The enemies on the thirteenth day were a group of red-skinned demons with scales and horns, appearing in groups of dozens and dozens.

Before Chen Tao could give the order, Sister Lu had already rushed out.

The moment she encountered the enemy, Sister Lu immediately activated [Unparalleled in the World].

At this time, Sister Lu was like a madman on the battlefield, killing non-stop.


The fourteenth day.

The enemy was a group of red mermaids, their huge fish eyes sparkling in the reflection of the firelight. Unfortunately, these mermaids were weak without water, and were easily defeated by Chen Tao with the help of defense towers.

Day 15.

After the harvest of the previous two days, Chen Tao recruited 300 basketball girls and 40 evil-fighting holy swords, and the power of defending the city grew again.

The enemies on the fifteenth day are a group of empty armor shells. After they are defeated, the armor parts will be scattered on the ground. The Dogfish in the moat eat these armor parts.

Day 16.


Day seventeen.


Day 18.


Day 19.


Until the twentieth day, Sister Guan still had not left seclusion.

As for Sister Lu, her state is getting more and more crazy every time she fights, just like she has got into the horns of something.

Whenever an attacking monster appears in the past few days, Sister Lu will be like a hungry wolf in Mianyang. She will howl and pounce on the monster, and activate Tian Xia Wushuang to attack the monster with crazy output, without holding back at all.

Chen Tao, the defense tower and the soldiers cooperated with Sister Lu to eliminate the enemies.

As long as the enemies targeted by Sister Lu rarely leave intact corpses, they are usually cut into pieces by the fine gold spurge in Sister Lu's hands.

Chen Tao was once very worried, but once the fighting stopped, Sister Lu would return to her original carefree personality. After Chen Tao talked to her, she would find a room in [The King's Harem] , and began to meditate.

But Chen Tao couldn't ask anything from Sister Lu.

As time goes by, Chen Tao has become accustomed to Sister Lu's abnormal behavior these days, as if Sister Lu's behavior was originally so Anomaly.

If the foggy area that Chen Tao has explored is taken as the front, Chen Tao has led people to explore the foggy areas on the left and right in the past few days.

On the left is a lava environment. When exploring, you need to find water sources from time to time to cool down. The monster inside is the red-skinned demon that attacked the territory on the thirteenth day. The crazy-looking Sister Lu cooperated with the Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword and the basketball girls to easily Kill them all.

On the right is a large and small pool of water forming a wetland. Note that it is not a swamp. The monster inside is the red murloc that appeared on the fourteenth day.

These fishmen's combat effectiveness in the water has been slightly improved, but because the water pool is too shallow. The deepest pool is only around Chen Tao's waist.

The three-meter-tall red murlocs wanted to quickly swim close to Chen Tao's troops. It was a complete fantasy. The shallow pool directly exposed their whereabouts, and they were easily strangulated by the Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword and the blue ball girls.

These two blocks are also divided into four parts, and there will be a BOSS in each part. In the battle, the crazy Sister Lu plus 80 Evil Vanquishing Sacred Swords have no problem at all, and the exploration is completed like chopping melons and vegetables.

There is no monster BOSS in the block that has instant kill and group control skills like the Final Giant. The highest level is only a gold-quality block BOSS, which is not enough for Chen Tao and his screaming girls.

By the way, since Chen Tao placed [The Ruined Temple] in his territory, the basketball girls have become as excited as if they had been pumped. Although there is no increase in numerical values, their desire to attack is much stronger than before.

Every time when resisting monster attacks or going out to explore foggy areas, Basketball Girl always charges forward, as if her movement speed has been increased.

Whenever she encounters an enemy, as long as Chen Tao gives the order to attack, Basketball Girl will transform into a berserker and rush towards the enemy with Sister Lu taking the lead.

Only Chen Tao and the guards responsible for guarding the Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword were left looking at each other.

Sometimes Chen Tao would also think about whether there is a direct relationship between Sister Lu's madness and the madness of the basketball girls, but unfortunately he never had a clue.

It was past nine o'clock in the morning on the twentieth day, and the monster attack had not yet appeared.

While Chen Tao was sitting on the diamond wall bored and waiting, Sister Lu appeared first.

