At this time, Guan Yinping struck with a knife, creating a gap in the bat monster's upper and lower jaws at the same time, and blood gushed out like a spring.

Seeing that the monsters were about to be cut into pieces with random knives, Chen Tao used his identification skills and swatted at more than a dozen of them in a row.

This is his last bit of stubbornness and pride.

Unfortunately, the information obtained still only has endless question marks...

Within a few minutes, the bat demon finally died under the siege of everyone.

After confirming that the monster was really dead, Ye Ling'er excitedly rushed to the body, took out the compass from last time, and started spinning it in circles.

Not long after, Ye Ling'er shouted in a slightly excited voice: "The body of a Great Monster over level 700 is probably broken into pieces, but the Beast Core was just killed by us. It should be fetched at a good price if we take it back."

There are many people in the market who specialize in purchasing the corpses of various creatures that were very powerful during their lifetime.

Personnel using flesh-and-blood technology can use it to improve themselves, or create new flesh-and-blood lives based on their flesh and blood.

Those who take the undead route can use it to reborn as a powerful puppet.

Demonic Cultivators are more direct, refining them into tonics and absorbing them directly. Therefore, there are many Demonic Cultivator lords who are neither human nor ghosts.

There are many more mysterious development routes that also require the use of corpses, but Chen Tao has not explored them carefully.

Unexpected gains during travel can always boost people's morale, and Mrs. Chen, who is surrounded by beautiful women, is no exception. Obtaining more valuables that can be traded means that Chen Tao can get more Void Coins when she returns. .

After packing up, the group continued on the road, and there were no further incidents on the road.

They kept walking for three and a half days before arriving at the ruins of the sect.

From the few remaining architectural remains at the site, Chen Tao could imagine how grand the sect was in its heyday.

Just when Ye Ling'er stepped on the steps in front of the gate of the sect, Chen Tao felt his eyes go dark. When he saw the light again, the building in front of him began to be quickly repaired and reorganized.

In an instant, a majestic, vast and gorgeous ancient sect appeared in front of Chen Tao.

Just when Chen Tao looked up at the magnificent door, a dark cloud suddenly appeared and blocked the sun.

At this moment, alarm bells went off within the sect, and countless monks took to the sky with their respective Law Treasures.

As the black cloud slowly approached, Chen Tao finally saw clearly that it was actually an illusion formed by the gathering of hundreds of millions of demons of all kinds.

More cultivators flew up, including many dignified old men.

The cultivators were the first to launch an attack on the intruders. The leader of the sect, who was wearing gorgeous clothes and with cold eyes, used his sword skills to unsheath the sword behind him and fly into the air. The other cultivators behind him also Sacrificing his own flying sword or Law Treasure, with his command, thousands of swords immediately fired, and countless Law Treasure flying swords attacked the black demon.

The demon side also launched counterattacks, and the two sides began to fight.

Both sides suffered losses at first, but the demon side gradually began to gain the upper hand by virtue of its numerical advantage.

More and more people on the Human Race monk side died, and they began to slowly retreat towards the main hall at the center of the sect.

Every time the Human Race monk retreats one point, the demon advances one point.

Just like this, the remaining Human Race monks were surrounded by demons in the sect's main hall.

Just when the demon army took a short rest and was not ready to attack the hall, a sudden change occurred.

With the main hall as the center, a large formation slowly rose, surrounding all the demons.

Some of the demons were smart enough to realize that something was not right and wanted to escape, but unfortunately they were blocked by the formation.

The demons and monsters worked together, but they were unable to shake the formation at all.

Finding that the demons could not escape, they planned to directly attack the Human Race monks hiding in the sect's hall. Unfortunately, the hall was also protected by a powerful force at this time, and it was difficult to shake it for a while.

Finally, the formation gathered enough power, which exploded in an instant, vowing to destroy everything in the formation.

When the violent energy explosion slowly dissipated, the army of hundreds of millions of Myriad Monsters was gone. Chen Tao was surprised to find that there were still more than a dozen demons still standing, but each had their own merits.

The sect hall where the Human Race monks were hiding has been completely destroyed. Only the Human Race monks were protected by a Law Treasure floating in the air. As the energy explosion in the formation ended, the Law Treasure also shattered into pieces. dust.

Immediately after dozens of Human Race monks began to practice, the image of a door faintly appeared. This was the last retreat for the remaining Human Race monks in the sect.

A dozen demons were not willing to let the cooked duck escape under their noses, and launched a crazy attack on the Human Race monks despite the fact that the number of monks was dozens of times greater than their own.

On the Human Race monk side, dozens of people jumped out to form a sword formation to face the enemy.

The sword formation was obviously not powerful enough to cause effective damage to the demons, and could only temporarily hold them back.

However, this also bought time for the monks behind to cast a spell to open the door, and the portal finally materialized.

The monk on standby immediately opened the door, and the remaining Human Race began to enter the portal in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, the dozen demons stepped up their offensive.

The monks who formed the sword formation died one after another.

By the time the Touchheads had cleared away the enemies who were blocking them, the Human Race monks over there were almost gone.

Only a few older monks were left behind, and they jointly launched a move to make the final block against the incoming demon, while he took the opportunity to enter the portal.

Just when the demons were about to touch the door, the door suddenly exploded.

At the cost of dozens of monks, the remaining Human Race finally escaped.

Seeing this, Chen Tao's eyes darkened again, and then he returned to the ruined sect.

After seeing the collapse of a brilliant sect, Chen Tao and the others could not calm down for a long time.

I don't know what the two eldest ladies were thinking. Chen Tao secretly thought it was a pity when the middle formation exploded. You can't give it to me. It would be a waste to just explode it like this.

After calming down, the group came to the ruins of the sect hall without any obstruction, because Ye Ling'er said that a voice was calling her there.

Ye Ling'er ordered his soldiers to carefully open up the ruins of the hall, and two fairy swords, one pink and one green, appeared in front of Chen Tao and everyone.

She gently stretched out her hand, and the pink fairy sword flew into her hand. This sword should be [Guangyu].

"You two can step forward and try to conquer the remaining sword. You have a great chance." After getting the sword, Ye Ling'er said to the other two people.

After Chen Tao heard this, he took a big step back and motioned for Monica to come forward and collect it.

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