Lord of Ashes

Chapter 747: Dark Gold [4 Great Empty Pure World Boxing]

Latest website: After the measurement, Zhang Yanhang began to use alchemy to divide and fuse the refined red marrow stored in the mine. Such a basic operation is based on his current intelligence attribute as high as 75 points. Basically, it can be done directly in a few seconds, even if it is a large-scale segmentation, it will not take too long.

After all, if alchemy is too slow, he might as well just break it with his hands. Anyway, his current strength of several hundred tons with one hand is similar to that of a humanoid hydraulic press.

Although the quality of the refined red marrow is relatively high, it is almost dark purple, but in his hands it is actually no different from a dough. It can be done directly by pulling and kneading it, but such a large-scale division is indeed alchemy. Relatively easy to use.

Although he didn't know how much was enough, Zhang Yanhang first divided 50 tons of refined red marrow, that is, a thousand fusion materials.

After the division was completed, Zhang Yanhang quickly restarted the alchemy array and began to fuse the refined red marrow that had just been divided. Because it was just a normal fusion, the overall fusion process was very smooth.

But the fly in the ointment is that Zhang Yanhang found that he had fused these refined red marrow seven times before finally barely merging to the limit. For this, he consumed a total of 128 50 kilograms of refined red marrow, which is 6.4 tons of refined red marrow.

"I didn't expect that 6.4 tons of refined red marrow would have to be consumed just by merging to such an extent?"

Zhang Yanhang sighed silently when he looked at this dark red metal ingot, which was enough to make a watermelon knife. Who can believe it, 6.4 tons of refined red marrow were barely fused together.

"The golden hoop stick is only 13,500 jin. Converted, it is 6,750 kilograms, which is 6.75 tons. It is only a little more than the consumables consumed by this refined red marrow."

Of course, Zhang Yanhang didn't think that 6.4 tons of material was consumed too much. This level of consumption is actually acceptable. He mainly felt that the refined red marrow that was fused by eating so many consumables could not even get a full score of pale gold. It can only be regarded as barely reaching a level that is close to the full rating of pale gold.

But fortunately, he didn't expect to improve the refined red marrow to golden quality only by ordinary fusion, and then he still has to continue to break through the limit.

"But breaking through the limit requires eight identical refined red marrow + 7, just one refined red marrow +7 consumes 6.4 tons of refined red marrow, doesn't the eight together consume 51.2 tons of refined red marrow? Co-authored The 50 tons of refined red marrow I just divided up is just not enough?"

At the beginning, Zhang Yanhang thought that he was very cautious about dividing 50 tons of refined red marrow, and prepared it according to the number of refined red marrow that broke through the limit, but he did not expect to say three or four, even one. not enough.

"A piece of golden-quality refined red marrow +8 requires 51.2 tons of ordinary refined red marrow. Don't those four golden-quality refined red marrow consume 204.8 tons of refined red marrow? My dear, this mine is almost not enough."

Fortunately, the other mine also had two or three hundred tons of refined red marrow available for use. Zhang Yanhang felt that even if his subsequent experiments of synchronizing the limit were failed, he would still have the opportunity to start all over again, and it would only be a waste of time.

Although it really shouldn't be wasteful to waste time for the purpose of saving time, but that is after failure, and he doesn't need to think about unnecessary things for the time being.

After discovering that the refined red marrow that he had just cut out was not enough, Zhang Yanhang simply used his full power to divide all the refined red marrow in the entire mine into 50 kilograms. Anyway, it would not waste much time. Batch operations have always been the more time-saving the larger the number, and the more time-consuming it is to make temporary remediation if the number is found to be insufficient.

After the division is completed, Zhang Yanhang further expanded the coverage of the alchemy array to cover the entire mine directly, so that there is no need to consider the issue of delivering fusion materials, which can save time.

What I have to mention is that although Zhang Yanhang has always disliked the slow fusion of alchemy, alchemy still has a hidden bonus to intelligence attributes after all, when he is promoted to the third rank and his intelligence attribute reaches 75 The fusion speed is much faster than before.

