Lord of Ashes

Chapter 401: Commercial street

After emptying the slot machine prize pool, Zhang Yanhang stood in front of the pit and remembered its outstanding contribution. This buried thousands of zombies with their blood and tears. Oh, no, it was the rotten blood and rotten brains of zombies. The potholes of the organization can be said to have made a great contribution to Zhang Yanhang's clearing of the prize pool.

However, because of the successful harvest of a blue quality treasure chest from the t-001 trial tyrant in the prize pool today, Zhang Yanhang feels that the next pothole can be retired, and it is indeed not very useful.

Of course, I have to admit that apart from this reason, the most important reason is that Zhang Yanhang has recently acquired the Death Wave skill, and he no longer has to shoot with the m4a1 rifle as before.

Now he can directly clear all monsters in the coverage area by simply releasing the Death Wave skill once. The reason for digging holes in the past was mainly to prevent more flexible monsters such as lickers from jumping around.

But now it's different. No matter how flexible the licker is, as long as he stays within the coverage of the Death Wave skill, he will definitely not be able to escape the fate of death.

In the past, if Zhang Yanhang wanted to kill the t-001 trial tyrant, it took quite a lot of effort, but now, the t-001 trial tyrant, whose HP limit is only four hundred and twenty points, is also unable to get rid of the fluctuations of death. The fixed damage directly kills the destiny.

After all, his current death wave skill fixed damage has reached 695 points. As long as the physique attribute is lower than 35 points, all can be killed in seconds, and the t-001 trial tyrant has 28 power attributes, but only a few physique attributes. Blackjack.

Even Zhang Yanhang’s death wave skill can now directly kill the lord monster tracker. After all, in the first form of the tracker, there is only a maximum of six hundred health points. After Zhang Yanhang’s death wave is finished, even after Zhang Yanhang’s death wave It can also overflow the fixed damage of ninety-five points to whip the corpse.

As for the second form, third form, and fourth form that follow, that is nothing to worry about. As long as it is killed instantly at the beginning, the subsequent transformation forms will not be used at all.

After all, what g virus provides is only speeding regeneration, not resurrection from the dead. That is the category of t virus, but the tracker is already an infected person of t virus, so it is impossible to enjoy the original after being infected with t virus. The benefits of “resurrection of the earth”.

Well, it may be that becoming a zombie is not actually a resurrection, and it is not even a welfare benefit, but on the whole it can indeed be touched with reluctance and resurrection.

"Next, in order to save time, start the cleanup of Raccoon City immediately."

Because the entire raccoon city has been ploughed back and forth by Zhang Yanhang two or three times, he is now quite familiar with raccoon city, even if he does not scan for good fortune and avoid evil, he can carry out the hunting of zombies well. Work.

However, considering that the physical exertion for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is not very large, and after opening it can effectively improve Zhang Yanhang's hunting efficiency, Zhang Yanhang is not prepared to save energy in this regard.

Even on the contrary, he feels that in the process of cleaning up the raccoon city, he can completely rely on the release of the death wave skill to further improve the hunting efficiency, which can also save more time for cleaning the Goblin Plain. After all, what is the physical strength? Yes, it is relatively easy to recover, and there is no need to save too much.

Zhang Yanhang simply scanned the locations of the surrounding monsters, then randomly found a direction and rushed out. He is a bit too lazy to even hide the slot machines now.

After all, the value of this slot machine has been almost completely drained. The first prize is emptied, the second prize is emptied, and even the third prize has been emptied.

Even if the Awakeners arrived at Raccoon City through some other transmission channel at this time, facing this empty slot machine, it is estimated that there will not be any interest in occupying it.


Forty-five minutes later, in the middle area of ​​Raccoon City, a commercial street with corpses ran across the wild.

Perceiving that the last zombie in Raccoon City was hiding behind the concrete brick wall in front of him, Zhang Yanhang did not hesitate to pull the trigger directly against the wall.

The deafening bullet shooting sounded instantly, and the 30mm caliber machine gun bullet had penetrated the concrete brick wall with a thickness of only tens of centimeters and hit the student zombies behind it.

Thanks to the great power of the six Purifying Soul Spears, Zhang Yanhang didn't even need to deliberately aim at the head, as long as the muzzle was pointed at the upper body of the student zombie, he could be killed directly.

Even the dark warhead that can penetrate the hematite original stone wall that is harder than steel in the hematite veins quickly penetrated the concrete wall and then cast unabatedly and hit the upper body of the student zombie hiding behind the wall.

Accompanied by a strange sound like the explosion of a soap bubble, the upper body of the student zombie burst open immediately because of the huge kinetic energy carried on the bullet.

Especially the part of the thoracic cavity that was directly hit by the bullet, a large amount of flesh, tissue and visceral fragments bursting from the thoracic cavity immediately covered the entire room after a short flight.

The head, which lost the upper body support and only the neck part, flew out under the force of the impact~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a bang, it hit the surrounding glove box, although the brain was not completely destroyed. , But the student zombies whose upper body was directly broken still fell into a silent state.

After smoothly piercing the upper body of the student zombie, the machine gun bullets continued to penetrate the two thick walls before they gradually shot into the ground. After easily smashing the marble floor on the ground, they even left a deep behind it. Hole.

[Successfully kill the first-order sporadic monster "Student Zombie (Normal × 1, soul point +1. 】

After successfully killing the last zombie in Raccoon City, Zhang Yanhang stood there and waited for a few seconds. Although he didn't have much hope, this kind of waiting has gradually become a habit of Zhang Yanhang.

Just as Zhang Yanhang thought that waiting this time was a waste of time, he suddenly felt that the student zombie he had killed just now actually dropped a white treasure chest.

After perceiving this white treasure box, Zhang Yanhang immediately broke through the wall and rushed into the warehouse of this unknown store. With Zhang Yanhang's current strength, it is indeed much faster to hit the wall than to go around the circle and walk through the front door.

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