"This flesh-and-blood witch has great potential. You have also seen her performance. Just after she got the body, she was able to contain the body so that it could not make big waves. Moreover, the inheritance of the flesh-and-blood sage in her is not simple. Her own The strength is also pretty good..."

Catherine was talking about the flesh witch and blood spirit while drinking.

At this time, the flesh and blood witch seemed to be extremely uncomfortable with the sudden transformation into a human body and was excited. She collapsed to the ground for a moment. The Nautilus on the side quickly caught her and carried her on his body, and then turned to the city gate. It seemed that Prepare to carry her to Chen Tao.

Chen Tao, the soldier in the territory, did not leave any soldiers behind this time, and sent them all out. After all, they had to face hundreds of thousands of enemies.

Chen Tao found it particularly funny when he saw a little lolita who was over one meter tall carrying a tall man who was between 1.8 and 2 meters long and walking quickly, so he asked Hero to carry the person on his back.

Hero hesitated for a moment, but went anyway.

After Chen Tao hired Hero as a hero, he also investigated information about the Void Monster.

Although the habits of Void Monsters are not like those of real beasts, they still have some belligerent genes. However, Hero is similar to him. Except when he is sure that Chen Tao is absolutely safe, he will run to the school field to train himself. I basically spend all my time near Chen Tao.

Moreover, she is extremely simple-minded and easy to get along with. Take her hair and clothes as an example. Wu Zhao, who is always up to no good, will always do some very strange styles, although Chen Tao said before that she has restrained them a lot.

Wu Zhao only changed the style of dressing Shiloh to be more conservative, but most of the time it still had a hint of rebellion.

After Nautilus handed the blood spirit to Hero and helped Hero to set it up, she immediately flew back to the battlefield happily. She liked the feeling of sneaking torpedoes in the small group of Big Dipper Red Cavalry.

Chen Tao looked at the blood spirit who was slowly getting used to walking again with the help of Hiro and suddenly asked Catherine: "Do you know about the hatred of the flesh witch?"

"I know." Catherine nodded, "But the world she originally lived in has been destroyed long ago, and her revenge has been avenged in some ways."

ah? Destroyed?

In Endless Void, the world is counting down to destruction or is being destroyed every moment. Of course, new worlds are being born every moment, so it is not surprising.

"After the review, I investigated first. Her original world was destroyed a few years after she left. According to the information I found, the world where Blood Spirit originally lived was the remnant of a certain once great civilization that was destroyed. , there are some uncontrollable technologies sealed on it.”

"By the way, there are two mainstream schools in the original world of Blood Spirit. One is the Flesh School, and the Flesh Sage inherited by Blood Spirit is the leader of the Flesh School. In the words of your Great Xia, they want to evolve through flesh and blood. Way.”

"The other school is the school of science and technology, but the development speed of the school of science and technology has not been ideal until they unearthed some incomplete information left by their ancestors in the underground of the world. The most intuitive result of these discoveries is that the school of science and technology The leader of the group just floated away, and then he broke up with the Flesh School and killed the Flesh Sage with the help of weapons unearthed from the ground."

"Although Blood Spirit's body was destroyed, he managed to survive with his heart of flesh and blood. Then he found an opportunity to enter the research institute of the School of Science and Technology, stole a spaceship they repaired and escaped from the planet, and vowed revenge. "

"Later, the School of Science and Technology continued to excavate underground ruins, but accidentally opened the sealed out-of-control technology, and then the whole world exploded from the middle like fireworks."

"By the way, I haven't told Blood Spirit about her hometown yet, because I don't know how to speak. I'll send you the video before and after the destruction of the world. Blood Spirit is your human now, so you have to take the responsibility to tell her. The responsibility for truth.”

Then Chen Tao received a video sent by Catherine through the friend system.

The video is very short, only a few minutes. It roughly pulls the camera into a world from the universe, recording some of the world's iconic peaks and cities, as well as some scenes of human life. Then the camera quickly pulls back into the void, and finally It was the spectacular scene just recorded of the world exploding into bright fireworks in Endless Void.

In the world in the picture, a very huge energy fluctuation clearly appeared before the explosion. This should be the root cause of its destruction.

After Chen Tao watched the video, Hiro quickly came to him with Catherine on his back.

So Chen Tao said to Catherine with a bitter look on his face: "I don't know how to speak. What's going on with these pictures?"

"That's your business, because she is yours now. As for that video, it's because there are many idle people with nothing to do in the world who like to study what happens in Endless Void, and these people also base their research on There are many different factions in the direction. There are several such organizations in your Great Xia that are very famous. One of them is called... uh uh uh... Oh, by the way, it's called the Endless Void Natural Harmonious Development Research Association. They are very famous, and their goal seems to be to completely and without leaving any trace integrate into the lives of the Endless Void Aboriginal people."

"In short, the people in this gathering originated from Great Xia, then absorbed the 'talents' flowing out from various countries, and finally tried to integrate into the lives of the indigenous people of Endless Void."

“I’ve seen a lot of people trick others into doing stupid things and then make a profit, but this group called the Natural Harmony Society really treats this as a career, and their boss really took the lead in integrating into the indigenous people of Endless Void. "

"But I heard that their goals seemed to have exploded in the past two years. The leader of their assembly was discovered by the aborigines around him and was killed."

"Because of this, their core values ​​no longer have a foothold, which means that the belief they have always adhered to has collapsed. So this behemoth with millions of formal members and an unknown number of believers is splitting and disbanding... .”

Women seem to be born with a strong interest in things like gossip. Even a figure like Catherine, who stands at the pinnacle of human strength, seems to be unable to escape the essence of a woman. She kept telling Chen Tao the relevant gossip information she knew.

Catherine, who just kept talking, didn't notice that Chen Tao's face changed when he heard the name Endless Void Natural Harmony Development Research Association.

Miss Ye once revealed to Chen Tao that the death of Chen Tao's parents seemed to be closely related to this gathering, and there was intelligence that his parents were members of this gathering.

Ye Ling'er contacted Ye Ling'er not long ago and said that Chen Tao's parents may still be alive, so at this time Chen Tao was thinking: "Isn't my cheap parents going to integrate into the life of the aborigines?"

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