Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 391 Exams are fun

The official documents of Ferdinand's death and Anna's succession reached Frederick's desk the day before the end of the Universal Exposition. At the same time, Prince Rudolf, the de facto regent of the Rhine League, appointed Archduke Byrne as plenipotentiary to attend the funeral and coronation ceremony.

Frederick wrote a formal diplomatic letter to the new queen overnight, and also wrote a personal letter to Anna, Mary, and Theresa. The next day, arrangements were made for the Minister of Administration, Frick, to be the leader, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Christian, to be the deputy. The delegation of personal representatives, the great butler Afu, took a hot-air airship to first arrive at Mingxing City to pick up Archduke Byrne and his entourage before heading to Wien City.

Fatih and other leaders coincided with the meeting and sent their respective representatives to go with them.

For ordinary people in Weisen State, the change of emperors in neighboring countries is just a piece of news. They go about whatever they have to do. There will be important work to do immediately after the World Exposition.

“This expo is really good!”

On the third day after the World Exposition, Fatih ate breakfast while watching the Wesson Daily, and after seeing the data listed above, he wanted to follow suit.

Now he is still staying in the hotel he stayed in when he first arrived, but he just booked the hotel after the arrival of domestic personnel.

Different from only a few people before, there are now more than ten female slaves serving him breakfast, as well as attendants, guards, housekeepers, scribes and the like. The restaurant seems quite crowded.

The people who participated in the World Exposition spent all their friendship bonds, and the total transaction volume reached more than 12 million florins. It was an unprecedented miracle, and it suddenly compared with Venice.

Fatih calculated that the five thousandths of a percent of the stamp duty alone was about 60,000 florins, and this was all in cash. Now Weissensee's already tight finances could take a breather.

"Record," as soon as he spoke, the clerk in the corner of the restaurant immediately took notes and wrote down the emperor's oral instructions, "The empire issues royal stamp tax, refer to the state of Wesson, and tax is divided by region."

The area of ​​the Ghazi Empire is much larger than that of Weissen State, with many ports and trading cities. This tax is purchased voluntarily and can be collected even on the territory of vassals. It will definitely become an important source of funds for the royal family.

Not only him, but also young Louis, Kosdorf and others also made the same decision.

After finishing breakfast, Fatih stretched out, asked the slave girl to put on a three-piece suit that was popular in the local area, and went out without anyone following him, holding a briefcase under his arm.

He came here for a trip, and when he saw the fun, he jumped in. On the opening day of the World Exposition, he worked hard and got the opportunity to take the civil service examination in Weissensee.

He thought the exam was fun, so he took it. At the same time, he had some ideas about this method of recruiting officials.

Frederick let him go and stayed here working nine to five instead of going back to be emperor if he could.

Fatih reserved a car yesterday and went to the middle school a few streets away.

This test point was greeted by Frederick not to pay special attention to this candidate.

There was still half an hour before it was time to enter the examination room. A group of people outside the cordon below the teaching building were making a last-ditch struggle with books in hand.

"Are you here too?" Fatih found that little Louis was also here with his secretary named Armand.

Little Louis said: "Let's have some fun too."

Fatih said with regret: "It's a pity that there are no emperor subjects in the exam. Which subject are you taking?"

Little Louis replied: "We take tax exams. The tax system here is worth learning."

"Me too," Fatih said.

The civil service examination in Weissensee adopts a 2+1 format, which consists of two public subjects: administrative ability test and application essay plus a professional subject. Different departments such as taxation, agriculture, and police require different professional subjects.

Candidates have not chosen a position yet. After the results are released, candidates will get a transcript and the passing score for public subjects will be announced. Only those who pass can proceed to the next step.

Candidates take their transcripts to the relevant departments to register. Each department draws the interview line from high to low according to the scores of the applicants. Departments that did not fill the first round of admissions will admit students in the second round. At this time, there is no restriction on professional subjects until the admissions are full.

Fatih took out a gold box from his bag, opened it, took a "spirit pill" and chewed it in his mouth, signaling little Louis and Armand to take one too.

"[Gaulian expletive]! What is this? It's so painful!"

Little Louis thought it was sweet candy, but he didn't know it was terribly bitter.

Fatih's prank was successful and he said with a smile: "The spirit pills are probably extracted from tea leaves and can keep people energetic. Come to me and ask for them before the exam in the afternoon."

Little Louis shook his head and said, "No, I would rather pinch my own legs."

The two took out their admission tickets and found that they were in the same examination room, which seemed to be specially arranged.

They chatted for a while about legends such as "the questions you don't know are the longest" and "taking three exams a day to adapt to overtime early." After the bell rang, they walked into the examination room with other candidates and put their bags in front of the classroom. Luggage office.

Photography technology has not yet been invented. Fingerprints are used to check candidates' information. The form in the hands of the invigilator has the fingerprints archived by the candidates when they registered. Under the fingerprints is the candidate's signature. After verifying that the archived fingerprints are correct, press the fingerprint of the same finger in the space next to it. Finally, look at the sun to identify.

