The ninth day's attack began at nine o'clock in the morning.

When the attack started, Chen Tao was bored in Gentle Village, looking at the phantoms of beauties on the [Atlas of the Myriad World Goddesses].

The two heroes and 100 basketball girls are training in full swing at the college field.

They didn't take the monster's attack to heart at all.

After all, the strength lies there.

What else is there to worry about?

When you have the strength, you can overcome all the obstacles in front of you. This is because you can defeat cleverness with force!

Suddenly hearing roars outside the city, Chen Tao knew that today's attack was coming.

Walk up the city wall slowly and leisurely.

Today, Chen Tao always feels that he has no energy to do anything and has no interest in anything.

Could it be that being a lord also leads to a period of burnout?

But all the fatigue disappeared after Chen Tao controlled the meteorite tower.

There shouldn't be any lord who can resist the temptation of the Meteor Tower, right?

At first glance, the monsters attacking today were a group of structures made of stone, soil, and wood.


[stone man ]

Quality: blue.

Level: 30.

Force: 65

Spirit: 1

Skills: Stone Skin, Rock Throwing

[Description: Stone Man, Stone Man, is really made of stone. ]


[earth man]

Quality: Green.

Level: 25.

Force: 43

Spirit: 1

Skills: Soft, earthy skin.

[Description: Soft soil, it does not hurt or itch when punched. ]


Gee, both skills passively reduce damage. I wonder if I can survive Sister Guan with one blow.


[Blockhead ]

Quality: Green.

Level: 25.

Force: 37

Spirit: 12

Skills: Regeneration, Woody Skin

Description: A wooden man is a wooden man, and a tree man is a tree man. Don’t get confused.


Hundreds of various structural giants more than three to four meters high rushed into the range of Chen Tao's defense tower.

Chen Tao still ordered other defense towers to directly and indiscriminately attack enemies that entered his attack range.

Chen Tao himself controlled several meteorite towers, specifically looking for places where enemies gathered to blast them with meteorites.

Chen Tao was very surprised as to why Sister Lu didn't actively attack today.

Sister Lu sensed doubts in Chen Tao's eyes and explained: "The general doesn't like fighting with enemies who won't bleed. Of course, if the lord wants the general to participate in the battle, it's okay."

After hearing what Sister Lu said, Chen Tao shook his head at her.

Then Chen Tao looked at Sister Guan.

Sister Guan also felt Chen Tao's gaze and said: "The general will protect the safety of the lord again. If the general needs to participate in the battle, please give the order."

After hearing this, Chen Tao also shook his head at Sister Guan.

Just when Chen Tao went back to concentrate on operating the meteorite tower, he heard Sister Guan whispering in a low voice: "I don't know if Dogfish eat wood, they probably don't eat it..."

Chen Tao couldn't help but smile.

There are only six to seven hundred monsters today, but the monsters are all very large and very resistant to beatings.

Moreover, the monsters' positions when attacking are very loose, and the defensive towers that deal group damage have little effect.

A defensive tower with high single-target damage has a slow attack speed. If it does not directly hit the enemy's vital points, it will only knock off a bit of their body or limbs, and then it will regenerate after a while.

Today's monster is a bit tricky.

More than half of the monsters rushed to the moat under heavy fire from the defense towers.

The Stonemen began to pick up large stones from the ground and threw them towards the hardwood walls and the city.

This is the only bad thing about digitization. You can pick up big rocks from the mud. Damn it!

For a time, the hardwood walls and some buildings in the city were damaged.

Fortunately, after these days of fighting, Chen Tao obtained tens of thousands of Void Coins, which he put directly into the Dimensional Warehouse.

Now Chen Tao can automatically spend Void Coins to repair buildings and city walls with just a thought.

Chen Tao couldn't help but sigh at this time, digitizing the void is good and convenient.

At this time, as the monsters slowly gathered in front of the city wall, the group attack defense towers could finally play more roles.

At this time, outside the city, some [Wooden Figures] lay flat on the side of the moat, becoming thinner and longer, and were placed on the surface by the [Clay Figures] around them, directly turning into "bridges" for attacking the city wall.

When Chen Tao saw this, was it okay?

Directly order Sister Guan to take a hundred basketball girls to annihilate all the enemies in front of the moat.

Sister Guan didn't waste any time after accepting the order.

Directly lead 60 Ming basketball girls to jump off the city wall, while the remaining 40 basketball girls harassed the enemies who had crossed the moat on the city wall, waiting for opportunities.

[Demonized. Azure Dragon Covering the Sky (Incomplete)] Open!

With the start of the Sister Guan battle, the attributes of the basketball girls have been greatly improved.

They were divided into groups of five, leading or attacking, and began to slowly consume the enemies in front of the city gate.

Sister Lu also helped Chen Tao with bows and arrows, shooting one arrow at a time, which was very satisfying.

As dozens of enemies crossed the moat, they were wiped out.

Forty basketball girls on the city wall also jumped off the city wall and joined the sisters below the city wall.

Under the command of Sister Guan, they work in groups of three or five.

Relying on the moat, a huge semicircular front was formed, slowly advancing...

With the blessing of Chen Tao's 10x attributes and Sister Guan formation.

The basketball girls are so brave that the enemies who dare to stand in front of them will turn into rubble and broken wood on May Day.

After more than two hours, the battle finally ended.

Chen Tao Fang wiped out the enemy at the cost of the death of three Martial Goddess warriors.

The three basketball girls who died in the battle were resurrected from the Tomb of Heroes by Chen Tao.

A total of 843 enemies were wiped out in this battle, and 962 blue and green treasure chests were obtained.


In a blink of an eye, time came to the tenth day.

On Chen Tao's territory, many buildings have been added one after another during the attacks in the past few days.

[Spirit Field] has eight more pieces.

There are 13 more defensive towers.

Among them, there are three new types of defense towers.

They are [Ice Explosion Tower], [Explosive Arrow Tower] and [Strange Bell Tower].

Among them, [Explosive Arrow Tower] is sublimated from [Strong Arbalest Tower].

And [Strange Bell Tower] is sublimated from [Evil Eye Tower].


[Ice Explosion Tower]

[Level: 1 (0/200)]

[Function: Use ice blast to cause damage to enemies within a diameter of 5 meters, while reducing their attack and movement speed by 20% each (one inventory every 10 seconds)]

[Range: 800 meters]

[Stock: 10/10]

[Description: Don't leave in a hurry, let me cool you down. ]


[ Explosive Arrow Tower ]

[Level: 1 (0/500)]

[Function: Shoots explosive crossbow bolts to cause damage to enemies within 10 meters of the target range. One shot every ten seconds]

[Range: 800 meters]

[Stock: 100/100]

[Description: Only one launcher worse than a rocket launcher. ]


[Strange Bell Tower]

[Level: 1 (0/1000)]

[Function: Emit Anomaly's bell, causing damage to enemies within range and weakening them. Consumes 1 inventory every ten seconds]

[Range: 800 meters]

[Stock: 10/10]

[Description: Do not listen lightly. ]


Chen Tao even upgraded his level to Level 20. At the same time, Sister Lu and Sister Guan each upgraded to Level 15 due to the battles in the past few days and their training in the school field.

Chen Tao upgraded the Martial Goddess's Battle Attendant to Level 2 and recruited 100 more [Martial Goddess's Battle Attendants].

The last step is to continue to consolidate the defense and use all the Void Experience on hand to upgrade the levels of the city walls and defense towers.

Everything is ready.

As for Chen Tao, all he can do now is wait quietly for the attack on the tenth day to arrive!

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