Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 163 Visitors from the South

On the third day after the No. 1 factory building was capped, a large fleet arrived in Wesson, and Frederick left the construction site to deal with it.

Hundreds of foreigners with brown skin, black curly hair and black and gold eyes arrived with the ship. They got off the ship one by one with large and small bags, chattering about everything around them.

When Frederick saw these people, he felt that they were not like the rebels exiled by Mrs. Sophie, but more like a tour group that he went to an island country with before crossing over.

The clothes these people wear are interesting.

The men's clothing style is the suit from Weissensee, which is mainly made of white cotton and original color linen, but the cuffs, collar and hem have a circle of yellow or blue leaves and feathers, which is quite nice.

Women wear dark sleeveless dresses with beautiful colorful belts tied around their waists, with the long part hanging down the front, and a light-colored tulle jacket on the outside.

They also wore a piece of tulle on their heads, fixed with a headband.

The speakers from both sides soon met on the pier, and Frederick saw that the other party was an old man in his fifties, who looked like a scholar.

Someone had notified them half a month in advance, and Frederick prepared a hotel for them to stay temporarily, and arranged for the bank to send staff to exchange currency for them.

Finally, he asked them to prepare bilingual maps and bilingual conversation cards in daily terms at the front desk of the hotel. Remember to bring them with you when you go out.

After hearing this, Imhotep, the patriarch of the family, asked in disbelief in a somewhat jerky Rhine dialect: "Is this all there is? Are there no other conditions?"

When they thought about it, they might not have been mistreated when they first arrived here, but they couldn't escape from house arrest. As it turned out, they didn't mean that at all.

Frederick nodded and replied: "Yeah, that's it, oh, just don't preach."

He has received so many benefits from Mrs. Sophie, so naturally he will not treat them as prisoners. He just transferred a regiment back to Weissenburg City a few days ago.

Imhotep immediately said: "We will convert."

"I understand." Frederick nodded, "The ceremony is scheduled for the autumnal equinox next month. There are too many people, so it will take some time to prepare."

Imhotep expressed his understanding. At this time, his tribe came over and said that there was something to be done about unloading the cargo from the ship. Although Frederick did not understand, he still asked Christian, the foreign minister behind him, to coordinate the solution.


"This is my granddaughter Susan." Imhotep pulled a six or seven-year-old girl from behind to the front. "The dock is too messy. Please help me take care of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slipped away, leaving both Frederick and the little girl staring.

Frederick discovered that the little girl also had golden eyes, almost exactly the same as Mrs. Sophie.

Susan just looked at Frederick curiously and said nothing.

Frederick smiled slightly, turned around and asked Tarot to take care of the little girl, while he took the guards to see the unloaded cotton.

The cotton shipped this time is still cotton bolls without seeds, all compacted and packed in sacks.

Such a cotton fleet would appear at the dock in Weissensee every three or five days, unload the goods, load them with local specialties, and leave the next day.

Frederick suddenly heard a few sailors pointing at him not far away and speaking in Pulan as if no one else was listening. The voice was not loud enough for him to hear.

Level A: "Is he that Duke Wesson?"

Sailor B: "No, it doesn't look like the hair has grown yet."

Level C: "It's impossible for him to kill a general among tens of thousands of people, right?"

Sailor A: "It must have been done by someone else. He was so scared that he didn't know where he was drinking milk at that time."

Frederick glanced at a man on the boat in the distance. This man was holding the side of the boat with both hands. He was only wearing a pair of linen trousers. He had no clothes on his upper body, revealing his strong muscles. His golden shoulder-length hair hung freely. The pair of dark blue eyes are extremely deep, and the whole person looks like a lion sizing up its prey.

Sailor A over there was still there and said as if no one was watching: "I think he must be a man who is seeking fame and reputation. He can do such a thing without even growing any hair."

Sailor B nodded and agreed: "I think so. Many gentlemen take the credit of other people and claim it as their own. He must be such a shameless person."

Level C said: "He is so shameless, maybe he will kill the people who really made the contribution."

Frederick curled his lips slightly and asked the guards to stay. He walked to the cargo ship alone as if nothing had happened. His eyes were always looking at the lion-like man on the ship. He didn't seem to care at all about the three sailors who were saying bad things about him. .

When the sailors saw him like this, they became even more unscrupulous.

When Frederick passed by them, he pulled out the revolver on his waist with his right hand, and without turning his head, shot each of the three people in the head.

He waved his hand nonchalantly, making a gesture to the guards to be silent, and then got on the boat.

Frederick walked up to the man as if nothing had happened, and like him, he held his hands on the side of the ship and looked towards the port.

"Heredin?" Frederick asked.

He had previously inquired about some news about the Kingdom of Kush where Mrs. Sophie was located. The person in front of him was a maritime pawn of the Ayyup Dynasty in the Kingdom of Kush in the southern part of the Inland Sea. He worked as a pirate on odd numbers every month and as a navy on even numbers.

Nowadays, the inland sea is divided between the four forces. In the south, Hayreddin is the king and hegemon, in the northwest is controlled by Pietro of the Tarago Kingdom, and in the east is the world of Hedem of the Ghazi Empire. Paolo is sandwiched in the middle. Strictly guard the coast of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

However, these were too far away from Frederick. Even if he wanted to seize the sea outlet, he would have to fight the loose alliances of nobles and principalities in the north. If he wanted to seize the inland sea outlet, he would have to kill the entire Osmaga Empire along the Danube River. This task was too difficult. .

"It's me," Hayreddin replied.

Frederick said calmly: "I think that if both parties want to cooperate, openness and honesty are the most important. What do you think?"

Hayreddin said in a deep voice: "Those three are from Hedem."

Frederick thought that it was indeed the case, and then said: "Then, I don't think you think that me killing these little bugs means that Hedem will be my enemy. As long as the benefits are enough, I will kill them." The Kingdom of Kush will still cooperate with me."

Hayreddin turned his head and looked at him deeply, then said straight to the point: "Mrs. Sophie wants to buy weapons."

"Okay." Frederick immediately replied, "This time you can take some samples back for free."

Now he has begun to export folding rifles and steel ball bombs made of black powder to friendly countries. The Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Bain have already placed orders. One more rich man can make his face cramp with laughter.

Hayreddin was a little surprised by his generosity. Both he and Mrs. Sophie thought that he would put forward many conditions, but they agreed without thinking and even sent samples, so they asked: "What do you want?"

Frederick replied: "Grain, minerals, cotton, magic crystals, spices, gold, gems, honey, medicinal materials... these are all fine."

Hayreddin said: "These are no problem. If you have enough weapons, these are easy to get."

"However, to get here, our ship must pass through the sea controlled by Hedem. He must be defeated to expand the scale of transportation."

Frederick nodded, thinking that maybe selling another weapon wouldn't matter.

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