The battle was won, and the battle was won.

There is no doubt that the means displayed by the Lord of Divine Weapons were completely destroyed by the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire.

Although the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire paid a life... uh, two lives.

Luo Chen ate melons while waiting for the other party to make a move.

To be honest, he was not very clear about the average level of the golden lords. Although the current environment of Donghuang is quite friendly and orderly, it is the instinct of every intelligent life to hide a trump card.

Even Lin Yiyi was just a suspected golden lord inferred by Luo Chen personally.

She had no intention of fighting with Luo Chen to the end, and surrendered directly when she saw that the situation was not good.

After the two became allies, it was even more difficult for Luo Chen to ask the other party about his trump card.

At this stage, they are just allies and friends. Who would ask about other people's trump cards right away?

Do you know what basic respect is?

However, judging from Luo Chen's own situation, a golden hero, a sun mirror, and a set of divine sword rivers that simulate the rules of the world should not be the opponent's only trump cards.

Luo Chen just continued to summon soldiers and defense towers quietly, and then waited for the opponent to make a move.

During this period, he divided a little energy and prepared to go back to the territory to appease the Holy Judge of Skyfire.

Although she died happily in battle and exploded decisively, as a lord, Luo Chen felt that he still had to comfort and praise her.



Luo Chen showed a little surprise on his face: 'The attributes have been updated? Have you gained new bonds? ’

‘Uh, this bond…’

[Heavenly Fire Judge]

[Identity: Hero;]

[Quality: Gold (to be developed);]

[Others: Omitted;]

[Bond: God’s Key (1/13), when 1 or 13 God’s Keys with different powers are deployed at the same time, all God’s Keys will gain temporary special effects and combat evolution.

The God’s Keys will quickly develop hidden potential in battle, and have a 1% (10%) chance of understanding new bonds. ]

[Introduction: This bond is very useful, provided that you have great luck. ]

[Newly added·Bond:

Suicide Infantry (2/4/6), when 2, 4 or 6 different types of suicide soldiers or heroes are deployed at the same time, the final self-destruction effect will increase by 20%, 50%, 100%! ]

[Introduction: Suicide Infantry is not afraid of any challenge, either I die, or we die together! 】


Luo Chen: "…"

Obeis' eyes lit up: "This bond is really good!"

"Lord, can you make one for the Templars?"

Luo Chen's face twitched slightly, and he was silent for a moment: "The bond... is a bit troublesome."

He has not yet observed the internal framework of his own talent, let alone found the cause of the "bond".

Luo Chen is like getting a smartphone, he can use it to watch videos and play games, but if you ask him to disassemble the smartphone and make a separate calculator by himself, it will definitely be difficult for him.

Obeis: "I believe that Lord can do it!"

Luo Chen: "...I'll try my best."

While chatting, Luo Chen looked up at the sky in the west and muttered: "Where is the Lord of Divine Weapons on the opposite side? Why hasn't he sent out his troops yet?"

"Isn't it just the death of a golden hero?"

Obeis looked helpless: "Lord, please don't treat golden heroes as cabbages on the street."

"We still have some strength."

After the power of the sun and the moon was broken, the river of divine swords shattered, and countless remains of divine weapons fell on the stage.

Although Luo Chen was not an experienced old lord, he had seen countless cases of boats capsizing in the gutter in the book.

He did not give the other party a chance to lay mines. He controlled the army of dead soldiers to sweep across the land, captured all the remains of divine weapons one by one, stuffed them into the bodies of the dead soldiers, and assimilated them with rich collapse energy.

Regardless of the other party's plan, Luo Chen carried out his summoning of his dead soldiers step by step, showing everyone present what endlessness means.

There is no other reason. Without considering the cost of souls, dead soldiers are too cheap.

The mighty army of dead soldiers, with the memory domain meme as the medium, marched towards the west of the ring.

As soon as the army crossed the center line, Luo Chen discovered a very tricky thing:

On the cloud and mist ring from the middle to the west, the gold and silver lines densely covered the entire sea of ​​clouds, like iron chains, nailing the originally illusory clouds in place.

As time passed, gold and silver threads extended from the west of the ring, completely turning the clouds into his own


Thanks to his rich knowledge, Luo Chen recognized the Lord of Divine Weapons' intention almost instantly:

"Tsk, you're doing the same thing as me!"

If the previous "Sun and Moon in the Sky, Divine Sword River" is a set of Divine Weapon Sword Formation that simulates the operation of the world.

Then, the current "Golden Thread and Silver Thread" is a real "formation", which turns the ethereal cloud and fog arena into a heaven and earth formation that is beneficial to the development of its own soldiers.

In essence, what the Lord of Divine Weapons did is almost the same as Luo Chen.

The difference is that the other party is more direct.

Luo Chen sealed the collapse energy in the Corps of Dead Soldiers, and only when they died would a large amount of collapse energy explode, assimilating the surrounding environment into a great collapse.

Although he knew that the land had changed hands, Luo Chen still resolutely controlled the Corps of Dead Soldiers to step into the golden and silver land.

The average blue quality of the dead soldiers, the moment they entered the gold and silver land, they were suppressed by the entire "heaven and earth", and the invisible sword energy pierced through their hearts.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

A large number of dead soldiers fell at the same time, their bodies turned into fragments, and the collapse energy spread out simultaneously.

Luo Chen raised his lips slightly, and used the lord's authority without hesitation, controlling the collapse energy to sink rapidly, and violently collided with the "golden and silver lines" entangled in the clouds.

The extremely corrosive deep purple energy and the sharp gold and silver lines like sword energy launched the final showdown.

This time, if Luo Chen lost, the game would enter a long tug-of-war.

But if he won, it could almost be declared that the Lord of the Divine Weapon had completely failed.

If the entire world is suppressing you, what can you use to fight me?

Luo Chen smiled slightly, waved his hand, and controlled the massive army of dead soldiers to rush into the world formation composed of gold and silver lines as if they were sending themselves to death.

Luo Chen smiled confidently: "Your sword energy is being consumed every moment, but my death warriors are endless!"

The existence of gold and silver threads is similar to sword energy. In essence, they are derivatives of some special magic weapons, which require energy to cultivate.

And his death warriors only need a little organic matter and a little collapse energy.

There is no need to dispatch any golden soldiers. Just a simple number crushing is enough to make the opponent retreat.

The deep purple collapse energy emerges continuously, and the extremely corrosive energy devours the "gold and silver threads" unscrupulously.

As the concentration of collapse energy increases, the cloud and mist arena with fairy air is completely dyed with the color of the great collapse.

The massive collapse energy that eroded the sword energy converges into one, forming a sword-shaped collapse beast with the form of a magic weapon!

Luo Chen: "It seems to be quite good to occasionally play a guest role as a sword cultivator."

Luo Chen waved his hand, and a large number of sword-shaped collapse beasts were ready to go, which was quite a scene of ten thousand swords returning to their roots.

"Your opponent has surrendered. Congratulations on winning the championship of this year's Qihang Cup!"

Luo Chen's expression froze. The Honkai Beast that was ready to go lost its target.

Now he seemed to understand why the Holy Judge of Skyfire was autistic?

This feeling of suffocation when the excitement came to an abrupt end was really depressing:

'You don't even feel good. Bad review.jpg! '

'Who started this bad trend of surrendering as soon as the situation got bad? '

'How can you surrender without fighting to the last moment? ! If you don't fight to the last moment...'

How can he enjoy the pleasure of bullying the weak?

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