"The family chaebol behind the top ten chambers of commerce can't sit still!"

After Su Wen read the invitation, he couldn't help but show a wicked smile.

This is an invitation from 36 major races, including Beamon, Titans, Asgards, Angels, Dragons, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Druids, Elementals, and Zerg.

The content is simple.

It's in a very arrogant and polite way.

Invite Su Wen to discuss the "unspoken rules" of economic buildings.

Just as Su Wen was thinking.

Bang! Bang!

There was a knock on the door of the Chamber of Commerce's office.


Su Wen looked up at the door and said softly.

He didn't perceive anything.

The bazaar is a special economic and trade zone under the radiation of the power of the Heavenly Dao.

The buildings here can be isolated from the eyes of the God Emperor and even the Supreme God.

Su Wen's natural ability.

Naturally, you can't see through the door.


The door was pushed open.

Goblin Toot walked in.

Su Wen stood up suddenly, and he looked at a miniature ice lion on the goblin Dudu's shoulder.

"Your Majesty!"

Goblin Doodle was the first to salute.

The ice lion jumped down, jumped onto the table beside Su Wen, and said with a smile: "Good brother, I'm here to help you!"

"Can you help?"

Su Wen was stunned for a moment, and looked at the invitation that the ice lion stepped on.

Immediately realized the ice lion's intention.

The ice lion smiled and said, "Naturally!"

"Heavenly ......"

Su Wen looked up at the sky.

The ice lion restrained his smile and said solemnly: "Heaven supports all fair and just competition! The economic buildings operated by your firm belong to the economic projects supported by the Heavenly Dao! They are tax-free!"

"I, 923, am the spokesperson of our Chamber of Commerce!"

"It should come forward for our Chamber of Commerce!"

"Don't worry!"

"As long as you don't kill people and set fires in the bazaar, or loot money, all business projects will be protected by the Heavenly Dao!"

"Even if the gate valve family is very strong, it is just a chess piece in a chess game!"

He looked at Su Wen and grinned.

Su Wen nodded, and he asked a question: "Why is it only our Chamber of Commerce that is like this?"

"Because you're a maverick and don't take the usual path!"

The Ice Lion smiled and said, "If this had been left on other lords or forces, it would have been destroyed a long time ago!

"I'll tell you the truth!"

"In terms of commerce and trade, Tiandao very much agrees with the business behavior of your Chamber of Commerce, and I also hope that you can take the lead in breaking this outdated rule that has been controlled by the gate valve family for millions of years!"

That's where it comes in.

He was afraid of Su Wen's compromise.

Special to inject a heart booster into Su Wen.

Su Wen chuckled, looked at the ice lion and said, "Big brother, our friendship is friendship! Since Tiandao wants me to be this bird, I have to give some sweetness!"

"Your chamber of commerce doesn't have to pay taxes for 10,000 years! The store is expanded! Tiandao Bazaar focuses on supporting the Chamber of Commerce, and the drainage and promotion are free for 10,000 years, and the propaganda office gives priority to promoting you! Support you to be the leader of the bazaar!"

Ice Lion smiled and said, "Brother, this is the first opportunity in millions of years! The leading boss of the Heavenly Dao Bazaar, but the monthly profit exceeds an incredible amount!"

"But there's a point!"

"You can't be the second Top Ten Chamber of Commerce!"

There is some deep meaning in this statement.

Su Wen nodded and smiled: "I can't fight against the God Emperor!"

"Don't worry! Their methods can only be threats of the same level, like the demigods before! enemies beyond your level! or gods! Whoever ends will die!"

Ice Lion's words completely put Su Wen at ease.

Su Wen nodded in response, "Okay! I'll be the first bird!"

After communicating with the Ice Lion.

Su Wen took the ice lion straight to the headquarters of the Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the bazaar.

The Tianhe Chamber of Commerce is located in the highest chamber of commerce building in the center of the market.

It is a chamber of commerce founded by the Elementals, Angels, and Elves.

Radiate hundreds of universes.

Control hundreds of millions of large, medium and small worlds.

When Su Wen entered the luxurious conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce.

It is already home to the leaders of all the large chambers of commerce of the bazaar.

Everyone also looked at Su Wen.

Terrans are a vulnerable tofu species of all races.

