnificent and solemn court was erected.

Su Wen looked at the construction time of the courtroom.

[Time remaining: 40 hours 05 minutes 12 seconds]

"It's been too long!"

He muttered.

This was followed by an increase in the pace of construction of the courtroom.

When he increases the construction speed to a maximum of 3 hours to complete.


From the Eye of the Territory tower, a Flower Elf warrior flew in.

She came to Su Wen's approach with a serious face.

Knelt on one knee on the ground: "Your Majesty! The leader of the Black Cloud Squad has returned from serious injuries and is being sent to Lord Yu Feiyu's clinic at this moment! This is the information he brought back!"


Su Wen looked down, and his face changed slightly.

It's a piece of blood-stained paper.

See here.

He realized that something was wrong on the other side of the abyss.


He hurriedly looked at the paper, and this time the whole person couldn't help but be shocked: "!".

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