When they came to Ye Ling'er, Monica was also here.

When the two eldest ladies saw Chen Tao, they hurriedly greeted him. After some courtesy, Chen Tao finally understood the general outline of the matter.

It turns out that Miss Ye received the task of ending the trial and had three ways to choose from to end the trial.

First, if Miss Ye chooses to start an attack, the demon army outside the city will attack immediately. Miss Ye only needs to persist for 24 hours to win the trial and complete the trial.

Secondly, when Chen Tao came over, he felt that there were 11 powerful enemies in total. Miss Ye still needed to choose to start the attack. Then as long as three of them were killed during the attack, the trial would be won and the trial could be completed. .

There are three chances to restart in the first and second choices, and you can fail twice. If you fail again in the third restart, there will be a third way to end the trial, which is to fail the trial, and you can also end it. fighting.

Just before the two eldest ladies called Chen Tao, they had already tried once. After data collection and calculation, it was impossible for the hundreds of thousands of people under the three lords to be in the final wave of attacks. Lasted 24 hours.

"Does this mean we only have the second option?" After saying that, Chen Tao rubbed his head, thought about it again and again and finally chose to ask, "Can the two eldest ladies see through the attributes of the 11 enemy leaders? "

Hearing this, Ye Ling'er replied: "My identification technique can see the attributes of five of them, but not their skills and levels. And Monica can see the attributes of seven, but can't see the skills. and level. There should be rules that block their skills and prevent us from detecting them."

Then the two eldest ladies pointed out to Chen Tao the leader of the monster whose attributes they could see through.

Among them, five heads are the same, and the remaining three heads are different. Together, we can see the basic attributes of eight different bosses.

Among them, the one with the highest force value is only a thousand nods. There are also some with low force value and high mental power. I think these monsters with high mental power should be good at using spells.

The three of them discussed for a long time and chose three leaders who seemed to be relatively weak as targets.

They are: Destruction Goat Demon, a tall goat-headed demon with a strength of 969 and a spirit of 332. Diamond Armor is a humanoid monster wrapped in pitch black armor. According to Ye Ling'er, the identification technique shows that the prototype of this thing is a giant beetle, with a strength of 893 and a spirit of 401. The last one is a short monster with a deer head and body, holding a pale green mace, with 989 strength and 233 spirit.

After selecting the monster, Chen Tao asked the two female generals Guan and Lu if they could deal with one.

Don't look at the fact that all the heroes under Chen Tao's command have ten-fold attribute bonuses, and their strength values ​​have already exceeded their opponents many times. However, the strength of monsters is not just based on attributes.

The numerical values ​​​​of force and spiritual attributes are only superficial, and their strength calculation method is completely different from the strength calculation method of the heroes and units under the lord.

The hero took the lead in slashing the BOSS, and the BOSS probably only lost less than one-fifth of its vitality.

Then the BOSS started to fight back, killing the 200-strength hero with one strike.

The strength of the monsters in Endless Void will make a qualitative leap as the quality increases. It can be simply understood that all monsters except the lord's subordinates will receive huge bonuses. The higher the quality of the monster, the greater the bonus.

This is why Chen Tao is still very cautious even though he has a plug-in with ten times the attributes.

Sister Guan did not speak, while Sister Lu smiled contemptuously. After looking around, she spoke and said: "Master, I have underestimated my waiting. These 11 leaders do not need me to join forces with Yinping. None of them are either of the two of me." opponent."

When Chen Tao heard this, he realized that he had been too careful again, but there was not only one opponent, but also a lot of dark monsters.

Then Chen Tao expressed his worries, and this time Sister Guan spoke first: "Master, there is no need to worry. Even if three or four leaders come with many enemy soldiers, we can kill them one by one."

Sister Guan's words were filled with incomparable confidence, and when she talked about killing them one by one, her whole person changed and became full of murderous intent. From a tall girl next door, she turned into a general who killed countless people. .

At that moment, Chen Tao seemed to see the boundless sea of ​​blood stepping on Sister Guan's feet.

Chen Tao sighed and turned to tell the two eldest ladies about his plan.

That is to let the two eldest ladies' hundreds of thousands of soldiers try their best to contain the enemy, and leave the important task of killing the enemy leader to themselves.

Ye Ling'er wanted to say something after hearing this, but was stopped by Monica, who had quick eyes and quick hands. After the two women murmured a few words, Miss Ye's expression relaxed slightly, and then she agreed to Chen Tao's plan.

Chen Tao then summoned Brynhildr from the territory and directly upgraded her level to Level 21. Each level of Martial Goddess can increase 7 points of force and 3 points of spirit.

After reaching Level 21, with the blessing of Chen Tao's ten times attributes, the force value suddenly increased to 1670.

Chen Tao then ordered Joan of Arc and Martial Goddess to rush into the enemy formation and disrupt the battlefield. Joan of Arc immediately left a series of phantoms behind.

Chen Tao helplessly shouted at Joan of Arc: "It hasn't started yet..."

Joan of Arc "The enemy will wait here for now."

Chen Tao "..."

The two female generals Guan and Lu on the side each chose a leader as their target and rushed over in advance.

The enemies at this time are just real phantoms. As long as Ye Linger does not choose to start, they will not move or attack, and heroes and soldiers can also pass directly through their bodies.

Seeing the two female generals taking their positions, Chen Tao warned Brünnhilde: "Just contain them, don't be too eager to fight, pay attention to your own safety."

Martial Goddess just nodded to show that he understood.

As for Sun Shangxiang, just stay with Chen Tao. After all, her talent can take effect as long as she is alive, and she can protect her lord by staying with Chen Tao. Sister Sun is also very willing to do so.

Then Chen Tao informed Ye Ling'er to start. After receiving the message, Ye Ling'er directly pulled out [Guangyu], and a pink light beam shot into the sky again.

Countless demon phantoms around him began to turn into entities and launched attacks on the territory.

Brynhildr on the side calmly took out a horn carved from mammoth ivory and blew it. Everyone in Chen Tao's camp found that their power suddenly became stronger.

After putting away the horn, Brünnhilde raised the sword and shield in her hand. A burst of divine light flashed, and Martial Goddess showed her fighting posture.

The next moment, she was waving her wings and rushing into the battlefield.

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