Lord of Ashes

Chapter 105: Expansion and transformation

  October 7, 2020, the seventh day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday and the National Day holiday, morning, seven o'clock, Ash World, Raccoon City, Durda Apartment, 301 households.

Zhang Yanhang, who had just woke up, lay on the bed and calculated the time of the transmission channel, and found that he still has 47 hours to use now, which is almost two days. "If this is the case, although the middle area will be cleaned up faster Slow, but this time it can definitely be emptied smoothly."

   "The middle-level area of ​​Raccoon City has a total of 13 square kilometers. I have cleared four square kilometers of it. I need at least 18 hours to clean up the remaining nine square kilometers..."

   Although it may not be possible to clean up the underground part of Raccoon City, Zhang Yanhang feels that it should not be a problem to clean up the middle area and core area by himself.

   Zhang Yanhang glanced at his watch and found that it was seven o'clock in the morning. "At seven o'clock, the slot machine should have been refreshed? I don't know if there will be a T-001 trial tyrant in the prize pool of this slot machine."

   Although I wanted to know immediately whether the trial tyrant would be refreshed in the prize pool, Zhang Yanhang was a little too lazy to move when he just woke up, so he lay on the bed for another five minutes, awake a little bit, and then sat up.

   "I'm hungry..." Because the hunger in his abdomen was really obvious, Zhang Yanhang, who had just sat up, drank a bottle of mineral water in one go, but drinking water obviously did not alleviate Zhang Yanhang's hunger.

"I haven’t eaten for three or four days. If I had known that I would stay for so long this time, I would have a supper before coming to Ashes World. If I can eat early, I can at least stay one more day to feel it. hunger."

Zhang Yanhang had actually never expected that he would stay in the Ashes for so long before. He initially thought that he would stay in the Ashes for only eight hours and then return to the main world, but people are not as good as the heavens. , Qi Xing, who killed him later, suddenly decided to stay.

But although he is really hungry, it does not have much impact on Zhang Yanhang’s combat effectiveness. After all, he is also an awakened, and he is also an awakened at the top of the first order. It’s just that he doesn’t eat for three or four days. Some hunger will consume his will a bit, but other aspects will not cause much impact.

   "Forget it, the more I talk about it, the more I get hungry, I still don't talk about this topic. After I go back, I must use alchemy to explore how to convert soil into food. In this way, I won't be hungry in the ashes."

Of course, eating soil is only something Zhang Yanhang would do under extreme circumstances. He is obviously not at that level yet, but although he has not eaten for three or four days, he is really hungry, but he will be able to return to the Lord in two days. The world is gone, so just get through these last two days.

After sighing, Zhang Yanhang silently put on his gear, and then took the slot machine and walked downstairs. Even if he was really hungry, he still had to continue his work. The life of an adult is so hard, "I always feel that I am squeezing myself The intensity has increased again, is it an illusion?"

   "I want to go back to the main world more and more, at least the main world can eat..."

Although he regretted not having supper, Zhang Yanhang actually did not regret choosing to stay in Ash World. After all, only in this way can he quickly improve his strength. If he wants to live in a comfortable life in the environment of aura recovery, he will improve his personal strength. It is something that must be done.

   So, the hard work now is for the leisurely retirement after the great accomplishment of the world is invincible, although this dream may not be realized very well.

"No, I'm only twenty years old. Why did I start thinking about retirement? But then again, who wouldn't want to retire after college?" Zhang Yanhang said strange things while pulling the metal joystick of the slot machine. .

   [Please select the specific content of this lucky slot machine draw]

  [Option 1:??? (third prize, student zombie, first-order sporadic, ordinary monster.)]

  [Option 2:??? (Third prize, licker, first-order two-star, ordinary monster.)]


   [Option 54:??? (Third prize, T-001 trial type tyrant, second-tier one-star, ordinary monster.)]


   [Option 72:??? (Third prize, Beta hunter, first-order three-star, ordinary monster.)]


   [Option 189:??? (Fourth prize, thank you for your patronage, no physical prizes.)]


"Sure enough, there is a trial-type tyrant, although there is only one..." Zhang Yanhang carefully checked the prize pool this time, and found that with the appearance of the trial-type tyrant, whether it was a beta hunter or a licker , The number has all increased.

The first-order three-star beta hunters have changed from the original one to the current three, and the first-order two-star lickers have changed from the original fifteen to the current twenty-four~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In addition to the increase in the number of beta-type hunters and lickers, the number of zombie dogs and police zombies has decreased, and the number of zombie dogs has been reduced from the original 30 to 24, and the police The number of zombies has been reduced from the original eighteen to twelve.

   It is clear that the number of zombie dogs and police zombies has decreased, but the number of ordinary zombies remains the same, still thirty-six.

   "But since there is a trial-type tyrant, then this pothole must be enlarged. After all, it is not very useful anymore."

Before, the beta-type hunter who fell into the pit could jump out directly on the corpses of other zombies every time, and it was very troublesome. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang wanted to solve this problem a long time ago, but I have been too lazy to move, after all, there was only one beta-type hunter each time before.

   But this time is different. This time there are not only three beta-type hunters, but also a trial-type tyrant. Therefore, the pothole must be reformed.

"I choose option one, student zombie." After Zhang Yanhang finished his selection, a transparent gashapon popped out of the slot machine's shipping port. A junior high school student zombie who was about a teenager emerged from the gashapon. The zombie of a junior high school student just fell into the pit, and Zhang Yanhang directly rewarded it with a bullet.

  【Successfully kill the first-order sporadic monster ‘Student Zombie (Normal)’ × 1, soul point +1. 】

Next, Zhang Yanhang will carry out the transformation of the pothole, so that such an unstable factor cannot be left in it. This time he plans to expand the pothole by two meters and deepen it by two meters, that is, transform it into a six-meter-long, six-meter-wide and four-meter-depth one. A medium-sized pothole, at this level, although it might not be enough to pretend to be an elephant, it is definitely enough to pretend to be a prototype tyrant who is only 2.5 meters tall.

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