Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 413 Are you angels?

A few red stars appeared in the northeastern night sky, twinkling.

"Look! The stars are moving!"

A twelve or thirteen-year-old girl with braided braids saw the white stars suddenly appearing in the sky. She nervously pulled Frederick's arm and asked, "Is it an angel?"

Frederick nodded. This was indeed the light of the airship.

His eyesight is good. Many locals have night blindness, and some of them cannot see clearly. Only he can see the red signal lights in the distance, while others can only see the searchlights that light up from time to time.

"The quantity is wrong."

Frederick twitched the corner of his mouth. He only called for two airships. Why did eight airships come at once?

No matter so much, he immediately shouted: "Quick, light the lamps and firewood!"

More than a dozen people who had been waiting with Frederick had been blown by the cold wind all night. It was about to dawn. Many people were discouraged and some were dozing off by the fire. Suddenly they were shouted at by Frederick. My heart skipped a beat.

Frederick used a "soul shock" in the soul magic. The person who was hit seemed to have been slapped on the head, and the whole person became energetic.

They were not idle last night. Bishop Luof came forward to find white cloth, needlework and tailors, and made many half-person-high Kongming lanterns overnight, but they will be called Wesson lanterns in the future.

Someone immediately poured alcohol into the bowl under the Kongming Lantern. The alcohol was purified by Frederick's water-repelling technique. There was also a torn rag in the bowl, and the flames quickly ignited.

A field of stars rose from the ground, pointing the way for the stars coming from afar.

The airship formation immediately discovered the Kongming Lanterns, and quickly discovered several tall bonfires in the direction of their flight. The presence of Kongming Lanterns can indicate that these bonfires are signals for the landing site, rather than being lit by locals for other purposes. fire.

The airship began to adjust its direction and altitude. It was already dark when they flew towards the broadcast tower, and the first ray of rising sun slowly set on the pasture.

The hatch opened, and Tony, who was already fully armed, rushed out first, squatting down twenty meters away from the airship to guard the surroundings. Other soldiers filed out, and in the blink of an eye, a warning circle was set up around the airship.



Two pieces of firewood hit the helmets. Eugene and Tony turned their heads and saw Frederick standing in front of the large group of people with his arms akimbo.

Frederick looked at Eugene and Tony who came over to report. These two guys were still wearing gas masks, which was very consistent with the public's understanding of the Wesson Devil Army. The little girl had already been hiding behind Frederick.

After saluting, Eugene asked: "Commander, who bullied you?"

"If we don't have enough people, the cavalry should have already boarded the train and are heading there, and the artillery can find a way to come over if necessary."

Frederick understood. He probably didn't explain it clearly and the Ministry of Military Affairs misjudged it.

He said: "No one can bully me. There are several people here who were poisoned yesterday and need to be sent to Bear City before noon."

Last night, the patients were arranged in the church in the city, under the care of Bishop Luo Fe and Sanna. If the airship did not come, the funeral would be held directly.

When Frederick saw the airship appearing, he immediately sent someone to the church to notify them. At this time, the advantage of the large number of airships and the large numbers of Eugene and Tony came to light. The soldiers immediately brought stretchers and carried the patients onto the airship. A family member can be arranged to accompany each patient.

Sanna and Bishop Luof also boarded the airship. Firstly, Sanna would lead the way to land at her manor, and secondly, they could deal with emergencies of patients through wireless communication on the way.

The braided girl who had just seen the searchlight accompanied her poisoned mother to the No. 4 airship.

Before takeoff, Tony went to the cockpit and asked the captain: "It will be colder after we get into the sky. It will be warmer here. The patient's family members have been shivering. Can we put them in the cockpit?"

The captain was a little hesitant. No one was allowed to enter the cockpit, and it was not easy to let outsiders in.

Tony continued: "The little girl's clothes are very thin. I'm worried that she will get frostbite along the way."

"Okay." The captain finally agreed.

The two soldiers carried the patient to the back of the cockpit and put it away. The captain took out a horse and put it next to him, and pointed at the girl with braids to sit down.

The braided girl looked at the pilots curiously and asked timidly: "Are you angels?"

These pilots are all young girls who graduated from Weissenburg University. They are in their prime, and their bookish aroma and military temperament combine to give them a unique style. The girls who have never left the mountains in their lives subconsciously regard them as priests. The angels we talk about in our sermons.

However, there was a language barrier between the two parties, so the captain just smiled in a friendly manner, and the braided girl thought the other party gave a positive answer.

When the captain saw the girl trembling, he realized that she was only wearing two layers of clothes with hay stuffed in between. He took off his sky blue woolen coat and put it on the girl. He then went to the side and made a cup of hot milk coffee. give her.

The airship fleet set sail again, and everyone in the city stopped what they were doing. Some stood on the street, and some climbed onto the roof. They raised their heads to the sound of church bells and watched the eight behemoths disappear into the sky. .

The wind in the sky became stronger and stronger, and the airship flew south out of the mountainous area, lowered its altitude in the valley area to avoid the strong north wind, and headed west toward Xiongcheng.

Many people were frightened, some knelt on the ground and prayed, and many more were either frightened to the point of weak legs or fled in all directions.

On the navigation boat at the front, Frederick scratched his head when he saw the situation on the ground, so he went to the side to select records and found a church choir disc to play.

"Angel of joy, holy and beautiful, holding a bottle of happy water"

"We brought bread and sausages to your garden"

"Angel of joy, holy and beautiful, holding a Wesson bag"

"We come to your garden with mutton and fresh fish"

"Your delicious food can bring people together to raise a glass and have fun together."

"Under your radiance, people unite as brothers"

This morning, the airship flew over half of the river valley accompanied by the chorus of the Weissenburg Old Church choir. This time, no one ran away and everyone knelt on the ground. Many people muttered that the God of Light had appeared.

Outside Bear City, Richard Nall looked up with the new fishing friends around him. He said doubtfully: "What's going on? Is it Frederick?"

In a hotel in the city, Fatih was having breakfast. He immediately went to the balcony and watched the airship fly by. He smiled and said to himself: "This time there is a good show."

In a manor in the north of the city, Baron Ronno and his family had just finished breakfast when the housekeeper came over and reported that there were strange things flying in the sky.

Baron Rono came outside the house, looked at the fist-sized black spot in the sky, turned to his eldest son Walter Rono and said, "This must be the Wesson flying machine that Hess said."

Walter thought for a moment and said, "I heard Sanna and Sonya talk about that kind of flying machine. Sanna said that she had visited it and said that the balloons on it were black. I think it was."

Baron Ronno nodded thoughtfully and said, "Write to Hess another day and see if you can buy a small one. It can fly from the sky to the mountains and collect medicine."

"Hey, with such a huge formation, I'm afraid Duke Wesson is coming. Get ready. Didn't Hes help me get the title of consultant professor of Wesson Medical College, so I'm going to visit under this name."

"I'm afraid things in the palace will become more and more complicated in the future. The two boys in your family will not be able to go anywhere except the medical center for a while."

Walter immediately agreed and said: "Sanya has also come to Bear City and lives in the city. I asked her to pay attention."

Baron Ronno said: "The children of the Hess family are much more obedient than yours. You don't have to worry about it. Just remind them."

Walter just smiled. The two nieces were only obedient in front of their grandfather. Their father didn't know yet that they did not go to Wesson Medical College. Instead, one worked as a reporter in Galen City and the other tinkered with machines.

At this time, the housekeeper reminded: "Master, young master, those machines seem to be flying towards us."

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