In fact, the moment Chen Tao called for war, countless strategies and tactics flashed through his mind. After careful consideration, he chose the simplest one.

First, lead the large troops to quickly rush to the fortress.

Before the enemy could react, he ordered the 200 warriors to throw half of the throwing weapons in their hands, and the remaining half to improvise.

I saw flying axes and short spears flying into the fortress like rain. Although I couldn't see the situation inside, the enemies on guard on the city wall were already pierced.

Then ordered 40 Evil Vanquishing Sacred Swords to rush in for the vanguard.

After receiving the order, 40 Evil Vanquishing Sacred Swords flew up the wall, killing the enemies that were not killed by the basketball girl's throw. At the same time, they swung their swords to block the enemy's counterattack bows and arrows in the fortress.

Jump directly from the city wall without stopping and rush into the enemy's position.

Lu Lingqi followed closely and jumped into the city wall.

Instantly, golden light erupted within the city wall, and the shouts of killing shook the sky, which was also mixed with the roars of countless corpse soldiers.

Chen Tao, surrounded by Sister Guan and the basketball girls, walked into the fortress through the gap in the city wall in a leisurely manner.

Knight Chen Tao also wants to be like Lu Lingqi, making a heroic leap and then rushing into the battlefield.

It's a pity that Sister Guan wouldn't let her go, saying that the Lord's safety was more important than anything else.

Chen Tao was also helpless.

Through the wall, you can see a huge square.

Sister Lu and the Evil Vanquishing Sword Saints who were at the forefront were already fighting hundreds of enemies.

I saw the Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword wielding their long swords in their hands, and every time the golden sword light flashed, it would take away an enemy's life.

The enemies they faced were either dismembered, brutally dismembered, or directly smashed into the enemy group behind them.

Lu Lingqi, on the other hand, danced the euphorbia in his hand so tightly that he shattered countless enemies who dared to attack.

Although Sister Lu and others were extremely efficient in killing enemies, enemies continued to rush out from the fortress behind the square and join the battle.

Because the opponent's replacement efficiency was too high, the two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

Chen Tao ordered the basketball girls around him to join the battle, and he turned on the identification technique.

Although the current identification technique cannot see big monsters clearly, small monsters should be fine.


[The Corpse Soldiers of the Unnamed Fortress]

Quality: blue.

Level: 40.

Strength: 63.

Spirit: 11.

Skills: Message Strike, Heavy Cleave, Middle Level Shield Mastery, Elementary Bow Mastery

[Description: Diligent soldiers are an indispensable force in every fortress. Nameless evil thoughts drive them to continue fighting. ]


Since the basketball girls joined the team, Chen Tao's enemy-killing efficiency has increased several times.

But the efficiency of the opponent's recruitment also increases.

It seems that there are endless soldiers in the fortress opposite, and Chen Tao's side will never be able to take a step forward.

After a while, Chen Tao suddenly discovered that the killed enemies stopped dropping treasure boxes.

Moreover, the bodies of the enemies killed now began to disappear and turned into black air, flying into the tower opposite Chen Tao.

"Nothing will happen, right?" Chen Tao said to himself.

"If my lord is worried, you can ask Yinping to go and find out what's going on." Reading Chen Tao's worries, Guan Yinping volunteered.

"No, no, I'm not worried about anything else. I'm just worried that something will suddenly come out and scare me."

Just like when you watch a ghost movie, the process of the ghost doing evil is not scary. What is scary is when the ghost suddenly pops out from nowhere.

That sense of oppression from the unknown made Chen Tao very uncomfortable.

After continuing to kill like this for half an hour, the frequency of enemy appearances finally began to slowly decrease.

It's just that there seems to be an invisible line controlling everything. As long as Chen Tao's side starts to press forward, the enemy's appearance frequency will increase again, continuing to push Chen Tao and the others back.

After several attempts, Chen Tao's patience was finally worn out.

Order Sister Guan to rush over and take a look, and retreat immediately if in danger.

I saw Sister Guan jumping into the enemy group, waving her sword wildly while continuing to move forward.