The angels enslaved the human race to draw faith.

The elves boast of nobility and treat the human race as slaves.

Orcs, Titans, Beamons and other races all use the Terrans as food.

There are even some ethnic groups that do not regard the human race as an equal existence at all.

Everyone present exuded a powerful aura.

The moment Su Wen walked in.

Immediately felt hundreds of strong killing intent.

3. The perception brought by the cicada prophet of the 3rd turn god order.

Warning him at all times.

Let him prepare in advance.

In this conference hall where the powerhouses of the heavens gathered.

Each of them is a demigod-level powerhouse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Only Su Wen has the lowest rank.

He became the brightest outlier in the chamber.

"I'm Angre, the president of the Tianhe Chamber of Commerce! I'm glad you came!"

Angel smiled slightly, he looked at Su Wen arrogantly, didn't even raise his hand, pointed to a platform in the middle of the conference hall, and motioned for Su Wen to stand over.

The rest of the people all had disdainful expressions on their faces. (bdfd)

Su Wen glanced at the venue, he walked straight to the only vacant seat, pulled out a stool and sat down by himself.


Wait until he's seated.

Everyone at the scene was stunned at first.

Followed by.


The crowd stood up at the same time.



"Is that where you can sit?"

"Get down!"

"Damn bastard!"


The noise ensued.

Angel Clan's Angel Clan's Angri face jumped slightly.

The place where Su Wen sat was his.

And this location is more than just a location.

It is also the position of the leader of the chambers of commerce in the Tiandao Bazaar.

He didn't expect Su Wen to sit down so calmly.

He had never seen anyone so brazen.

"Forget it!"

He whispered.

Most of them stopped.

Angri then said: "The main reason for asking you to come here this time is to convey an order to stop the business activities of your economic buildings immediately! and ensure that your economic buildings can only be used for your own use, and cannot be used to cultivate other lords or clans!"

"Heavenly Dao Bazaar doesn't have this rule!"

Su Wen said lightly without fear.

He lifted Erlang's legs.

This provoked some demigods who wanted to take the opportunity to find fault with them to stand up violently.

The qi in them is vigorous.

The strong killing intent seemed to cut Su Wen with a thousand knives.



Layers of magic arrays stirred up in the conference hall.

The Asgardian Protoss couldn't sit still any longer, and he said excitedly: "Everyone, what do you have to say about this kind of garbage! Just kill him! Anyway, we all have Heavenly Dao to exempt him! Pinch him to death, and you don't have to worry about being severely punished, just pay a fine!"

"That's it! If this guy really came, it wouldn't be like this! It's useless to talk too much, kill him!"

The demigod of the elven clan said indifferently.

Angel Clan's Angel Clan's Angel Clan looked at Su Wen: "The Heavenly Dao Bazaar really doesn't have this kind of restriction!But the Gate Valve Family has its own set of rules for managing the world! Do you want to stand on the opposite side of us, or do you want to live?"

"Don't think you're safe because your spokesperson is the Ice Lion Guardian!

"If you don't surrender today, the consequences will only be death!"

"There is a saying over there that those who know the times are Junjie!"

"As long as you sign this contract, I, the Angel Clan, the Elves, the Elementals, and Beamon, will take the initiative to help you coordinate the conflict between you and the Asgardian Protoss, and will also focus on cultivating you!"


He handed a deed to Su Wen.

This is the supreme contract of the angel clan.

Su Wen's eyes widened after seeing it: "That's how you guys talk about it? Don't care about courtesy, righteousness and shame at all? Isn't this a robber? It looks like the contract is good, but in fact it is a deed of sale, after signing it, am I still myself?"

There are a total of 160 contracts.

Demanded that Su Wen must die.

Then the supremacy of the Angel Clan will help his soul to be reborn as an Angel Clan.

After being reborn.

Su Wen will be the focus of the Angel Clan's training.

And everything before Su Wen must be arranged by the Ten Great Chamber of Commerce.

This is simply a clear robbery!

Ming Bao is going to step on your head to tell you.

I'm doing it all for your good!

After being robbed and killed.

Still want to be nice to you?

Is this possible?


"Guys, have you always been like this?"

Su Wen frowned and looked at everyone and asked.

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