Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye it is the tenth day after leaving the trial world.

During the day, Chen Tao went to school to receive the Key of Advent and took the opportunity to attend a day of classes.

The moment he got the Key of Advent, the Heart of the Lord in Chen Tao's body reacted.

[The designated advent tool was found, do you want to confirm it?]

After the selection was confirmed, the Key of Advent was absorbed by Chen Tao, and then Chen Tao's Void Advent option became designated Advent.

The Key of Advent is disposable and is gone once used.

After returning, if no props are used that affect the outcome of the advent, it will turn back into a random Void Advent.

There are also other items that can affect the Void's arrival, such as additional advent cards. Ignore the cooldown of advent and descend into the void once more.

While Chen Tao was studying hard in class, Ye Ling'er sent a message, "Classmate Chen, please take care of me and Monica after entering the ruins of the world."

"How do you take care of me? Didn't you say that the location is random?" Chen Tao's straight man character burst out.

Ye Ling'er: "Monica has a way to find us both."

Chen Tao: "Is he so strong?"

Ye Ling'er: "I got news that there are very likely fragments of the Heart of the World in this ruins of the world."

Heart of the World, a truly priceless treasure, can allow a single territory to evolve into a world. As the lord's strength increases, it is more likely to evolve into a universe again.

Of course, the Heart of the World will also break into fragments. As long as enough fragments are collected, a Heart of the World can be combined.

Ye Ling'er: "If there is one, I will pay a high price for it! I will never let you, Classmate Chen, suffer a loss."

"make a deal!"

When he returned home in the evening, Chen Tao went directly to the territory. He did not discuss the secrets of heaven and earth with the girls. He just sat quietly on the city wall and waited for the arrival of midnight.

This is Chen Tao's first real void arrival, and he randomly specifies the location of the arrival.

Chen Tao was excited and somewhat expectant at the same time.

As midnight approached, four female generals also appeared beside Chen Tao with their soldiers.





With a flash of white light, Chen Tao and his territory appeared at the bottom of a valley.

The valley is full of life, with green vegetation all over the ground, and small animals appear from time to time. If he hadn't received the news in advance that this was the ruins of a world, Chen Tao would definitely have thought that this was a complete world.

According to Chen Tao's understanding, the wreckage of the world is lifeless and lifeless. How could there be such a vibrant scene?

Or are there really fragments of Heart of the World here?

Chen Tao then ordered soldiers to go out for investigation.

The Red Cavalry 55 group went out directly from the entrance of the valley and then split up to investigate.

Then three teams of basketball girls were sent out to climb up the valley from the direction of the other three city gates to conduct reconnaissance.

Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword and Elite Shadow are responsible for territory defense and supporting companions.

After everything was arranged, Chen Tao took the opportunity to start discussing with several dark elf sisters.

Unexpectedly, the dark elf sisters were quite bold. They discussed the mysteries of yin and yang with Chen Tao directly on the city wall without entering the room.

This momentum made Sister Guan, who has a conservative personality, smack her tongue frequently.

The Evil Vanquishing Sacred Swords were learning to write on the sidelines. Before being summoned by Chen Tao, they practiced swordplay all day long and had few opportunities to come into contact with the opposite sex.

This time when I saw the discussion, everyone's face turned red with embarrassment and they refused to give up the opportunity to learn.

Because they know that Chen Tao will soon discuss yin and yang with them.

As time passed, the soldiers who had been sent out began to return. There was no human habitation in the direction of the canyon exit, only some low shrubs and many weak animals.

The basketball girls who climbed up the canyon only found endless mountains and no sign of other lords or monsters.

After confirming clearly, Chen Tao was a little confused. What on earth is going on?

It stands to reason that there are many lords in the entire Jade Forest Star who can obtain the Key of Advent, and the ruins of the world that serve as the location of the Advent should not be very large.

There is no lord around Chen Tao.

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong."

What exactly is going on?

At this time, Sister Lu took the initiative to speak: "Master, why don't you let me and Yinping lead people to explore the road again, maybe we will gain something."

Chen Tao glanced at the two of them and nodded. "Be careful along the way and evacuate immediately if you encounter danger."

The two of them took orders to order their troops, set off from the mouth of the valley, and then split up.

The two of them took the people and never came back. Chen Tao waited for a whole day and night without seeing any sign of the two of them or sending someone back to report the situation.

If Chen Tao hadn't been able to check their attribute panels and know that they were safe and sound, Chen Tao would have definitely taken someone out to search for them.

It wasn't until late the next night that the two female generals came back one after another with their respective people.

Fortunately, everyone is safe and sound.

After asking, I learned that this person had been fighting with the Old Demon for many years and had seen many ruins of the world, but he did not find any ruins of the world here.

After the two came out of the valley, they each led people in one direction and kept moving forward for a day and a night, but they did not find the boundaries of the world or the cracks in the void, and the world was divided into day and night.

However, Sister Lu accidentally discovered an enemy on the way back. It was a green humanoid monster that was supposed to be attached to trees during the day and come out to attack passing creatures at night.

Although those monsters can float above the tree canopy and are not slow, they are not easy to fight.

If there are enemies, it will be easier. If there are enemies, you can get the treasure chest. If you get the treasure chest, your trip will not be in vain.

Then Chen Tao planned to ask the soldiers to try to see if they could lure the enemy into the valley. If not, he would consider attacking directly into the woods.

Unexpectedly, Sister Guan volunteered to be the leader of the enemy-baiting action team, but Chen Tao couldn't resist her and had to agree.

After about half an hour, Guan Yinping led the soldiers and ran back to the valley as fast as they could.

There were dense green figures not far behind them.

Chen Tao used his appraisal technique to throw over, and the enemy's true identity was immediately exposed.


[Illusion Tree Spirit]

Quality: blue.

Level: 48.

Force: 48.


Skills: Mental Destruction, Shadow Tree Walk, Wind Claw Strike

[Description: Only in the illusion can you show your true strength. In the environment, the quality will turn purple. ]


"It seems this is not an illusion." This is probably the only useful information.

As the enemy entered the range of the defense tower, Chen Tao directly ordered an attack, and Sister Guan and his team, who were constantly running, turned back decisively to counterattack.

Then Big Dipper Red Cavalry opened the way in front, and Chen Tao asked all melee units except Sword Attendant to attack directly.

With the blessing of high quality and ten times the attributes, the enemy has no power at all.

However, after destroying this wave of enemies, the next wave will appear immediately.

Chen Tao and the others were like poking a hornet's nest from which killer bees would keep popping up.

This situation didn't stop until dawn, and Chen Tao happily counted the treasure boxes.

For several days, Chen Tao and his team rested during the day and fought monsters at night.

As the sky turned dark again, strange phenomena appeared in the sky.

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