A Falling Moon knife was danced so hard that it gave birth to knife shadows all over the sky.

All enemies hit by the knife were killed immediately and turned into black energy.

Just as Sister Guan was approaching the enemy's rear fortress, she was blocked by an invisible wall.

Sister Guan tried to attack with weapons, but it had no effect at all.

She hesitated for a moment, but chose to retreat to Chen Tao.

After listening to the situation reported by Sister Guan, Chen Tao pondered for a moment and said: "If there is no change after killing for a while, we will return to the territory first and make a long-term plan."

So the killing continued, but during this period, the girls in the front row were allowed to take turns to come down and rest.

It is worth mentioning that Sister Lu’s energy and stamina are really good. She did not choose to rest but her spirits were getting better and better.

After all, according to her experience of forgetting the enemy, so many were killed, but the enemy did not choose to surrender or escape, let alone really kill them all.

After killing so much, enemies are still appearing one after another. At this time, Sister Lu's mood can only be described in one word, enjoyable!

Finally, after half an hour of this, the enemy's refresh frequency began to decrease.

The army of Chen Tao's side advanced with the trend, and even if they advanced far, the frequency of the enemy's appearance did not increase.

It was not until the large army encountered an invisible wall that they stopped advancing.

Our own troops were bounded by an invisible wall and continued to kill the enemy.

At this time, the frequency of enemy appearances is no longer as high as at its peak.

After the enemy is killed, he still turns into black gas and flies towards the towering tower.

Another half hour passed like this, and just when Chen Tao was about to give up, the enemy finally stopped showing up.

The tower that had absorbed enough black energy seemed to come alive and began to vibrate.

Once, twice, three times...

As the number of vibrations increased, the power of the vibrations became greater and greater, and the tower was covered with huge cracks visible to the naked eye.

With the last vibration, the bricks and stones that made up the tower flew everywhere, and dust flew up for a while, blocking Chen Tao's view.

As the smoke dissipated, a tall black giant appeared. It had no facial features and its limbs were also made of black elements. It looked very smooth from a distance.

There are several terrifying cracks on the giant's body, and the cracks spread all over the body, making the giant appear even more Anomaly.

The invisible wall disappeared without a trace at some point.

An unknown sense of decay passed from the giant to everyone present, in their hearts.

In an instant, everyone experienced a moment of world destruction.

Fortunately, this moment passed, but it was enough to make Chen Tao sweat profusely.

After calming his breathing, Chen Tao used his appraisal technique to scan over.


[Final Giant (dying)]

quality:? ? ?

grade:? ? ?

strength:? ? ?

Spirit:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

[describe:? ? ? ? ? The end? ? ? ? ? The end of everything]


Everything is a question mark except the name.

Chen Tao couldn't help but sigh.

But now is not the time to be distracted.

The unknown often brings fear to people.

The series of question marks determined by the identification technique gave Chen Tao a feeling that his goal was very lofty.

I don't know the depth of the enemy at all.

Put him in a dilemma for a while, wavering between attack and retreat.

"Lord, let me try. If it doesn't work, we will retreat." As if she felt that the enemy was different, Sister Lu said to retreat for the first time.

But Sister Lu’s voice also helped Chen Tao make his choice.

"That's fine. Just be careful. If it doesn't work, return immediately."

"It's okay. If something unexpected happens, my lord, you should leave first. I'll stop you. Just remember to resurrect me when you go back." Sister Lu's voice has returned to its former boldness.

"If you say something stupid, try not to die if you can..."

At this time, Sister Lu had already rushed out, leaped forward, and hit the giant Zhongyan in the head.

This blow was so powerful that it staggered the black giant.

Seeing this scene, Chen Tao only had two words in his heart, there is a way!

"Come on, fuck him all over, kill him for me."

Perhaps because he was frightened at that moment, Chen Tao lost his cool. While swearing, he pulled out a sword from behind and rushed over.

Sister Guan did not stop him this time, but rushed over with Chen Tao.

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