This kind of thing has also happened in the second order before, but at that time, the intelligence attribute may be relatively low, and it was improved in a step-like manner, so the alchemy speed at that time was getting faster little by little, far from his current direct intelligence. The experience of running at full capacity with maximum power brought about by the attributes being fully loaded immediately after being promoted to the rank is more direct.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang's current fusion and refining speed of red marrow +7 is actually relatively fast, and because of the large-scale smelting, the later rounds that consume more time can be fused together, and the speed will be much faster.

For example, the last sixty-four pieces of refined red marrow+6 were fused into thirty-two pieces of refined red marrow+7, and he fused them in only two rounds.

But having said that, when Zhang Yanhang finished the fusion, he checked the time on the watch and found that it still took 40 minutes. It is now 7:35, but this is also a matter of no choice. Many reasons are indeed too time-consuming.

"I never imagined that the most time-consuming thing for me to come to the large red iron ant nest Tarano to hunt monsters is not to hunt monsters nor to open treasure chests, but to fuse equipment. Alas, this alchemy really cannot be improved!"

After strengthening his belief in improving alchemy, Zhang Yanhang decided to empty the large red iron ant nest Tarano as quickly as possible and obtain the source of ashes to improve alchemy.

In other words, because it took too much time to integrate and upgrade the materials, which far exceeded his expectations, the time after that might be a little short, and he had to continue to improve the hunting efficiency.

"Who would have thought that it took forty minutes for me to fuse in the early stage. I remember that when I fused in the small red iron ant nest Tarano last time, it took me less than half an hour to fuse in the early stage. In normal times, let alone the early integration stage in 40 minutes, I estimate that even the breakthrough stage has already been integrated."

After sighing silently, Zhang Yanhang began to prepare for the final fusion, shrinking the alchemy formation that originally covered the entire mine to its normal size, and only covering thirty-two refined red marrow + 7 pieces and began to concentrate on breaking through the limit.

What Zhang Yanhang did not expect was that this step was unexpectedly fast. It was obvious that four pieces of golden refined red marrow +8 were fused at the same time, but in the end, it only took about fifteen minutes and it was over.

"In the beginning, it took me about half an hour to break through the limit, and then it was gradually reduced to 20 minutes. Now, with the promotion of rank and the improvement of intelligence attributes, it has been directly cut in half, and it has been reduced to 15 minutes? ? Although fifteen minutes is still a lot."

Zhang Yanhang felt that if he could continue to reduce it, then he felt that five minutes should be a barely acceptable time. Well, he was thinking about shit.

Zhang Yanhang was actually quite surprised about this fifteen minutes. After all, this was the first time he had broken through the limit in the fusion process after he was promoted to the third rank. Although the reduction is not too much, it is indeed a good thing.

Of course, compared to this, Zhang Yanhang feels that the real important thing is that it is possible to fuse multiple items at the same time in the process of breaking through the limit, and it does not affect the fusion success rate and fusion time at all, and the quality and quantity can be guaranteed directly at one time. finished.

"In this way, it can also save time when integrating other equipment in the future, which is really good."

While talking, Zhang Yanhang started the alchemy array again and began to shape it. Although the refined red marrow +8 has been upgraded to golden quality, it is still just a metal block after all, and it needs to be transformed into a weapon to upgrade the four worlds. fist.

"In other words, in this way, the golden-quality magic crystal in my pocket can be kept. Although it is not used, it may be sold for something useful in the future. Anyway, it is definitely better than putting it in a pocket. It is much more valuable to consume directly in the upgrade process of the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist."

Because it was just a simple shape, so soon, four machetes, although they were of golden quality, but somewhat similar to whiteboards, appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang. Zhang Yanhang glanced at their attribute list. Surprisingly, only the golden quality passed.

But fortunately, the rating is not important, it is just golden quality, so he immediately took off the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist on his arm. He really waited for this moment for too long, he had waited for an hour.

