"Well, that's just one of them!"

Zhang Xiaohua said confidently: "This skill has allowed me to earn a lot of lord points and materials needed to improve my skills from many high-level lords!"


"My professional skills and auxiliary professional skills, through a series of collocations and cooperation, have also brought me more generous lord points!"

"At the same time, I have also served as an identifier of the National Chamber of Commerce for a long time, an identifier of the Legion Chamber of Commerce, and I have also been seconded to the Alien Chamber of Commerce for identification tasks!"


"Don't look at my class group is very weak, but I successfully got out of the dilemma of lack of money with the initial Spirit Field Gain Technique, Medicine Field Gain Technique, Soil Fertility Technique, Rooting Technique, and Strong Seedling Technique!"

"I'm on the way here!"

"I have already negotiated the conditions with Feng Wuji, Li Buji, and the four major legions, if you refuse me, I will give priority to choosing a force among them to join!"

Speaking of which.

She paused.

After taking a closer look at Su Wen.

She found that Su Wen behaved normally.

This made her nod secretly: "The reason why I am telling you this is to tell you that you are the best lord I have ever met to my subordinates!

"Your environment here, as well as the harmony of the clan, make me feel like I have returned to Lanxing's hometown!"

"I love it here!"


She stopped.

Su Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohua and said, "It seems that you have found a lot of news! This has aroused my vigilance!"

Speaking of which.

He directly called out the territory communication channel.

A proclamation was issued to everyone in the territory: "It is forbidden to divulge all information about the master of the capital to outsiders! No matter who the other party is, as long as the person who is not in the capital 27, all will be answered!"

Information is sent.

Zhang Xiaohua was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly entered the communication channel to take a look, and couldn't help but be a little stunned.


A large number of civilians in the territory began to tell who they had told Su Wen of the news.

and pleaded guilty to Su Wen.

Even Rebecca, the captain of the production team, followed suit and said a lot of news.

Su Wen looked at them one by one.

Seeing that all the people brought by Zhong Jianwen had inquired about Su Wen's news from the civilians in the territory.


Zhong Jianwen's team signed a non-disclosure agreement when they left.


I am afraid that the news about him will be transmitted to the heavens and all the worlds.

Come to think of it.

Suvin arranged for Mike to sort through the information.

And sent the sorted information to Zhong Jianwen: "Director Zhong, confirm that the people in your team will never talk to anyone other than myself about all the information they have found about me and my territory!"

"Excuse me!"


Soon, Zhong Jianwen sent a message: "Don't worry! Before entering your territory, they had already signed a Heavenly Dao Confidentiality Contract, and when they came out, they also signed a stricter Heavenly Dao Confidentiality Contract.

"I'll pay attention and tell these people again!"

"Promise that your message will not leak out of our team!"

"I also guarantee that no one in my team will tell you everything to the outside world, even my own relatives!"

After getting Zhong Jianwen's assurance.

Su Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xiaohua's eyes couldn't help but widen, she looked at Su Wen and asked, "Your prestige in our territory is really ...... The Founding Emperor is not as good as you!"

She has traveled to the territories of tens of thousands of lords.

He has met and contacted at least 3,000 ethnic groups.

But never before has a lord held such a high status in the hearts of the lords.

Even 100% die-hard civilians.

In other lords, they will not remember some things in the past so clearly, and they will still tell them so on the public channel, and ask their lords for their guilt.

Are these civilians shameless?



It is precisely because of these commoners that they worship and believe in the Su language.

will do so.

Su Wen quickly issued a waiver to the territory channel, as well as the rules for talking about external activities in the future.

This is when the channel changed from pleading guilty to cheering and praising it.

After Su Wen closed the communication channel.

He looked at Zhang Xiaohua: "Do you want to experience Xu Xiaoxiao's feelings!"

"...... Now"

Zhang Xiaohua shuddered and couldn't help but turn her head to look around.

Her heart tightened.

