Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 79 Print a few books

The printing place is dozens of meters away from the paper making place, leaving room for future development.

The craftsmen here are full of energy. A while ago, they all worked overtime to print the "Holy Scripture" and were very busy. Later, they all received a bonus and a few days of vacation, and they just came to work today.

Frederick and Katie came first to the place where the plates were being made.

Carpenters are busy carving master plates of letters of different sizes. These type plates are not used directly for printing, but are cast into metal type molds.

When printing the "Sacred Scripture" before, carpenters first carved wooden character molds, flattened them with flat plates in the molds, fixed them with hot slime glue, and then printed them on sand molds. Considering that large quantities of printing were required, copper was used To cast the mold, and then rest and polish the surface of the copper mold. The final test print was a mess.

The main reason is that the letters used are handwritten, and the places that are too thin cannot be printed, and the places that are too close are connected together due to ink bleeding.

At this time, Katie took action and redesigned the "printing" on the spot. The letter strokes were even in thickness and spaced appropriately. At the same time, she adjusted the ink formula to reduce the amount of oil used.

The second trial printing was considered a success, but it could only print on one side, and the ink oil still seeped into the back.

So Katie added a little turpentine to the ink made from linseed oil according to her past experience in oil painting, and now she barely passed the mark.

There is still a little oil seeping into the back, so we will have to figure out a solution from the paper production side in the future.

Next comes the hard and boring work.

Weisenberg's scribes were called in many times, and they were responsible for assembling the typefaces according to the content and proofreading them.

In the future, the work of scribes will be impacted by printing, so it would be better for them to adapt to the new work in advance.

The machine used for printing is a high-tech new product. Ogilvy has modified a batch of punch machines. The fonts are arranged, ink is applied, paper is placed, the foot switch is pressed, and the pressure plate controlled by the magic muscle is pressed down.

The last step is to arrange according to the page number, drill holes, thread and trim the edges.

Everyone walked and watched together, and Katie said to Frederick: "Schmidt said he has a way to improve the printing machine to make it faster, but he needs to increase the strength of some paper."

"Oh?" Frederick asked curiously, "Did he say how he did it?"

Katie shook her head and said, "I don't understand. I said a lot of core things."

At this time, Koehler said: "Schmidt said that he planned to use the core of the Golem puppet to control the printing press and let the paper enter through the conveyor belt. When the machine determines that it reaches the position, it will stop and print the words, and then pass it out again. I can apply the ink myself, we are only responsible for putting the paper."

"He also said that if our paper and ink are good enough, we can print two sides at a time."

Frederick nodded slightly, thinking that this guy was so powerful, he might as well mention the glue binding machine to him and see if he could build it.

Katie pulled Frederick to the place where the typefaces were placed, picked up a wooden frame and said, "I thought of a good way to make the paper into a fixed size and divide a colored painting into different templates according to color. Each template One color, as long as the paper is printed with different colors one after another, it will finally be a colorful painting!"

Frederick nodded, and suddenly his eyes became sharp.

"Sister, Koehler," he said seriously, "I have a task that I would like to trouble with, that is, whether I can produce thick, printed, smooth cardboard on both sides."

Katie asked him, "What bad idea are you thinking of again?"

Frederick smiled and said: "You don't want to play with thick and heavy wood chips anymore."

There are playing cards these days, but they are made of thin wood chips. They are quite heavy to hold and difficult to shuffle.

"I know, I just think about weird things." Katie poked his head angrily.

A strange smile appeared on Frederick's face.

A ghost, the ghost of a baby raccoon, wanders the sky.

Everyone walked toward the office while talking and came to Koehler's office.

There are also shelves here, with a lot of trial-produced paper on them, as well as corresponding techniques and formulas.

Frederick studied it curiously, picked up a piece of paper and looked at it for a long time, with tears streaming down his face.

"This kind of paper must be produced first!" he said firmly.

Katie went over and took a look and asked him: "Why do you want to produce this? It's not strong, too soft, and absorbs water. It will break when it touches water."

Frederick turned to Tarot and said, "Come and see if this kind of paper can replace a handkerchief for wiping things. Throw it away after use."

Katie knocked him on the head and said angrily: "You are so young and wasteful."