"Choose! Upgrade the quality of the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist!"

Although it is also possible to upgrade normally through the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist, Zhang Yanhang still likes to directly trigger the relevant options, which is more secure.

With the advent of the time pause, a large row of text boxes appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang, who said they were familiar and also said that they were unfamiliar and unfamiliar.

[Would you like to upgrade the quality of the 'Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing'? 】

[Option 1: Yes (consumes four golden-quality weapons 'Refined Crimson Machete (unnamed)', 'Refined Crimson Machete (unnamed)', 'Refined Crimson Machete (unnamed)', 'Refined Crimson Machete (unnamed)' The red marrow machete (unnamed) 'upgrades the quality of the 'Four Great Empty Pure World Fist' to dark gold.)]

[Option 2: Yes (Consume a 'Buddha Relic' to improve the quality of the 'Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing' to dark gold.)]

[Option 3: No (Although you already have four redundant golden-quality weapons on your body, you suddenly have no interest in upgrading the quality of the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist, and you think you may be able to find a way to use these golden weapons. A path to greater value, although you don't know what else these machetes can be used for.)]

"Although the name is indeed a bit low without a name, it is a golden-quality weapon anyway, so you can still use it. As for option two, I really want to get the Buddha's relic."

Although there is an option for using Buddha relics in each option, I don’t know whether it is because I don’t have the Buddha relics or because Zhang Yanhang’s energy value is not enough to forcefully manifest the Buddha relics. The reason for this option has always been Gray, can't choose at all.

"I remember when I said that the fourth-order one wanted to find the land-based Buddhist country where they could obtain the Buddha's relics, but now that the fourth-order is approaching, I still don't know exactly where the land-based Buddhist country is."

Zhang Yanhang felt that he might be able to work hard in this regard, of course, after cleaning up the large red iron ant nest Tarano, and now there is no time for that.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now. It's more important to upgrade the quality of the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist. Therefore, I choose option 1 and consume four pieces of refined Scarlet Essence Machete to upgrade the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist to a dark golden color."

Although there are three options, the second option cannot be selected, and the third option cannot be upgraded after the third option is selected. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang chose the first option without hesitation.

After Zhang Yanhang made his choice, the four golden machetes that had been piled on the ground like garbage disappeared instantly, and a circle of dark golden light immediately flashed on the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist.

After the promotion quality was completed, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to check the attribute list of the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist.

【The Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing】

[Quality: Dark Gold]

【Type: Weapon】

[Origin: Ash World, Land Buddhist Country, Pagan Transmutation Organization. 】

[Durability: 240/240]

[Attack Power: 232 (+47)]

[Additional attribute: critical strike rate +18% (+6%)]

[Special attributes: 1. All four are empty (Buddha). 2. All actions are impermanent (Buddha). 】

[The Four Great Empty (Buddha): Generate a diamond (gravity) field to pull the surrounding enemies, and stun them (physical) for 4.0 seconds (+0.4 seconds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next attack within 5 seconds after the release of this skill will target the target) The surrounding enemies cause an additional physical attack of 888% (+100%) attack power, and knock them into the air. The cooling time is 30 seconds, and the energy value is 90 points (+15 points). 】

[All things are impermanent (Buddha): The total damage caused to the enemy of the living body is increased by 31.1% (+7.4%), and the bonus is doubled when attacking targets such as armor, clothing, and fur. 】

[Upgradable, upgrade conditions: consume Buddha relics (0/1) or dark gold quality weapons (0/5). 】

[Requirements: Strength 60, Agility 55, Constitution 55. 】

[Rating: 530 (Dark gold items are rated from 441 to 530.)]

[Introduction: I don’t know why, recently, an outsider called me inexplicably after seeing me wearing a special Buddha-level Buddhist execution (transmutation) glove to perform a routine transmutation of infidels. For 'One Punch Man'. ——From the executioner of an Arahant-level pagan conversion institution]

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