I couldn't help but say timidly: "This public ......"


Don't wait for her to finish.

Su Wen has already buffed her.

Zhang Xiaohua's profession was promoted from the green rank to the god rank.

Su Wen didn't stop.

He helped Zhang Xiaohua put all the skills.

Upgraded to 1 rank of God.

Not for anything else.

Just for Zhang Xiaohua's skills, it is a great supplement to the Lingtian of the territory.

She is more pure than Xu Xiaoxiao.

[Name: Zhang Xiaohua]

[Occupation: Flower Elf Farmer (God Rank, Vassal, 1 Turn)] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Support Class: Agricultural Amplifier]

[Subordination: Su Wen]

[Grade: 40 (99.99%)]

[Attributes: Strength 15007; Agility 15010; Spirit 15010; Constitution 15211;]

[Equipment: None]

[General knowledge: 1 Transformation of the Gods of the Heavenly Medicines (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Spiritual Field Medicine Field Cultivation Method (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Spiritual Food Screening and Breeding and Virus Damage Treatment (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Elixir Cultivation and Transplantation (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Elixir Transplantation Strategy (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Water Conservancy (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Astronomy and Meteorology (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Flower Qi Medicinal Qi and Spiritual Qi Complementarity (proficient), 1 Transformation of the Divine Rank Agricultural Magic Knowledge (proficient), 1 Transformation of the God-level Agricultural Circle (Mastery)】

[Normal Passive Skills: 1 Rank Instant Memory, 1 Rank Divine Rank Qi Observation Spirit Pupil]

[Normal Action Skills: 1 Rank Identification, 1 Rank Farm Disaster Divination, 1 Rank Farm Disaster Divination, 1 Rank Calling Wind and Rain]

[Occupational skills: 1 Transformation Spiritual Field Gain Technique, 1 Transformation Divine Rank Medicine Field Gain Technique, 1 Transformation Divine Rank Soil Fertility Technique, 1 Transformation Divine Rank Nutrition Accelerated Absorption, 1 Turning Divine Rank Rooting Technique, 1 Turning Divine Rank Strong Seedling Technique, 1 Turning Divine Rank Transplanting]

[Auxiliary Skills: 1 Transformation Divine Rank Spiritual Field Yield Gain Array, 1 Turning Divine Rank Spiritual Field Pest Healing Array, 1 Turning Divine Rank Spiritual Field Soil Fertility Blessing Array, 1 Turning Divine Rank Spiritual Field Elemental Gain Array, 1 Turning Divine Rank Spiritual Field Advanced Array]

[1 turn god level instant memory: 1 second memory of 10W words, can be accurately ...... Recite it like a stream, and remember it forever. 】

[1 Turning Divine Rank Qi Spirit Pupil: You can observe the elements of heaven and earth, the intensity of various qi according to the color of qi, and accurately judge the relevant data of qi. It can only accurately judge the state of the 1-turn 1-rank god level and the 1-turn 1-rank god rank below the god level. 】

[1 turn god level identification: It can identify the grade, information, and authenticity of materials and props below the 1 turn 1 god level and below the 1 turn 1 god level, Chinese herbal medicine, and spiritual fields. 】

[1 Transformation Farm Disaster Divination: No props required.] Accurate divination can be performed 9 times a day, and it is impossible to divinate in detail for disasters above the 2nd god level, only vague results can be divined, or divination is invalid. 】

[1 Turning God Rank Wind and Rain Technique: Cast this technique to gather dark clouds and rain...... Time. Coverage area 100 km. The maximum duration is 24 hours. The procedure can only be used 3 times a day in the same area. 】[]

[1 Transformation Divine Rank Spirit Field Gain Technique: The growth rate of Spirit Field plants is increased by 50 times, the growth rate of plant fruits is increased by 50 times, the speed at which Spirit Field plants absorb nutrients is increased by 50 times, and the lodging resistance of Spirit Field plants is +100W. The scope of application is 100 acres. 】

