"Father-in-law, I'm your underage child!"

Beamon fell to his knees and pleaded shamelessly.

Su Wen frowned and looked at Beamon: "Here! What I say is the holy decree! If you don't want to do it......"

"Your Majesty, if you want to deal with it, I have a suggestion! Now in the slave market of the bazaar, someone is buying a Bimon warp press at a very high price, and our Bimeng is strong and young, and the grade is high enough to sell it for a very high price!"

The goblin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly made a suggestion.

He had only been in the bazaar and the auction house for less than half an hour.

A lot of important business information has been obtained.

Su Wen asked suspiciously, "What is a warp press?"

"Someone is raising a powerful mutant pet! I want Beamon and the dragon to give birth to an offspring, to give birth to a Beamon dragon, or a winged Beamon!"

The goblin said evilly: "You also know! The heavens and the seas have gone! There are people of all tastes! There are always a few people with special habits in every place!"

"No! no!"

When Beamon Dandan heard this, he was completely frightened: "Father-in-law, I was wrong! I am obedient! I promise to be obedient! Don't sell me to do that kind of 29 thing! I ...... I...... I...... I'm still young, I can't just ruin it!"

"I hope you can understand that although you have a lot of knowledge, you are still flawed in some ways!

Su Wen said earnestly: "If you see it as a kind of oppression, you will only be squeezed forever!"

"If you think of it as an experience of learning and improving, you're going to have fun and grow!"

"There are two sides to everything!"

"It depends on how you look at the problem!"

"Today's events are not an example!"


"You are not allowed to refuse any assignment assigned to you by the territory in my name!"

"If you don't accept the task, you can appeal to me!"

"But you can't bully and intimidate other beings in the territory like this!"

"If there is a next time!"

"I won't sell you either!"

"Specially invite some people with special fetishes to come over and let you pick up customers!"

After all that's said.

Beamon blacksmith clamped his legs and hurriedly responded: "I obey orders! Don't worry! I promise that there will be no next time!"

The goblin sighed in disappointment.


Su Wen turned to the goblin and asked, "What advice do you have for the Golden-veined Blossoming Firethorn Fruit?"

"Auction! 10 at a time!"

The goblin said confidently: "With the top flower wine, these are definitely the two trump cards of our firm!"


"We're short of money right now!"

"Want to start your own bazaar auction!"

"You have to rent all the stalls, and the rental rights and fees of these stalls will cost at least more than 12 million lord points!"

"After that, the permission of the booth will be upgraded!"

"Promote an ordinary stall to a commercial house!"

"It costs 10 million lord points!"

"Apply to Tiandao for the permission of the auction and the auction house!"

"Take the smallest auction house, for example!"

"This money is calculated in total, at least 100 million lord points!"

"This includes the auction house's credibility deposit, 50 million lord points!"

Goblin Dudu pulled out a piece of paper.

He calculated these as soon as he entered the bazaar shop.

"Isn't it okay to have an auction house? Why do you want to open your own auction house?"

Su Wen asked puzzled.

Goblin Dudu explained: "The price control of the auction house's commodities is carried out by the Heavenly Dao, which is a means for it to regulate the market, so as to ensure the value of the lord's points!"

"And the auction house can only buy the goods of your human lords, and the trading objects are all human lords!"

"The bazaar is different, the bazaar connects the heavens and all the worlds, and the objects facing it are countless times larger than the auction house!"

"Although the taxes and fees are very expensive, as long as they are added, they are still a profitable deal!

"We've also got to know a lot of big customers!"

When it comes to trade, goblins are all the same.

He then said: "I'm going to sweep the auction house! The main target is the specialty of your industry, as well as the goods that sell for more in the bazaar and less on your side!"

"To amplify the problem of our lack of products!"


He chattered a lot.

And Dudu chatted this time.

Su Wen came a lot.

Especially business thinking.

He found that recruiting goblins for trade was the right choice.


He approved the Goblin Dudu to trade and process the Golden-veined Flowering Firethorn Fruit bred by the fifty Fire Spirit Tree Spirits.

It is used in exchange for funds to build firms, apply for auctions, replenish commodity resources, and so on.


Su Wen called the captains of all the production teams in the territory together, and introduced the new trade supervisor Goblin Dudu to everyone, as well as the future mechanic Zhiji 0320 in the territory.

and arranged for Feiyun to select 10 Hawkman Enchanters in the team for Goblin Dodo.


I arranged the work of the flower fairy again.

A lunch lasted two hours.

After the crowd has dispersed. []

Su Wen came outside.

He touched his hand to the earth.

"Amplify the attributes of the territory!"

He muttered silently and set his goal.

There was a slight jolt from under the palm of his hand.

The tremor spread throughout the territory.

Area 2 of the Qingqing Plain seems to have responded to Suwen's increase.


There was an inexplicable tremor throughout the territory.

Followed by.

Su Wen felt that the ground under his feet seemed to change.

At that moment, the ground gave him the feeling.

It was as if someone had magnified the ground with a magnifying glass.

"Your Majesty!

At this time, an eagle man standing on the watchtower flew down, and he said solemnly to Su Wen.

"Go to the watchtower!"

As he spoke, Su Wen pinched the sword trick in his hand.

Arathso's holy sword, Agris, was manipulated by him and used as a flying sword.


A gust of wind whistled.

Su Wen came to the 833 Eye of the Territory watchtower.

He looked up.

At first glance, it seems that the territory has not changed much.


The end of the territory.

The lake that emerged because of the Siege of Overlords.

It's getting farther and farther away!

"This ......"

Suvin spotted the problem.

The territory has grown!

This is not to say that Suwen's territory has expanded from Area 2 to Area 1.

Rather, it said.

The Qingqing Plain No. 2 area has been expanded as a whole.

The plates are still in their original shape.

The area has been expanded from 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers.

This is an expansion of the entire territory.

The area around the arch guard is still a 3-kilometer-long circle.

But the area outside, which had not been protected by the walls, became larger.

"Stats amplification can also expand the size of the territory?"

Su Wen's eyes widened.

It's just pretty cool.

Other lords want to expand their territory.

Cities must be built in other areas.

Set up an army.

Then spend money to buy from the Heavenly Dao in order to establish a connection.

To ensure that the lord reaches the level, the province can be upgraded as a whole.

Su Wen can increase the base territory through attributes for free.


The amount of money he saved is huge!

Come to think of it.

He couldn't wait to descend the watchtower.

Since the province can be amplified by attributes.

Naturally, there will also be panels.

"What will the panels of the territory be?"

Su Wen is looking forward to it.

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