Frederick was in a hurry to use toilet paper and immediately said: "Sister, you just don't understand."

"For those rich nobles, wasting money is just to show off and prove that they are rich."

Tarot supported from the side: "That's true. Gentlemen are all about pomp and circumstance, but our master is still young."


She suddenly thought of something, put down the shoulder bag on her shoulder, took Katie outside and muttered for a long time.

After the two of them finished muttering, they returned to the office as normal, but their eyes were filled with "Don't ask!"

After everyone sat down, Koehler took a sample to show to Frederick and said: "This is an improvement based on the last paper. After removing the bark, it is much whiter. After adding the grass fiber, it is much stronger and smoother. According to experience, you can print on both sides by adding a little more agar."

Frederick took it over and looked at it. He felt it was pretty good, and then asked Tarot to take out a few books from his bag.

He put the book on the table and said: "This is the book I wrote before, as well as the results of this winter. If the paper and ink are available, just print 100 copies of each copy and pay according to the market price."

Koehler replied: "We recently did a cost accounting. The cost of a book the size of the Holy Scriptures is 10 sides and 4 copper plates. The market price is 1 copper plate per side, and there is no discount on both sides."

Frederick blinked and wanted to ask him if he came from time to time and opened a printing shop. There was no discount for double-sided printing.

He asked again: "What about the blank pages?"

Koehler replied: "The binding is less than 60% good."

Frederick thought about it and realized that the size of the "Holy Scripture" printed this time was equivalent to a large 32-format volume, about 600 pages. His printing cost here was 6 Kreutz, and he would sell it to the Church of Light for an additional 8 Kreuz. They sell them to believers at a higher price. This price is still acceptable to ordinary families. After all, one book can be used for many, many years.

The number of pages he wants to print this time is not that outrageous, and the potential customers are academics and other people with relatively loose cash, so the cost is lower.

"I think it's okay." Frederick pushed the book in front of him forward, "Let's print these first."

Katie knew that he had been writing all winter, but this was the first time she had seen what he wrote, so she looked through it out of curiosity.

I have heard about "The Nature of Light" and sent it to Venice. I also asked for help to find a craftsman who can grind lenses. However, it is difficult to find such craftsmen. I heard that one of them was imprisoned recently and he should be able to fish it out.

"The Three Properties of Force, the Energy of Object Movement and the Conjecture of Why We Stand on the Earth", I can't understand it and I yawned.

"The Combination of Algebra and Geometry", what is the plane rectangular coordinate system? What is analytic geometry?

"Factory Management Manual", what is this? I seem to understand it a bit, but I don't seem to understand it.

Katie flipped through a few books and felt a little dizzy.

After finishing a book by Koehler, she picked it up and flipped through it. No one should miss the gifted principal's book, and then she stood there as if frozen.

At lunch time, Frederick and the others went to have lunch, and there were a few more guys in the office who were indulging in books.

Schmidt and others came to Koehler after debugging the machine. They found that he was reading a book and did not disturb him. He also picked up the book on the table and started reading.

After finishing lunch, Frederick quickly slipped back to the castle to avoid being blocked by asking questions. Then he closed the door and thanked guests. He didn't come if there was no big business.

In the following days, in addition to continuing to attend morning classes and practicing magic and martial arts, Frederick stayed in the study all day long writing and drawing.

: The book price refers to the Song Dynasty. In the fourth year of Jiayu (1059), "Du Gongbu Ji" was sold in Suzhou, with a height of 21.7cm and a width of 15.5cm. There were 940 pages, about 188,000 words. It sold for 1,000 words for small profits but quick turnover, which is about 1.06 words per page, which is equivalent to 1.06 words per page. The selling price was 127 grams of rice at that time. It was found that in the fourth year of Jingde (1008), the price of wheat in Caizhou (now Zhumadian, Henan) and other places was half that of japonica rice, so the price per page was 254 grams of wheat. This book costs 1 silver coin and 50 kilograms of wheat, and 100 copper coins cost 1 silver coin, which translates into 0.5 copper coins per page. This is still the selling price, not the cost. The profit of "Du Gongbu Collection" is estimated to be 200-300 copies for 1,000 copies. Therefore, the cost of this book is 0.4 copper coins per page. At that time, one page was one side.

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