The enemy was defeated, and the enemy was defeated.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief: It's finally over!

Although they could still see a steady stream of cellular void monsters marching towards the heart chamber, these were no longer a big deal.

Sheer numbers are the least likely to destroy a territory.

Which soldier or hero present didn't have the ability to kill seven in and seven out of a group of monsters?

Next, it was time to harvest the spoils!

The power of the military soul returned, and the "reality distortion" effect dissipated. Many high-level Templar warriors withdrew their power and tacitly released attacks on the incoming monsters.

Normal attacks have small-range damage and holy light chains, and the soldiers in the form of the Archons of the Temple easily eliminated the enemies who dared to approach.

Raiden Meiyi exited the Herrscher state and staggered. If Liadrin hadn't quickly supported her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Liadrin asked with some concern: "How is it?"

Raiden Meiyi took a few deep breaths, and the Honkai energy in her body recovered quickly, and her pale face regained its color.

She is a Herrscher, but her Herrscher core is not like the original world, with the "Cocoon of the End" and "Tree of Imaginary Numbers" supporting it behind, and the Honkai energy is almost infinite.

Now it is Changkong City, which is bound to the Raiden Law Core, that provides her with Honkai energy.

With the size of Changkong City, for Raiden Meiyi at this stage, the Honkai energy is enough under normal circumstances, unless the "Legion Blessing" and "Reality Distortion" situation just now occurs again.

Mei Raiden gradually recovered and stretched her body: "The Honkai energy is recovering. Too much energy has suddenly flowed into my body, and it is a bit swollen and painful for a while."

"In a short period of time, I should only be able to exert two-thirds of my normal strength."

Although she said so, Mei Raiden did not take it to heart. She still had one chance to revive on the spot, but she didn't use it. If the situation was not right, she could directly self-destruct and revive on the spot.

Liadrin smiled and patted her shoulder: "Your mission has been successfully completed. If you are still needed next, it will be our fault."

Maria Naruse had a magic book-like exclusive equipment floating on her right hand, and said calmly: "You are right!"

"We are not the kind of mixed army that does nothing and relies on our comrades to turn the tide."

Robin walked over and said softly:

"Enterprise sister and Liuying have gone to collect the "Heart of the Ancient God". There are nearly a hundred defense towers in the territory, and there are also temporary army of dead soldiers..."

"The overall situation is under our control. Next, we just need to finish it off."

Hearing this, Mei Raiden looked at the empty "world" and her face twitched slightly: "If nothing unexpected happens, this battle will last for a long time."

Luo Chen used the connection between the territory and the people to convey his voice to everyone:

"Look Luck, if this 'Heart of the Ancient God' is still relatively intact, we might be able to use its power to take the entire body of the Ancient God away. "

On the other side, Black Enterprise surrounded countless shipborne drones, approached the huge Heart of the Ancient God, and stared at the countless holes on the "beehive":

"Is this thing really complete?"

"Could it be that this is the normal state of the 'Heart of the Ancient God'?"

While pulling the trigger, Luo Chen calmly replied: "Unfortunately, a proper Heart of the Ancient God should not have a single hole."

Black Enterprise reached out and grabbed the "Heart of the Ancient God". A large number of shipborne drones flew into it. After a careful inspection, she made sure that there were no omissions, and then she put the "Heart of the Ancient God" into the ship's subspace.

Hearing Luo Chen's reply, Black Enterprise recalled the shipborne drones that had just flown unimpeded in the "Heart of the Ancient God", and a little regret appeared on his face:

"It seems that there is no chance."

On the contrary, Luo Chen looked as if he had expected the situation: "Normal situation. "

"If we can take away the body of the ancient god, the fate of 'Pandora' will be to give birth to a more powerful guardian monster in the corpse. In that case, it will not be our turn here."

Black Enterprise greeted other comrades, and under the escort of the Firefly Knights, he flew towards the territory first, and asked in amazement:

"Hmm, since His Majesty 'Pandora' is so powerful, why would anyone dare to use His name?"

Luo Chen said calmly: "Because, the Lord does not care."

A single immortal realm hides countless people who have never met the high

The "barbaric tribes" that the civilizations and super civilizations come into contact with do not know the meaning of names such as "Pandora" and "Yuanshi" in their culture.

As long as the life base is large enough, there will inevitably be many people who take similar names by chance.

In this regard, the eternal law above will not be touched at all, there will be no blessings, and there will be no curses.

Just like a new civilization leader, his name may not be unique within the tribe. Will he go to trouble that person because of his name?

Black Enterprise blinked: "... Uh, it makes sense."

Firefly picked up the treasure chest dropped by the cancer cell aggregate, joined the escort of the Firefly Knight, and flew towards the territory together.

The ship-borne drones and the Firefly Knights opened the way, and the return speed of Black Enterprise and others was quite fast, and they soon returned to the location of the territory.

[Eternal Watch] The golden light shield rising from the city wall made the entire territory look like a huge golden sphere.

A steady stream of monsters came one after another, but they fell within hundreds of meters of the territory without any suspense and turned into treasure chests.

Only a few cell monsters devoured their own kind and rushed to the city gate in a form similar to the cell Gundam, relying on thicker blood bars.

Then... left a white mark on the city wall.

In addition, they could see many black and purple armored humanoid creatures, who were constantly walking out of the city gate, rushing into the group of cell monsters without hesitation, attracting more monsters to come.

Unfortunately, the combat effectiveness of these dead soldiers was worrying, and at best they were only at the middle and lower levels of blue quality.

This was also thanks to their excellent genetic body.

However, the excellent genetic body does not mean that the technical strength and resources of the territory can support Changkong City's large-scale, low-cost production of dead soldiers and enable them to exert their full combat power.

The most important thing is that the systems in Luochen's territory are almost all related to the attributes of "idealism" and "spirituality", and it is difficult for simple genes to exert their full effect.

After considering many factors, Luo Chen decided to send them to the battlefield.

The life templates of the first edition of the dead soldiers have been archived, so why not make use of them and let them seek the possibility of life in the fierce battle.

If you are lucky, maybe a "mutant" will appear?

From the perspective of the realm, life itself is the greatest "miracle".

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