[Do you spend 10 million lord points to break into the tower?]

[Note: Each person can only break the tower once every seven days!]

In front of the personal tower, Su Wen looked at the prompt of Tiandao, and paid the entrance fee directly without thinking about it.


The next second.

He was teleported into the tower.

【First Floor!】

【Destroy all enemies!】

Cues appear in the orbits.

Su Wen's arm shook, and he took out the Bauhinia Bow from the ring.

At the same time, he glanced at his stats panel.

The amplification of the phantom beast Alaso is gone.

Other words.

Now him.

Base stats plus set kicker.

The average value of the four-dimensional properties is: 6300 points.


Su Wen muttered softly.

He also has the title of the overlord of flowers.

With a level 10 Flower Emperor Holy Body, he is confident that he can suppress anyone.

He then looked around.

It's a huge empty platform.

In front of the platform.

The area is about 1,000 meters away from Suwen.

A large demon is slowly coming out of a portal.

The Great Demon has a card on his head [Great Demon: Level 15]

When it saw Su Wen, it waved the head mallet in its hand and rushed over frantically.

Su Wen raised his hand and drew his bow.

Special move Meteor Charge.

The kilometer distance only takes 30 seconds for the archdemon.

Wait until it's a third of the way through.

Su Wen's special move, Meteor, is ready to complete.


Meteors flashed.

The Great Demon leaped high following the trail of the meteor.

Just when it thought it had dodged its special move.


The meteor exploded beneath the archdemon.

500% explosive power.

Dealt at least 30,000 HP of damage.

The Great Demon was instantly destroyed in the explosion.

[Congratulations on your success!]

[Reward: Attribute Points +100!10W Lord Points!]

At this moment, Su Wen shook.


Su Wen didn't expect it.

There are other ways to get stat points.

He hurriedly looked at his panel.

"That's level 6?"

Su Wen muttered softly.

To be precise, this Great Demon gives more than level 1 experience points.

And his free attribute points have changed from the original 332 to 436.

"This is the wool of heaven!

Su Wen shouted excitedly.

He went straight to the second level.


The goblin trainee Batanmu, who was watching the personal tower outside, had a light in his eyes.

He found that Su Wen, who was breaking through the level, had entered the second level.

This piqued his interest.

Just when he was wondering if he should form a game.

I saw that on the announcement screen of the personal tower, the small screen information belonging to Su Wen was being displayed.

Su Wen passed the second level and entered the third level.

"Tsk, tsk, this newcomer is very fast, and it takes almost 11 seconds to clear the first and second levels!"

Batanmu analyzed: "With such speed, it is absolutely easy to pass the 10th level!"

Come to think of it.

He hurriedly shouted around him: "Everyone, my goblin Batanmu! This is the proof of the academy's formation! I set up a game here today, betting on whether this Terran junior can pass the 10th level!"

"Whoever is interested, hurry up and place a bet!

"Now the odds, 1:2 for win, 1:5 for losing!"

He shouted.

Some people around who like this bite have come running over.

They glanced at the small screen that belonged to Su Wen.

I happened to see Su Wen enter the third level.

Immediately afterwards, someone said to Batanmu: "I bet on him to fail, and bet 1 million lord points!"

"I'll bet on him to win and bet 100,000 lord points!"

"I'll bet on him to lose! Bet 10 million lord points!"


For a while, more than a dozen students from the academy gathered together and placed bets on Batanmu's side.


After Su Wen successfully passed the fifth level.

Batan wood is directly sealed.

"You now have a total of 500 million lord points in the lord points pool, of which 430 million points bet on the Terran to lose, and 70 million points to bet on the Terran to win!

As he spoke, Batanmu injected 2.5 billion into the point pool.

This made the surrounding participants breathe a sigh of relief.

This kind of point pool of the academy is something made up by Heavenly Dao.

Students who are smart in this area need to apply to the Academic Affairs Office.

After passing the assessment, capital verification and deposit, the market can be opened.

The plate that Batanmu took out has a maximum score limit of 10 billion.

Other words.

He staked at least 100 billion lord points in the academic affairs office of the academy as a guarantee for fair trade.

This is also the favorite plate of some students who like to "play big money".

"Haha! It's past the sixth level!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"How long did it take?"

"Less than 30 seconds!"

"Damn, this special person?"

"It's true, how can the Heavenly Dao be fake?"

"Damn! How can a person be more powerful than a Titan? Just now, a rookie Titan went in, and in less than 5 minutes, he died on the fifth layer!"

"Be careful what you say! That's our Titan's garbage! We don't recognize him as Titan!"

At this time, more and more people gathered together to watch Su Wen break through.

At the same time.

Su Wen walked into the seventh level.

When he stepped in...........

The seventh level was also teleported in at the same time with 64 demons.

These Great Demons are all level 15 with the Great Demons of the previous first level.

"Double it again!"

Su Wen said softly.

He's still accumulating his special move, Meteor. []

After 10 seconds.

Meteors shoot out.

At the same time, he kept drawing his bow and shooting arrows.

A series of arrows shot out.


Meteor bursts.

More than a dozen big demons at the center of the explosion were killed in an instant.

The Great Demon on the Edge split into two groups and continued to attack from the flank.

Su Wen's arrows also predicted their offensive line at the same time, and accurately reached their front end.


Boom! Boom!

The arrow pierced through the archdemon, and then the electricity was fired.

Then the arrows exploded.

After that.

The continuous fire damage ignites the surrounding archdemons.

At this moment, three or five more great demons were killed by the move.

It all looks like a long time.

In fact, it has only taken two seconds since Su Wen shot the special move meteor.

That's it.

Su Wen shot left and right.

Finally, when the Great Demon was still five hundred meters away from him.

Shoot them all in your feet.

[Congratulations on your success!]

[Reward: Attribute Points +100!10W Lord Points]

The Heavenly Dao reward has come again.

This time.

Su Wen earned a total of 879 attribute points and 70W lord points.

His level also rose directly to level 18 like a rocket.

"Go on!"

Su Wen stayed for a short time for more than twenty seconds, and then continued to move towards the eighth level.

When he reached the eighth level.

There was a cry outside.

"Damn!4.9 The seventh level is also so short?"

A student who failed to suppress Su Wen couldn't help but hug his head: "Damn!"


The man turned his head to look at Batanmu and asked viciously, "Damn the goblin! Don't let me know, this is a game you did with him!"

"Don't be angry with this brother! Heavenly Dao witnesses, I, Batanmu, definitely don't know him! Besides, I've taken out this plate, and Heavenly Dao has allowed me to open it! I can't break the rules!"

Batanmu hurriedly explained.

As long as this plate can be opened.

It proves that Batanmu has no entanglement of interests with the people who broke through.


Suddenly, there was a tall, head-clad woman in the crowd with a mask.

The woman was suddenly flickering in the crowd.

She was about to leave when she heard a name.

She couldn't help but stop and turn her head to look.

At this glance, the woman's eyes couldn't help but glow: "This little guy ...... So fierce?".

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