[1 Transformation Rank Medicine Field Gain Technique: The growth rate of medicine field plants is increased by 50 times, the medicinal effect of medicine field plants is increased by 50 times, the nutrient absorption rate of medicine field plants is increased by 50 times, the growth rate of new seedlings in medicine fields is increased by 50 times, and the income of medicine fields is increased by 50 times. The scope of application is 100 acres. 】

[1 Transformation Rank Soil Fertility Technique: Improve soil ....... Accelerate the absorption and transformation efficiency of soil fertility by 50 times, and the application range is 100 mu. There is no need for fertilizer, and all nutrients come from the qi and elemental nutrients of heaven and earth. 】

[1 Transformation of God-level Nutrition Accelerated Absorption: Promote ...... Degree. Get 50 times faster absorption of nutrients. ......】

[1 Transformation Rooting Technique: Plants and seedlings below the 1 Transformation Divine Rank quickly absorb the nutrients of the soil after growth or transplantation, and grow a large number of roots to stabilize their own nutrient needs and promote the growth and health of plants. Root growth is accelerated by a factor of 50. 】

[1 Transformation God Rank Strong Seedling Technique: Plant seedlings below the 1 Transformation God Rank and below the 1 Transformation God Rank are strengthened by 50 times to strengthen their absorption...... Strengthen the ability of seedlings to adapt to the environment, and improve the survival rate of seedlings at and below the 1st god level by 10,000%, 1,000% for god-level seedlings, 173,000% for seedlings from the first god-level and 3% for the 2-god stage. 】

[1 Transformation Divine Rank Transplanting: Plant herbs and spirit seedlings transplanted through this skill will gain 50 times the health value, 50 times the speed of nutrient absorption and digestion, 50 times the root growth enhancement function, and 50 times the adaptability. 】

[1 Transformation Divine Rank Spirit Field Production Gain Circle: The production of Spirit Field is increased by 100 times. The magic circle lasts for 1 year, and the area of action is 1000 acres. 】

[1 Transformation of the god level Lingtian pest and disease disaster treatment circle: treat all diseases and pests in the spiritual field, convert harmful substances into substances beneficial to plants, the circle lasts for 1 year, and the scope of action is 1000 acres. 】

[1 Transformation Divine Rank Spiritual Field Soil Fertility Blessing Array: Absorb all kinds of beneficial qi and elements from heaven and earth, and convert them into nutrient active factors that are beneficial to the soil, continuously improve soil fertility, and meet the needs of plants at all times, but will not let the fertility be excessive, resulting in the situation of burning seedlings. The magic circle lasts for 1 year, and the area of action is 1000 acres. 】

[1 Transformation Divine Rank Lingtian Elemental Gain Array: Increase the elemental activity of Lingtian by 100 times, create a beneficial elemental space, and increase or decrease the number and weight difference of different elements according to the allocation ratio. The magic circle lasts for 1 year, and the area of action is 1000 acres. 】

[1 Turn God Rank Lingtian Advanced Array: With at least 1 1 1 Turn Wood Rank God Rank Material or 50 God Rank Materials as the array source, a steady stream of decomposition God Rank materials will be continuously injected into the Spirit Field. Lingtian has a 30% chance to be increased to 2 God-level Lingtian, and a 100% chance to be increased to 1 God-level Lingtian, and at least 3 buff entries are obtained.

Note: The more 1-turn wood-based god-level materials, the greater the chance of being promoted to a 2-turn god-level spiritual field. 】

After Zhang Xiaohua found out that she had changed, she immediately opened the property panel.

This look.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.


With a pop, he fell directly to the ground.

She couldn't help but shout, "Mother, I can't be dreaming, right?"

Even if she had some guesses about Su Wen's ability.

But it really came to me.

She still couldn't believe it.

This scared her.

I'm afraid it's a dream!

Wake up and there is no .......

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