
Su Wen responded calmly.

He was still watching the legion ahead.

The combined legion of Donnie and the others did not march fast.

The enemy array is very regular.

To such an extent in a short period of time.

This Donnie does have two hits.

"The king, the enemy has all entered the territory!"

More than ten seconds later, Qi Na looked at Su Wen excitedly.

Su Wen grabbed his bow and turned his head to look at Alatao.

Alaso understood, and his body flickered.

It didn't enter Su Wen's palm mark.

The advanced gain starts at the same time.

The powerful sense of power made Su Wen extremely excited.

He turned his head to look at Yu Feiyu: "Little fish, have you heard the sound of flowers blooming?"


Yu Feiyu was stunned for a moment and asked puzzled.

She should have been happy.

Because Su Wen's name for her has changed.

But she looked at Su Wen's appearance of pulling the bow strangely, and couldn't help but complain, "What is this?


Qi Na's cold voice pulled Yu Feiyu back to reality.


All over the tower.

Standing in front of the window, the king of flower language curses raised his bow and pulled the string at the same time.

They didn't let go of the bowstring in the first place.

It's about accumulating power.

This is a must-kill skill to shoot a meteor.


Everything on the top of the tower was replaced by a dazzling light.

Donnie Bruce and other lords and heroes on the attacking side, as well as the 10,000 soldiers of the entire legion, were all attracted by a dazzling light that suddenly appeared in the sky.


Donnie muttered under his breath.



The Support Mage provides a defensive barrier for heroes and lords.

The diameter of this barrier is about 100 meters, and it just envelops everyone.


Between breaths, a strong wind disturbed the air currents raised by the Eagleman Flying Soldiers.

This caused the Air Force of the Golden Legend Alliance to hurriedly avoid this strong wind.

"Sure enough!".

Donnie looked at the meteor and smiled slightly.

He raised his staff.

The summoners and mages around them also raised their staffs.

The formation that guarded them was infused with magic by dozens of mages.




Get bigger.

The next second.


Meteor explosion.

The magic array was as fragile as white paper, and it instantly disintegrated at the slightest touch.

"Not good!".

Donnie's face changed suddenly when he saw this.

Just when I was about to do something.

The meteor exploded suddenly.


This moment.


powerful attack power instantly wiped out the three lords of the stick and the cherry blossom country who were leaning together.

Followed by.

The earth shook.


This moment of effort.

All the lords and heroes were caught off guard.

Fall into a deep pit.

The marching legions in front of them stopped for a moment.

Donnie fell from his mount in a daze, and continued to fall towards the bottom of the pit that suddenly exploded.

He clawed desperately around.

But there wasn't much around for him to grasp.

Dozens of lords from all over the globe wailed and shouted.

Some people even cried directly.

Some heroes who have mastered mobile skills are constantly running out of the pit.

They didn't even think of saving their lord.

"How dare these damn heroes?".

Donnie cursed under his breath.

The next second.

A creepy sight appeared in his sight.

I saw it above the field of vision.

I don't know when.

Flower bulbs fell out of thin air.

These flower balls almost occupied his field of vision.

They're pretty!


Downey understood something instantly.

This is no ordinary flower.

Boom, boom, boom, boom! boom!


Donnie couldn't say anything.

The covering blow of the 201 Flower Meteor Special Move fell in the blink of an eye.

This moment.

The whole crater and everything around it.

All shrouded in this disintegrating flower ball.

The petals of the flowers fell downwards like a storm.

This is a ranged stacking attack.

It lasted 2 minutes.


Yu Feiyu beside Su Wen was already stunned and looked at the rear of the battlefield in the distance.

She swallowed.

It's not like adults bullying children.

It's ......

God bullies mortals!

Special move to scrub the floor!

Or concentrate on one area.

Quests and heroes against enemy leaders.

Carry out a covering strike.

It's ......

This is the self-confidence of our king.


Blue Star.

Inside a classified military base in Da Mao.

The exchange team represented by the Grand Commander of Da Mao and others, Meng Wuyue, the director of the Longguo Education Administration, and Ye Feng, the head of the Blue Dragon Legion, were sitting in a large conference hall.

They were staring intently at the picture in their sight.

in the picture.

Downey's army is marching mightily.

This majestic situation.

The faces of everyone present in the Dragon Kingdom were cold.

Especially Ye Feng.

There was a touch of decline and sadness in his eyes.

Meng Wuyue clenched his hands stiffly: "Damn! That Donnie is still a handsome talent!".

can be in as little as three days.

Bringing together more than a hundred lords from all over the world who don't know each other.

And Donnie who formed such an orderly army.

Sure enough, it is a dragon and phoenix among people.

"I'm afraid Su Wen is going to lose this time!".

Ye Jinpeng turned his head to Wen Ying and said.

Wen Ying nodded: "For a legion of this size, if it is a division of troops, I have a way, but if it is a flat push...... It's so hard to win!".

"Damn! What's that?".


Wang Dahai's voice sounded.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the screen.

I saw a light light in Su Wen's territory.

The next screen.

It became a scene they will never forget.

Accompanied by Su Wen's special move, Meteor fell to lords and heroes.

The King's Guard's Flower Meteor Covered Indulgence Strike.

This moment.

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom delegation, who was in a low mood, suddenly stood up.

Even Ye Feng, who has experienced tens of thousands of large and small wars.

I was also shocked by the scene in front of me.

Scared away!

The Great Commander of the Great Mao, as well as many lords, generals, and student representatives.

At this moment.

Became speechless.

Hollow eyes.

They couldn't help but tremble.

"What the hell is this?".

"Donnie's Lords and Heroes...... All have fallen!".

"Dead ......



"How is this possible?".



On the Eye of the Territory watchtower, Su Wen's voice sounded again.

This time.

He didn't care about the enemies in that pit.

Instead, the target was placed on the enemy's air units as well as cavalry units.


The head of the enemy line was completely destroyed.

The 10,000-strong army is leaderless.

It is the best way to deliver large-scale attacks.


This moment.

All the Flower Curse Dynasty defeated the enemy's 10,000 troops, and continued to unleash a special move: Flower Meteor.


The fish non-fish heard the sound of the flowers blooming again.

Boom, boom, boom!

After this attack.

The summons and soldiers of the enemy camp have been completely dispersed.

They rushed towards the territory like crazy.


In the open space of the territory.

Beamon Blacksmith Ball, who is tinkering with a giant catapult alone.

A huge, thorny iron ball.

It was placed in the catapult's pouch by a block of pulleys.

He pulled the huge ejection rod to a horizontal position through a winch.

And then.


Only to hear a dull voice sound.

The iron ball was thrown by a catapult.

Su Wen, who was constantly drawing his bow to kill the enemy on the watchtower, suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and a huge and pitch-black sphere suddenly appeared.

The diameter of this sphere is about three or four meters.


The iron ball landed in the running enemy bush, crushing the two unlucky eggs into patties.

"Huh, Dandan's trebuchet is ready?".

Su Wen's eyes lit up.

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