Lord of Glory

Chapter 90 Fatal Weakness

Chapter 90 Fatal Weakness——

"Paladin, run!" Tony, who was trembling all over, dropped the dagger in his hand, dropped the body with a dead look on his face, and shouted to Paladin, who had his back turned to him. Paladin let out a light sigh and turned his head. But just in time to see an assassin holding a short knife rushing towards Tony, the sharp blade was about to cut open Tony's neck! Gently raising his hand, Paladin immediately made a crackling sound on his extended index finger. Pointing at the assassin rushing towards Tony. Just hear a roar! , a dazzling golden light flashed, and a thunderbolt of golden thunder burst out from his fingers extremely quickly, hitting the dazed assassin.

"Boom!" The soil and vegetation on the ground were immediately blown up. Along with the broken bones and blood, it flew into the air, and then hung down weakly. A huge pit appeared next to Tony, which could fit two eggs into his mouth. Turning his head slightly, Tony's dazed eyes saw Paladin turning around, his eyes bursting with dazzling golden light! Suddenly, Tony actually felt lucky, or a feeling of surviving a disaster.

"Duh duh duh!" Arrows hit Paladin's magic shield one after another. Circles of golden light appeared. But the ripples spread faster than arrows. Dissipated. The assassin leader standing on the tree trunk could even feel his calves sweating and trembling! He has been killing people for more than ten years. Who hasn't seen it? Tall orcs, short dwarves, conceited elves, and even human nobles and mages. Women and children. He has killed them all! But such a shield that could completely withstand physical attacks and could not be broken by arrows and sharp blades, and those golden eyes, he had never seen before!

"Retreat! The intelligence is wrong!" the leader shouted. His intelligence did not indicate that this target would be so terrifying with magic. Apparently the dozen or so elites here didn't even harm the target's hair. Instead, it cost three lives! Now all tasks and commitments have long since run away. Leaving a small life is the last word. "Huh? Want to leave?" Paladin looked away from the stupid Tony. With his Paladin character, these people would never let anyone go.

"Death to all those annoying flies!" Paladin cursed and watched the eight assassins who immediately gave up their attack run away. About to disappear into the dark woods. Paladin waved his hand violently, and three golden light balls quickly gathered in the air in front of him. I just heard a buzzing in my ears. Dazzling golden beams of light erupted from the three light balls, and they quickly caught up with the fleeing assassin. The three golden beams of light immediately swung at each other! "Ahhh!" A series of scalp-numbing screams rang out. The eight black-clothed assassins were immediately cut into countless irregular pieces of meat by the three beams of light. Bringing back the scorched smell released by the body that was scorched due to the high temperature. All of them fell to the ground from mid-air.

"Be careful!" Suddenly at this moment, Tony in front of him and Kalechi behind him both exclaimed. Paladin only felt a touch behind him. A look of disappointment immediately appeared in his eyes. At this moment, Harvey, who just didn't know where he was, stood behind him! He held the cross sword in both hands and looked at what was happening in front of him with disbelief and despair!

When a fight broke out, Harvey hid aside and waited for an opportunity. Although Paladin's terrifying magic did shake Harvey. But he is confident in his five-star warrior strength. He didn't believe that a mage could survive a surprise attack at close range. So he waited until Paladin strangled all the assassins with strange magic, and he knew it was time. He approached Paladin with a quietness that would put a sneaking assassin to shame. He suddenly burst out with all his strength and rushed forward. He raised the sharp cross sword and was about to chop off the bastard's head with one strike! He could even see the desperate eyes and the red and white brains splattering everywhere! Even if Tony and Kalechi yelled, he ignored them. Victory belongs to him!

However, when the cross sword was about to chop down the Paladin. A circle of ripples appeared in despair. No matter how hard he tried, the sword that was filled with the full strength of the five-star warrior could not move forward even one millimeter. Despair, boundless despair enveloped Harvey. At this moment, Paladin murmured without looking back: "You can have many options. Run away with these idiots, or run away deep into the forest. You can even threaten me with Kalechi's life. But you No."

Turning his head slightly, Paladin's eyes showed not only disappointment but also strong disdain. This look made Harvey suddenly feel angry. But the Paladin in his body said disdainfully: "You used the most stupid and idiotic way to deal with me. You let me down so much, Harvey. What is the difference between you and those flies lingering on the cesspools and corpses? Lian Shi The carrion vultures are nobler than you." Harvey, who was originally desperate, was angered by Paladin's words! Harvey, with red eyes, roared, raised the cross sword again and shouted: "Shut up, you dirty, despicable nobleman! Why do you teach me a lesson!"

"Why?" Paladin sneered, waved his right hand lightly, and a beam of light appeared in front of him out of thin air, swiping down and cutting off Harvey's armored hands and the cross sword together! "Ahhhh!" Harvey screamed, but Paladin quickly followed up with his left hand, covering his face all of a sudden, and lifted Harvey up with incomparable force! "In addition to shouting in pain and crying, what else can you humans do!" Paladin cursed at Harvey in disgust. However, he didn't realize that he was no longer looking at people from a human perspective, but from a perspective other than human beings.

Paladin's disdainful hands pressed down Harvey's face, which was full of despair. Under the shocked eyes of Tony and Kalechi, they lowered their heads. "Look into my eyes!" Paladin wanted to release the power of the Almighty Eye and read all of Harvey's memories. But at this moment, something happened that shocked Paladin and made him deeply worried many years later!

"Well! What's going on!" Suddenly, Paladin looked at the desperate Harvey in front of him and said in a voice. With a flick of his hand, Harvey was still on the ground. Standing alone with squinted eyes. "Paladin, what's wrong with you?" Tony and Kalechi stepped forward in surprise. No idea what happened to this guy. In fact, Paladin is in boundless fear at this moment!

"Cannot release the Almighty Eye!" Paladin murmured in his heart. The power of the Almighty Eye, which was so handy in the past, cannot be used at this moment! The panicked Paladin had some fear in his eyes. That all-round perspective, the ability to penetrate everything. The peak power that surpasses all living beings. Suddenly unable to use it at this moment, Paladin felt an unprecedented fear! Once upon a time, it was difficult to find water in the sea. He suddenly lost the power he had gained, which was an unspeakable loss and fear! Paladin did not expect a fact that he ignored. Does he control the power, or does the power control him?


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