You must know that since returning from the first block, as long as the attacking monsters do not appear or Chen Tao asks her to explore with him, Sister Lu always stays in her room and sits quietly.

"My lord, I will finally report something." At this time, Sister Lu had a correct attitude and a serious expression.

Chen Tao couldn't help but sit upright: "Lingqi has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

As long as you don't want to marry someone else, or leave me or something. Chen Tao added in his heart.

Lu Lingqi glanced at Chen Tao meaningfully before continuing: "After resisting today's enemy attack, I will also stay in seclusion for a while."

"Oh, that's it, I thought..."

Wait, Sister Lu is also going into seclusion. Wouldn't that mean that there are no heroes around to help me for the time being?


After 20 days of getting along with each other, Chen Tao has already become accustomed to the company of two military commanders and sisters who are tall, powerful, glamorous, pretty, heroic, like fishes and geese, and shy flowers after closing the moon... (10,000 words are omitted here) .

In the days when Sister Guan first started to retreat, Chen Tao was not used to it for a long time. (Of course, it may also have something to do with Chen Tao starting to sleep on his own.)

"My lord, are you in trouble?" Seeing the uncertainty on Chen Tao's face, Sister Lu couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, it's okay. I thought you were leaving me at first, but it's just a small thing like seclusion."

"You can go to seclusion, don't worry about me."

"Thank you, lord, Lingqi will never leave your lord. It's just..."


"Lingqi hopes that the lord will recruit another hero so that he can assist the lord when Yinping and I are away."

Yesterday, the number of Evil Vanquishing Sacred Swords was increased to 100. At this time, Chen Tao still has 150,000 or 60,000.

These Void Coins Chen Tao was originally waiting for the day when he would come out of the horse ranch to recruit Beidou Red Flag.

Now that the situation is special, we can use it to recruit a hero first.

"Okay, after today's battle is over, I will recruit another hero. This will allow Lingqi to go to retreat with peace of mind."

Just as Chen Tao finished speaking, terrifying roars came from the distant woods.

Hundreds of tall corpse monsters appeared from it.

The old rule is that the appraisal technique is served first, regardless of whether it is useful or not.


[Giant Corpse King]

Grade: gold.

grade:? ? ?

force:? ? ?

Spirit:? ? ?

Skill: Corpse eating? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[Description: The King is composed of the corpses of countless strong men. Be careful not to let it seize the opportunity to devour the corpses and restore your physical strength. ]


[Giant Corpse Duke]×2

Quality: Purple.

grade:? ? ?

force:? ? ?

Spirit: 11

Skill: Corpse eating? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[Description: A strong man is composed of the corpses of countless strong men. Be careful not to let it seize the opportunity to devour the corpses and restore your physical strength. ]


[giant corpse]

Quality: blue.

Level: 50

Force: 143

Spirit: 1

Skills: Eating corpses, trampling, death skin, strange power

[Description: A huge corpse monster composed of the corpses of countless strong men. Be careful not to let it seize the opportunity to devour the corpses and restore your physical strength. ]


In the twentieth wave, the strength was slightly increased. Two purple monsters, one golden monster, plus four to five hundred blue monsters, and the power of the blue monsters alone was almost 150.

If you change the lord, you may be a little scared, but the force of Chen Tao's blue soldier Martial Goddess's Battle Attendant is more than twice that of the opponent, which is completely justified.

Moreover, basketball girls have been working hard these days. Except for the quality on the panel, which is still blue, other items have completely surpassed the quality of blue.

"Sister Lu, go deal with that golden monster."

"Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword 60 people are divided into Evil Vanquishing Sword Formation to trap the purple giant zombie Duke on the left. The remaining people roam the battlefield, waiting for opportunities to eliminate the enemy."

"War servants, find your own targets and be sure to annihilate the enemy in front of the city wall."

"Everyone should pay attention when fighting the enemy. The enemy will recover by eating corpses."

After several days of fighting, the orders issued by Chen Tao became more and more decent. No matter how effective they were, they were at least full of momentum.


"Set off!"

The soldiers and generals took their orders and rushed to the battlefield. Chen Tao also mentioned Sister Guan's [Falling Moon] and entered the battlefield.

His target is another [Giant Corpse Duke].

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