"Haha! I'm also involved in Sakura! Bet on the Dragon Kingdom to lose!".

Representative Sakura stood up, and he pulled out a list of resources.

Followed by.

John Bull, Stick, Monkey, Ah San, Hans Cat and other countries have successively submitted a list of resources to participate in the VAM.

From the beginning of the Lord's Age to the present day with the Blue Star.

Over the course of more than 9 years.

198 countries around the world.

Today, it has fallen to 124 countries.

Of these, 38 countries abstained.

All other countries participated in this bet.

Zhong Jianwen looked at the names on the Heavenly Dao curtain in front of him, one by one.

A sneer curled up at the corners of his mouth.

Don't look at everyone in the stud treasury resources.

As a matter of fact.

The main resources of almost all countries are in the liege space.

The resources in the treasury are basically reserve and reward resources, and the number is not very large.

But that's right.


treasury resources of dozens of countries, plus the sum of some large, medium and small secret realms and various legendary weapon sets.

It has surpassed the resource reserves of any one country.

This is in addition to the waiver fee of 3.8 billion liege points submitted by the abstaining country.

If Su Wen wins this battle.


Dragon Kingdom will become the number one in the world.

Even Eagle Sauce, which claims to have countless resources, is not as rich as the materials of the Dragon Kingdom.

What is the battle for the leadership of the country?

It depends on the battle of talent lords


It's a resource!

With resources, you can better train lords.

For example, this time, which is known as the most brutal Heavenly Dao high school examination in history.

If the dragon kingdom has 20 million death-free cards.

This class of high school students will all survive.

This is the strength of the new generation of the country.

What a pity!

Zhong Jianwen and Zhuguo, witnessed by the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, jointly signed a gambling agreement.

"The deal is reached!".

A peaceful voice sounded in the Heavenly Dao: "The trial continues!"


At the same time.

Su Wen, who was fighting the third decisive battle with Qi Na, was slightly stunned, and a hint of Heavenly Dao appeared in front of him again.

[You have chosen the Overlord's Siege Trial!].

[The trial officially starts from this moment!].

You will have three days to arm and build!

[In three days, you will be attacked by 110 players from all over the world!].

[Trial rules: 1. All props are prohibited, so that the dead cards and Dao soldier seeds will not be invalid in this trial!].

[2. No surrender, no escape, or death!].

[3. Defeat the hostile forces to win!].

[Note: This is a brutal war where either you die or I die, there is no way back!].

Look at the prompt in front of you.

Su Wen's eyes moved, and he turned off the prompt in the blink of an eye, lowered his head to Qi Na and said, "Go on!"

Around 4 o'clock in the evening.

After all the seeds of excitement have been consumed.

Su Wen walked to the table in the room with satisfaction.

On the table is the reward for breaking the enemy list in the Heavenly Dao College Entrance Examination this time.

With the blessing of attribute points.

Su Wen was even braver than drinking medicinal wine.

It's simply Zhao Zilong, who entered Cao Ying's seven in and seven out.


did it with combat effectiveness that he didn't even dare to imagine.

It's just so cool!

Especially Qi Na!

She's too good at it!

What a good fighter for the good job.


Su Wen came to the table.

On the table were a treasure chest and three Heavenly Dao Reward Orders.

The first Heavenly Dao Reward Order is 100,000 lord points.

The second Heavenly Dao Reward Order is the Population Limit Doubling Order.

The third Heavenly Dao reward order is Blue Star Reputation +100, Dragon Kingdom Reputation +100, and Flower Elf Reputation +100.

Chests are golden chests.


Su Wen opened the box first.

There was a glint of light inside the chest.

Just listen.


Wait for the light to dissipate.

Su Wen found that there was a ring inside.

[Equipment: Love Saint's Infatuation Ring].

[Grade: Yellow Grade].

[Function: Storage compartment*30].

[Passive attribute: Spring breeze (your breath can make people feel the spring breeze, both men and women will be dizzy by you within 30 seconds, and continuous hazing will have unexpected effects!)].

[Note: Items of the same type can be stacked indefinitely, and this equipment cannot store living creatures and extend the shelf life of food.] 】

"This ...... The best equipment for stealing!, provided I get close enough to them!".

Su Wen looked at this alternative storage ring strangely and unceremoniously put it on his finger.

Immediately afterward, he used the three tokens one by one.


He wanted to use the Stat-Amplifying talent on the ring.

Bang Bang!


Qi Na was walking over in his baggy shirt.

Su Wen's eyes moved, and when he walked up to Qi Na, he sighed softly.

Qi Na looked at Su Wen strangely, and in the next second, her eyes were blurred, and she instantly lost her dominant consciousness.

In the haze, she heard a voice.

The body subconsciously makes certain movements according to the other party's commands.

She couldn't remember what she had done, and she didn't know what she had said.

Wait until she wakes up.

He stood there with a shameful attitude.

"My Emperor, what's wrong with me?".

Qi Na said worriedly.


The rise of Su Wen's play sighed again.

The Spring Breeze skill of the Love Saint's Infatuation Ring came into play again.

After some trying.

Su Wen nodded and said: "It is indeed a good tool, use it to be righteous, and use it to be evil!

Qi Na's legs trembled a little when she was frightened by Su Wen's new skills.

She begged for mercy again and again: "My emperor, the slave and maid can't support it anymore! Please don't use that skill! I will ...... I will ......".


She hurriedly turned around and went to the bathroom.

Su Wenxing found the werewolf who patrols the night, the sleeping flower elf Peppa, the night elf, and the firethorn tree spirit old man and the eagleman to try this ability.

He made a preliminary judgment.

This ability does not discriminate between races.

As long as it's a close-up haze.

The Spring Breeze Skill will definitely be successful.

Within 30 seconds.

If it's fast.

Black eats black and robs people.

"Sure enough, it's an epic piece of equipment!The skill is not ordinarily powerful!".

Su Wen said excitedly.

He tried to amplify the ring's stats.

But it didn't work out.

There are no hints either.

This illustrates.

With his current stats, he can't amplify the ring.

After playing around for a long time.

It was about 6 o'clock in the morning.


civilians of the realm were led by Mike, the wise werewolf, for a 40-minute morning lesson in red education.

Then it's time to eat.

After eating, start assigning work.

Su Wen came to the clearing around the lord's castle.

He first built barracks, a temple of heroes, and a monument to the faith near the castle.

A barracks is a place where soldiers are trained.

The Hero's Sanctuary is a place to recruit wandering heroes.

The Monument of Faith is a stone monument used to record the exploits of the lord and promote the lord, and its main function is to increase the loyalty of the common people.

Because the Qingqing Plain No. 2 area is a vast plain.

There are no rocky mountains, no oil, no coal, no forests.

So some of the basic materials for the development of buildings simply do not have a way to make.

Su Wen had a plan for the territory.

At this stage.

The territory mainly relies on the abilities of flower elves and firethorn tree spirits, planting herbs, brewing flower wine, and breeding prosperous firethorn fruits as the characteristics of the territory.

Some basic resources are relatively cheap.

It can be purchased directly from the bazaar.

After the completion of the construction of the main building.

Suvin was on the side of the castle again.

Twenty-five houses were built, each of which could accommodate 10 civilians.


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