【Architecture: Senior Worker College】

【Race: Flower Elves】

[Grade: 12 (MAX)]

[Related Factories: Military Factories, Textile Factories, Restaurants, Steel Mills, Advanced Material Workshops, Advanced Loot Sorting Centers]

[Correlation mode: Automatic]

[Discipline mode: full-time technical committee training of the factory]

[Auxiliary project: full-time technical training for external civilians. 】

[Functional Engineer Knowledge: Unequipped]

[After the completion of the training, obtain: Yellow rank full-time worker skills]

[Commission training fee: 5W lord points per period]

[Duration: 2 hours]

【Study Fund: 1,000,000,000 Lord's Points】

[Electricity-related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station]


Seeing this, Su Wen's eyes moved, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

After the promotion of the Workers' College to the Higher College.

It can even accept full-time training operations from civilians in external territories.

That's too strong, isn't it?

Moreover, the skills obtained after graduation are yellow-tier skills.

This is compared to other colleges. "Seven-Eight-Seven"

It's too competitive, isn't it?


Immediately after, Su Wen shook his head: "To form a unique level of teaching, it is necessary to let the workers have a god-level skill level!"


Su Wen took out the national assistance ring that Wang Dahai had brought from the country's merchant group in the Blue Dragon Legion.

This kind of staff skills and knowledge is generally only eligible for purchase by the State.

If it is not in the ring.

He could only go and shop for storage rings on the black market.

If not.

He went to Akua for help.

Just thinking of Akuya's particularly strong waist.

He had some back pain.

A month!

I really think of myself as a brute.

While he was complaining and rummaging.

He really found relevant knowledge books.

[Item: Knowledge training book for all professional employees]

[Grade: Yellow Tier]

[Function: The necessary knowledge training book of the Senior Worker College, after having this book, you can conduct staff training for civilians in other territories. 】

[Note: This book is worth 100 billion lord points, although this book is very expensive, it can bring you a steady stream of benefits!]

Su Wen's eyes were a little fiery when he looked at this book.

Yellow Steps!

Training book for 100W billion lord points.

This is also one of the training resources given to him by the state.

This made Su Wen quite moved.

Although this money is nothing to Su Wen now.


This is for any lord.

It's all treasures!

Whether it's for use or for sale.

It's all useful!


Suvin implanted the book at the Senior Workers' College.

[Is it possible to increase the limit of the Senior Worker Academy?Consume 10,000 attribute points!]


Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.

Don't say it's 1W, even if it's 10W attribute points, he has to choose yes.

This time.

Su Wen was promoted 9 times in a row.

When he came to the tenth time.

The hints of the Heavenly Dao have become different.

[Is there a limit increase for the Senior Worker Academy?Consume 10W attribute points!]


Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.


In a flash.

The Higher Workers' College shines brightly.

It has also changed from an 11-story building to a 60-storey building.

Each of the 60 floors is about 10 meters high, for a total of 600 meters high.

A few big characters of the Senior Workers College, under the effect of the magic glow, always exude a dazzling light.

You can see it even from a long distance.

This moment.

The civilians who were being trained at the academy also fell asleep.

This is the protection of the Heavenly Dao for them.

to prevent college promotions from causing harm to civilians.

Su Wen looked up at the towering academy.

He looked at the academy again.

【Architecture: Senior Worker College】

【Race: Flower Elves】

[Grade: 22 (MAX God Tier)]

[Related Factories: Military Factories, Textile Factories, Restaurants, Steel Mills, Advanced Material Workshops, Advanced Loot Sorting Centers]

[Correlation mode: Automatic]

[Discipline mode: full-time technical committee training of the factory]

[Auxiliary project: full-time technical training for external civilians. 】

[Functional Technician Knowledge: God-level All-Occupation Staff Knowledge Training Book]

[After the completion of the training, you will be able to obtain: God-level full-time worker skills]

[Commission training fee: 50W lord points per period]

[Study time: 1 hour]

[In-house training time: 10 years]

[Learning Fund: 900,000,000 lord points]

[Power Related: Nuclear Fusion Wireless Power Station] (If you read a cool novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Su Wen couldn't help but laugh when he saw this.

Although the cost of commission training has increased by 10 times.

But the workers trained by his workers' college.

Each of them is a god-level worker who has mastered divine skills.

Such workers are not to mention on the side of Blue Star.

Even in the heavens and all the worlds, it is a talent that various forces compete for.


He reset the trainee training program for each session.

And the personnel of the werewolf restaurant who entered the internship period early will be called back for retraining.

Another 100 trillion lord points were added to the study fund.

That's when he stopped.

1 hour to get a god-level full-time worker with 10 years of work experience.

This kind of good thing.

Even if he spends an extra few hundred trillion lord points for unjust money, it is worth it0 ........ []

Because good workers make good jobs!

If the technology is excellent, the product quality will be excellent.

The product is good.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about sales.

Upon completion of a promotion to the Senior Worker College.

Su Wen realized that he still had some buildings that had not been promoted to the top.

He thought about it.

Decide to add points.

Each of the thinking attributes increases 50W attribute points.

Just do what you say.

He immediately executed.

[Attributes: Strength 715100+4505600;Agility 715100+1222800;Spirit 715100+6144000;Constitution 715100+1632600] (Alatao + Red Tassel)


His stat points are added.

The huge attribute points have brought him an all-round improvement in physical fitness.

This made him stop.

He felt every inch of his flesh shake.

That's the effect of high-energy digestion and absorption.

The cells all over his body were cheering.

2 turns 24 god level incarnation of the holy body's additional attributes, the holy body is perfectly controlled.

He quickly mastered the skyrocketing physical strength.

This makes his movements unusually "light".


If you say that he was before the extra point.

When walking, sitting, lying down, holding a cup, and shaking hands with others, the force used is one hundredth of one's ordinary strength.

Then the power he uses now is one-ten-thousandth of his normal strength.

Someone else's normal strength can easily pick up an egg without breaking.

Sitting on a stool does not break the furniture.

Now his usual strength.

If you use the strength of an egg to pick up the yellow metal.

He could easily cinch the yellow-tier metal into cakes, or even tear them.

That is, 2.0 said.

He casually exerted a force.

It's equivalent to a normal attack with a yellow-tier weapon.

How strong does this have to be?

Su Wen came to the Holy Light Tower at this time.

The tower in front of you is only 10 steps.

It's 2 levels away from the full tier.

But the aura increase is already extremely impressive.

There are 11 of them.


Su Wen doesn't talk nonsense either.

Again, it was amplified.


The light flashed.

A magnificent light flashed from the Tower of Light.

Kung fu in an instant.

The Tower of Light expanded to resemble a church.

It is 50 meters high.

Huge attachment structure.

Make it a little bloated.

It looks like a hammer squared with its head facing down.

The whole gives people a rather special, but extremely pleasing feeling.

The hymns are still being sung, and they are even more infectious.

Su Wen looked at the tower in front of him, he didn't go in directly, but chose to look at its panel ...... first.

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