When the bell rang, the invigilator asked several students to come up and check whether the test paper bag was sealed. Fatih and Little Louis did not sign like others, but sealed it with rings representing their identities.

Hundreds of years later, this sealed certificate was auctioned for the price of several luxury sports cars.

While distributing test papers, answer sheets, scratch paper and stationery, the invigilator reads the examination rules to the candidates, followed by instructions on how to use the answer sheets.

The answer sheet is marked manually and is covered with a hollow tool made of transparent plastic. You can clearly see which is correct and which is multiple-choice.

Fatih was already aware of this. He went to the World Expo during the day and spent the evening in the hotel to study past papers. His scores on the objective questions were pretty good.

The exam bell rang, and Fatih picked up his pencil and began to answer the questions.

The test in the morning was the administrative ability test. The first part was language understanding and expression.

Fatih had only learned German for a short time, but after coming here, he read the newspaper every day and his reading comprehension improved greatly. Anyway, he chose it because it was similar to what was in the newspaper.

The second part was a math question. Sure enough, the "Hans" who was filling and pumping water into the pool at the same time appeared again. Fatih thought that if this guy came to the Ghazi Empire, he would definitely be punished by having the soles of his feet licked by a sheep!

I couldn't understand this kind of question at first, but I immediately understood it when I changed the pool into a money bank and the water in and out into gold coins.

Part 3. There are several types of judgmental reasoning.

The first is the ordering of events. The first question is:

(1) Two birds are singing happily in the tree

(2) The antelope fled in fright

(3) Pig leopard lurking in the bushes by the river

(4) Antelope walks towards the river bank

(5) The cheetah jumped up and frightened two birds.

The four options are





Fatih hesitated between B and D for a long time, and finally chose B.

This type of questions is followed by common sense judgment and deductive reasoning, but some common sense questions are a bit difficult for Fatih.

For example, which one of green slime, leftover bones from the dinner table, silt from the bottom of the fish pond, and pig blood cannot be used as fertilizer for farmland?

Fatih knew that Wesen collected bones to make fertilizer. When he visited a fish farming village, he heard that silt was a good fertilizer, but he didn't know whether green slime or pig blood could be used as fertilizer.

He counted them and chose the one with the most letters.

Finally, the fourth part is data analysis, which is the easiest for Fatih. He has learned how to analyze various documents and intelligence since he was a child. He is doing the same thing when reading newspapers, and his accuracy is high when he tests real questions. More than 90%.

Those who achieve great things must be serious and meticulous in their work. Fatih concentrated on doing the questions as if he was dealing with documents in the palace.

Instead, it was little Louis who had a problem.

"Bring me a cup of tea."

Little Louis thought he was in his office. His secretary Armand stood up subconsciously after hearing this.

The invigilator learned their identities in advance and hurried over to whisper a few words.

The two guys were suddenly embarrassed.

Fatih just smiled and started scribbling the answers on the answer sheet.

At 11 o'clock sharp, the morning exam ended. The candidates hurried out after handing in their papers, took a break after lunch, and started the application test at 14 o'clock in the afternoon.

Fatih's men reserved a box in a nearby book bar in advance, and he invited Little Louis and the others to eat and rest there.

The exam started in the afternoon, and all the real candidates in the exam room took a deep breath after seeing the questions.

The essay examination is given a number of materials on a certain topic. Candidates grasp the topic to summarize, comprehensively analyze the materials, propose countermeasures, implement plans, and submit arguments. This topic is often the focus of subsequent government work.

Including Fatih and others, the candidates all thought that this year's theme was related to the war that happened not long ago, Duke Wesson's series of speeches this year, or the just-concluded World Expo.

But no, the theme of this year's question is "Regional Economy", which is beyond everyone's expectation.

Fatih frowned. His keen observation and experience at the World Expo allowed him to discover the real theme hidden under the material: the cake that appeared at the World Expo was very big for Wesson's territory, but not for everyone. Everyone can eat it, which makes some people dissatisfied.

Everyone who is an emperor is good at the art of shouting from afar. There must be signs of this happening within Weisen State, and it is very serious.

After understanding this, it became easier to do the questions. Fatih recalled the news he had read, and composed sentences according to the language pattern above. What he wrote was almost the same as the neat print in the newspaper.

At 17:00 in the afternoon, the exam ended. As soon as little Louis left the exam room, he asked Fatih for the spirit pill. He chewed it and ate it regardless of the bitterness. He complained: "It would be nice if there was no time limit for this exam. There is too little time. not enough."

Fatih smiled and said: "This is part of the exam, which requires people to make decisions in the shortest possible time."

There are many people setting up stalls outside the test center selling all kinds of refreshing things. The professional subjects test will start at 19 o'clock. If the total scores are the same, you can't take it lightly when looking at the professional subject results.

For Fatih, professional subjects are purely about participation. Many people who specialize in professional tax knowledge cannot fully understand it, let alone him.

The exam was over, and the examinees dragged their exhausted bodies out of the examination room. Some people smiled happily and told their partners that they got the questions right, and some burst into tears as they walked. Is this true? Good test.

After Fatih left the exam room, he walked back to the hotel alone, wondering whether he could learn this pattern.

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