"Huh, the shooting range is also finished?"

After Su Wen walked out of the military base, he looked up and found that the shooting range next to him had just been completed.

The banging sound was gone.

Only the drill tower is still under construction.

Su Wen turned his head to look at the military base, then turned around and went to the shooting range.

The shooting range is ordinary.

It is divided into an outdoor shooting range and an indoor shooting range.

There is a special magic scorer, as well as a ballistic training room.

The outdoor range has the largest area.

You can train and test your special skills such as the special move Katyusha and the special move Split Star Rain.

It is more suitable for magic target positions for bows and arrows and slingshot weapons.

There are no dormitories or dining halls.

Among them, the virtual scene training center opened Su Wen's eyes.

This gives him the feel of a VR quasi-realistic game.

But the real feeling is more real.

There are a variety of firearms and weapons used in this.

It is possible to shoot without live ammunition.

Ballistic training and ballistic simulations are conducted from here.

Look at the shooting range in front of you.

Suven decided to increase the range to level 100 as well.

Previously promoted to a military base cost 44 stat points.

He still has 1.78 million attribute points left.


Under the effect of the 3rd Transformation God Rank to obtain attribute points every day and the summoning array on the prison side.

His stat points have now increased to 1,800,877.

Su Wen first increased the stats of the shooting range.

[Do you want to increase the limit of the shooting range?Consume 1000 attribute points!]

Looking at the Heavenly Dao prompt in front of him.

Su Wen directly chose yes.

Not much.

The range is broken by 100 levels.

[Do you want to increase the limit of the shooting range?Consume 100W attribute points!]

"Damn! This is more attribute points than the military base and the hot spring hotel need to break the limit increase!"

Su Wen couldn't help but muttered in surprise.

After level 100 of the hot spring hotel, each level of breaking the limit requires 10W attribute points.

The Xiaodongtian military base requires 50W attribute points.

Arrived at the shooting range.

It turned out to be a 100W limit.

Su Wen shook his head.

He looked at the panel of the range.

【Building: Shenxiao Shooting Range】

[Rank: 100 (MAX)]

[Composition: Shooting range, armory, simulated training ground]

[Supervisor: 0/1]

[Deputy Director: 0/10]

[Service staff: 0/1000]

[Cleaning: 0/500]

[Finance: 0/5]

[Maintenance: 0/50]

[Security: 0/500]

[Training effect: familiarity with firearms, mastery and mastery, improve shooting skills, accuracy and shooting skills, shooting requirements and reaction training in different scenes]

[Shooting range: 100W square kilometers, live ammunition]

[Armory: Basic All Kinds of Ranged Armory]

[Simulated training ground: virtual scene training center, virtual weapons and bullets, real war shooting target experience. 】

[Actual occupied territory area: 1W square meters]

[Range Type: Inner Space Type]

[Buff: Skill Upgrade!] You can upgrade your skills by training long-range weapons or skills in the range. You can only see the upgrade points of ranged skills at the range!]

You can improve your skills through the simulated training ground, you can improve your skills at the shooting range through the improved recipe, each improvement consumes 10W lord points, and the improved skills will correct the entries. 】

You can improve the bullet in the shooting range to make it have the functions of two or more magic bullets, each time it consumes 10W lord points, and the polished bullet recipe will be delivered to the military factory, and the delivery cost is 1000W lord points. 】

You can create an imaginary enemy or multiple imaginary enemies at the shooting range! You will have a life-and-death duel with your opponent at the obstacle range, and experience the thrill of life and death!

Description: Every time you fight an imaginary enemy, you only have one chance to resurrect. When you die, you will experience true death. 】

You will start the extreme challenge at a specific shooting range, and the shooting range will match the corresponding opponents and target positions and other battlefield factors according to your ability, skill and physical fitness.

Description: You only have one chance to resurrect each extreme challenge. When you die, you will experience true death. 】

[Related Buildings: Barracks, Xiaodongtian Military Base, Workers' College]

[Electricity-related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station]

Su Wen looked at the attribute panel of the shooting range, and a scorching light bloomed in his eyes.

He first recruited 2,066 flower elves for the range.

After all Flower Spirits have been buffed to level 12.

Only then did they send them to the Workers' College for full-time training at the Shenxiao Shooting Range.

After that's done.

Su Wen walked into the shooting range.

He first experienced an imaginary enemy.

This gave him the feeling of once again entering the personal tower of the Heavenly Dao Overlord Academy to face an enemy who knew his heart and purpose, and had the ability to figure it out.

This time.

He fought an offensive and defensive battle.

He's on the offensive side. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bang! Bang!

With the sound of gunshots.

Su Wen successfully eliminated his opponent through reverse thinking.

And when the imaginary enemy does not react.

Take advantage of your high physical fitness.

Kill them all.

Even if it's a hostage trapped in a house.

At the moment of being rescued.

Didn't see Su Wen's appearance either.

Because Su Wen through his powerful perception.

After determining the location of the bandits.

Through the rebound force of the bullet.

Outside the room, the bandits were killed.

"Not bad~'!"

Su Wen nodded slightly. []

The imaginary duel made him feel a little excited.


He took the extreme challenge at the jungle shooting range.

This challenge requires him to uproot enemy camps in the jungle.

The route is very winding.

There are streams, valleys, and miasma along the way.

He needs to uproot 12 enemy outposts.

At nightfall, break into the enemy's camp.

Behead the enemy's generals and then destroy the camp.

This time.

Su Wen had just removed 1 sentinel and was tracked by the enemy.

Faced with a large number of enemy encirclement and suppression, as well as a scrubbing artillery bombardment.

Su Wen finally died in a mountain stream 300 kilometers away from the enemy camp.

The cause of death was.

The enemy is after locking on to Suvin's position.

The mountain stream was covered with incendiary bombs, highly poisonous bombs, and bone scraping bombs.

Because of the restrictions of the rules, Su Wen only had the skill of firearm attack, and skills such as instantaneous shadow could not be cast, and his talent was restricted, and he was finally ignited by the incendiary bomb, and was scraped into white bones by the bone scraping bullet in an instant.

The death was extremely tragic.


Su Wen woke up at the resurrection point sweating profusely.

He looked at his body and couldn't help muttering: "This is so cruel! I didn't even see the enemy, so I was killed by long-range fire! It was so ruthless! The other party not only used cannons to shoot flies, but also used artillery fire to wash the ground!"


"It's not like I've gained experience in this battle!"

"At least I know, after I lost my talent, my teleportation skills!"

"I'm not strong enough to support me, and I'm too immature in this environment!"

"There's a lot to learn!"

Su Wen muttered softly.

He looked at the summary analysis of the extreme challenge, as well as the suggestions.

"Advice does work!It looks like this range is built right! If I can win with limited talents, movements, and other skills, I'll be even stronger!"

Su Wen muttered softly.

The challenges of the range did not come out of nowhere.

This is certainly a training ground set up by the masters.

There are certainly people who have won in this environment, even more than once.

Others can!

I, Su Wen, will definitely be able to county!

This moment.

Su Wen was highly motivated, and once again opened the ...... of extreme challenges.

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