"It can be stacked! It really can be stacked!"

Su Wen closed the Heavenly Dao task in the blink of an eye, and he muttered excitedly.

At this moment, he was blessed by Alaso and Red Sakura.

Temporary stat points have reached an astonishing height.

If it weren't for the perfect control of the Holy Body of the 2-turn 24-level Flower Holy Body.

He's in a gesture now.

It will be exactly the same as the scene when the red tassel was promoted just now, and the power was uncontrollably wreaking havoc.

Not to mention that it can destroy the entire lord's castle in an instant.

At the very least, the castle will collapse.

He looked at the four-dimensional attributes, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

[Attributes: Strength 215100+4505600;Dexterity 215100+1222800;Spirit 215100+6144000;Constitution 215100+1632600]

"I still have 15 god-level phantom beasts!"

Come to think of it.

Su Wen couldn't wait to take out all the phantom beast eggs again.

And then.

Check out the panels of the Phantom Eggs one by one.

The selection of incubation materials began.

If only they could be stacked together.

How strong is he?

Mistreatment of the gods?


Alaso said seriously: "Master, with your current level, you can only summon 2 phantom beasts! When you are level 60, you can summon a third one, at level 90 you can summon 4 beasts, at level 100 you can summon 6 beasts, and after you become a god, you can summon 12 of them!"

This phantom beast can be summoned from the level 1 of the lord, but it can only summon 1.

At level 30, you can summon the 2nd position.


Listen to Alatho.

Su Wen was stunned: "Really?"

He hadn't really heard of such a rule.

Alaso nodded and said: "Because of the small place on your side, there are few lords, the number of years you have participated in the war is small, and the number of phantom beasts you have obtained is few, so the knowledge about phantom beasts is naturally summarized less!

"Looks like we'll have to wait until later!"

Let's talk about it.

Su Wen decisively put away the phantom beast eggs and materials.

He didn't care about the Abyss Invasion mission.

And he has long been mentally prepared.

When the Ice Lion helped him deal with the Abyss Deities, he also warned him.

He already knew a rough idea.

Also from the duel between Lingxiao Palace and He Qiufeng's million-strong army before.


The turret he has set up is very strong.

Cooperate with the Legion of Wizards and the King's Guard.

Even if the other party wants to run, it is a problem.

After the matter of the phantom beast is settled now.

He took out the rewards of the Heavenly Dao and the talents and skill books he got from the black market this time.

Look at the piles of skills on the table!

Su Wen first picked up the god-level talent card to upgrade.

[Item: Upgrade Talent Card]

[Grade: God Rank]

[Note: This talent card can be obtained after it is dripping blood.] With this talent, you can add a permanent upgrade aura to your subordinates!]

[Anyone who carries an upgraded aura can gain experience points and improve their level as long as they are engaged in their own work.] 】

"Upgrade...... Upgrade...... Can I hear it and raise the level of my talent?"

Su Wen muttered softly.

I want to upgrade my talents.

You have to try your luck.

Other words.

Frequent visits to auction houses.

Often go on Heavenly Quests that give unknown rewards.

Only on such occasions and missions will there be a very small chance of getting a talent upgrade card.


There is basically no hope of leveling up talents.


Su Wen already has a talent that can fuse skills and ordinary talents.

This upgrade talent can also be done in the same way.

If you get the ability that Su Wen wants.

This is really against the sky.

Come to think of it.

He started his promotion to the Upgrade Talent Card.

[Do you want to break the limit buff for upgrading talent cards?Consume 1000 attribute points!]


Su Wen immediately responded.

With his constant stand-in.

The talent card was quickly promoted to the 12th rank of God.

It cost 12,000 attribute points to remove this time.

His current attribute points are only 20,000 and have just emerged.

Not enough to continue the buff.

That's when he looked at the talent card.

[Item: Upgrade Talent Card] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Grade: 12 Rank God Rank]

[Buff: XP bonus!Target is permanently blessed with 12 times XP!]

[Buff: Piety!This is a miracle, you will gain 100% loyalty from your subordinates, as well as fanatical support!]

[Note: This talent card can be obtained after it is dripping blood.] With this talent, you can add a permanent upgrade aura to your subordinates!]

[Anyone who carries an upgraded aura can gain experience points and improve their level as long as they are engaged in their own work.] 】

"There are only two buffs? and no hints? Do you have to wait until after one turn?"

Su Wen sighed.

He picked up another talent card that Europa had given him.

This is a talent card formed by the confluence of Heavenly Dao abscess contaminants.

This talent card is different from other talent cards.

It has this strange pattern.

The interior is dark and dreary.

It's not a good thing at first glance.

Su Wen looked at the talent card.

[Item: Forced Stripping Talent Card]

[Grade: God Rank]

[Note: This talent card is derived from the abscess fragment of the previous Heavenly Dao, and this talent can be obtained by dripping blood.]

With this talent, you can enter a standstill time at the moment you kill an enemy, and you will have a 3-second chance to forcibly strip the opponent's attribute panel from the enemy you killed, except for reputation, four-dimensional attributes, and professions, and you can only get one!]

[Note: This talent can only be used once a day!]


Su Wen couldn't help but exclaim after seeing it.

This special part-time job is the first talent to be taken by force.

See here.

He hurriedly amplified the Forced Strip talent card.


After spending 12,000 stat points again.

Forced stripping of talent cards has changed.

[Item: Forced Stripping of Talent Cards]

[Grade: 12 Rank God Rank]

[Buff: Greed!] You can strip 2 attributes or skills you need from the enemy's attribute panel. 】

[Buff: Tangled! Stall time increased by 12 seconds!]

[Buff: Greedy!] This talent can only be used 3 times a day. 】

[Note: This talent card is derived from the abscess fragment of the previous Heavenly Dao, and this talent can be obtained by dripping blood.] ......】

[Note: This talent can only be used once a day!]

"It's really strong! It's not in a hurry to use it now, and there will be a lot of goods coming to the door later!

Su Wen included the upgrade and forced stripping of talent cards into the Love Saint's Infatuation Ring.

He looked at the Flower Elf Special (Qian Wang Hao) talent and randomly drew the treasure box.

After taking out the treasure box.

He expertly dug his hand into it and grabbed it carefully.



He grabbed a cold sign.

Take it out and take a look.

This is a talent card made of Ice Jade.

The sign is engraved with a delicate pattern rain.

There is a flower language imprint in this.

[Item: Natal Flower Talent Card]

[Grade: Yellow Tier]

[Description: Flower Elf exclusive rare talent!You can establish a symbiotic relationship with a flower plant with a powerful flower language through this talent, and turn it into a natal flower!]

[Natal Flower Ability: Obtain an additional 1 Natal Flower Language Mark, which can improve yourself by absorbing the same type of Flower Language Mark and obtain the ability to upgrade. 】

[Natal Flower Flower Language: When you use Natal Flower Flower Language, you will not consume the Flower Language Consumption, and the power will be increased by 2 times. 】

"This talent is kind of interesting!"

Su Wen looked at the natal flower talent card that he had captured, and his mood became excited.

It's just refreshing.

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