Lord Of All: Start With A Fantasy World Tree

Chapter 87 The Demon Lord Appears

After Qin Mu had rested.

When we came to the west city wall, many people had already arrived.

As soon as Qin Mu said hello to Eric, Catherine appeared.

As Catherine revoked the protective formation, the demons that had been blocked all night poured in like a tide.

"All of them! Cum!"

"Free bombing for all!"

This time the battle wasn't as rhythmic as the first day.

After all, that time he was sitting back and waiting, waiting for the demonic troops to rush up in waves.

This time, the demon troops gathered under the city wall early.

So there was a burst of long-range bombing on the Holy Peak City side, clearing away the demons near the city gate.

Then cover the formation of melee troops.

Enter the cooperative battle phase.

The melee troops in front of the city gate fight to the end, while the long-range troops on the city wall use long-range resources when the situation is critical.

Then those Rank Nine troops go out to kill in waves from time to time.

The entire battlefield fell into a certain stable state again.

"Speaking of which, your forbidden air formation and protective formation are a good thing, aren't they?"

Qin Mu was chatting with Eric.

He just went to clean up scattered demons in other places and gained some merit.

Then he returned to the main battlefield and watched this war that was no different from yesterday.

"It's good, but it can't be used all the time!"

Eric sighed.

These two things, the Forbidden Air Formation and the Protective Formation, are very useful.

But it consumes a lot of resources.

And most of them require special resources.

You must know that this change in the rules of Endless War only makes the resources needed to recruit troops universal.

Various other resources are still the same as before.

Although when clearing resources before, only gold coins and resources needed to recruit troops were cleared, and other resources were not touched.

But this special resource itself is very scarce.

Even an established territory like Holy Peak City has not accumulated much.

Therefore, these two large formations can only be activated at critical times.

Eric continued: "And even if you can afford it, fighting is inevitable.

"It's impossible to cover up the Holy Peak City and then have fun in peace, otherwise the situation will only get worse!"

Qin Mu also agreed with Eric's statement.

After all, if these demons don't know, they won't die automatically.

But the world passage of the abyss is constantly sending more demons over.

If you don’t try your best to clean up every day.

When the number of demons accumulates to a certain level, it will be too late.

Today's war is just like yesterday's script.

Although there were casualties in Holy Peak City, they were not many.

Just when everyone thought that today would pass like this.

Sudden changes occur.

I saw that the demon that was attacking crazily suddenly stopped attacking.

Then a thousand-meter-wide road branched out that went straight to the horizon.

And at the end of the road, a huge chariot suddenly appeared that seemed to be made of blood.

Lifted by four terrifying demons with a height of 100 meters, they walked towards the Holy Peak City.

And sitting on the chariot was a demon less than three meters tall, wearing a crown and armor.

The aura exuding from his body makes people feel cold all over.

[Constance Bancroft]

Identity: hero, lord

Rank: Rank Twelve

Quality: Purple Epic

Race: Demon

Level: Level 80 (fourth awakening)

life value:???





Skills: Gaze of Abyss Will, Demon King...

[Giant Demon]

Race: Demon

Rank: Rank Thirteen



Constitution: 850

Agility: 400


Skills: Annotation of the will of the abyss, strength enhancement, rage...

"Gudong appears

Looking at the demon lord appearing in the distance, Eric swallowed in fear.

Qin Mu was also shocked.

He did not expect that the invasion of Holy Peak City was not an act of the abyss demons driven solely by their destructive instincts.

Instead, there was a demon lord who was behind the war.

The concepts between the two are completely different.

And that demon lord is not only a heroic unit, but his level has reached the limit.

Its attributes are so powerful that Qin Mu is not even qualified to know about them.

And even the troops that support him are Rank Thirteen demons, which can be said to be full of cards.

"Are you the lord of this city?"

"How can a woman with thin skin and tender flesh be able to enter the city?"

"How funny!"

Constance looked at Catherine in front of the demon army and said calmly.

The tone was full of ridicule towards Catherine.

As a lord who has lived for at least hundreds of thousands of years, Catherine is not an easily excited person.

She said calmly.

"Oh! Who do I think you are?"

"It turned out to be the demon lord who tried to invade the surface world of Endless Continent more than 10,000 years ago, but was beaten and returned home in despair!"

"Why, the lesson I gave you last time was not enough, and you want to be beaten back this time?"

Catherine's sarcasm suddenly touched Constance's pain.

He snorted coldly and said: "If it hadn't been suppressed by the rules ten thousand years ago, and there weren't enough demons who could come to the surface world of Endless Continent, how could we 863 lose!"

"If you lose, you lose, and you still make excuses!"

Catherine was very disdainful of this sophistry answer.

But Constance suddenly calmed down and said nonchalantly.

"So what if it failed more than 10,000 years ago?"

"During this endless war, we will not be subject to any restrictions."

"Even several of our demon clan's supreme heroes (full Divine Level heroes) can come to the surface world!"

"This time, how can your Holy Church camp fight us alone?"

Constance's words silenced Catherine.

I thought he was right.

The invasion of the 10,000-year-old abyss demons relied on the alliance between the major forces supported by some camps in the Endless Continent to achieve victory.

But this does not mean that the relationship between these camps is very good.

In fact, each camp is a competitor in the endless war.

So this time the Holy Temple camp can only face it alone.

As a special world, the overall strength of the Abyss is stronger than many camps.

Only the undead and the underground world can arm-wrestle with each other.

If it weren't for these three camps, they would be full of internal contradictions and fighting each other.

It is really difficult to fight with other camps such as the Holy Temple.

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