Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 81 Blow up a boiler

A rain, at the end of May, washed away the green leaves in the mountains and forests, and the birds flapped their wings and flew high into the sky in the fresh air.

Under the rainbow, the one-ton boiler temporarily escaped the shackles of gravity with a loud bang.

With a loud "bang", the boiler flew over the hills for more than 200 meters and landed in a mountain stream. The rabbits who were drinking water in the distance were startled and fled in all directions.

On the hilltop one kilometer away, a group of soldiers divided into two groups, one going to the place where the boiler was first fired, and the other to the place where the boiler was dropped.

Frederick frowned and was speechless towards these guys.

He just mentioned that he was worried that the boiler would explode due to excessive pressure, and then the group started destructive experiments. Ogilvy also made several special pressure gauges.

These pressure gauges are connected to the boiler through long pipes. The pointer on the dial moves with the pressure, and at the same time, a toothpick drives the pointer on the opposite dial.

When the pressure in the boiler disappears or the boiler is blown away together with the pressure gauge, the pointer on the second dial can stay at the maximum pressure position of the boiler.

The fifth boiler is being blown up now, and it is planned to blow up another five boilers to obtain enough data.

The boiler fried this time is a finished product after design and positioning. The design length is 2.5m, the outer diameter is 1.2m, and the wall thickness is 12mm. It uses slightly strengthened elemental steel and weighs about 1.1 tons. After adding an appropriate amount of water, it weighs about 3.3 tons. .

Today, the boiler only needs to be equipped with instruments, heating magic array and control system to be used, but the air outlet and safety valve are blocked.

"My heart is bleeding." Frederick sighed and said, "These are all gold coins!"

All Might on the side smiled. Anyway, the money he spent was not his own, so he smiled quite happily.

Frederick continued: "Well, in the future, a steam engine will cost almost a thousand florins to build. Who can afford it?"

Ogilvy and others estimated the cost of the steam engine, and the price frightened Frederick.

This means that nobles below the baron level cannot expect to buy steam engines.

"It doesn't matter." All Might knows his stuff, "Others can't afford it, so why can't our Lord Paladin afford it?"

"Your large panes of glass are so flat and smooth that even the king sent someone to buy them."

Frederick curled his lips, made a cheap "Holy Scripture" himself, and donated the formula of maltose. The Church of Light gave him the title of paladin and an enchanted saber, and then nothing happened.

Seeing his expression, All Might asked curiously: "Are you dissatisfied with the Church of Light?"

Frederick did not deny it.

A strange smile appeared on All Might's face.

"What's wrong?" Frederick was a little surprised to see him smiling like this, "Is there something I don't know?"

Ogilvy smiled and replied: "You will know when you become an adult."

Then he changed the subject: "The church is quite rich. How about letting them buy the kind of tractor you mentioned and then rent it to farmers?"

"Not very good." Frederick shook his head, "Nowadays, there are still many farms with strip fields. When the tractor goes out, it plows the land of two families, and the field ridge in the middle is gone. How to calculate it?"

"Landowners may rent it. Their common land is a large area, so it's quite convenient to use it."

"If tractors are really to be promoted, land must be redistributed between landlords and tenant farmers, at least so that the land becomes one piece like in my territory."

"When we arrive, a village may only have four or five fields divided according to crop rotation."

"If others can't afford a steam engine, we will use it internally."

"How long do you estimate it will take after the boiler experiment is successful to complete all the work?"

All Might made a mental calculation and said, "It will take another month to generate the first machine."

"If we want to mass-produce it, I think it will be next year."

Frederick thought for a while and asked: "Is the current steel production enough?"

Ogilvy is now equivalent to the director of the Industrial Bureau of Wesenland and is very familiar with this matter. He replied: "The smelter will be able to officially start production next month. Enough raw materials and fuel have been reserved. Skilled workers are already in place. Apprentices Workers learn while working.”

"The construction workers building the smelting plant are now moving to Langnar City in the south to build a cement plant there according to your plan."

Frederick nodded slightly, and then said: "Currently, steam engines are of great use in machine production. Now we can start planning to replace other power sources. In the future, the obsolete magic reciprocators can be sold to the village."

Ogilvy was a little depressed, thinking that his magic reciprocator could make more money, but he didn't expect that a more powerful steam engine would appear.

He replied: "The replacement of the two machines is not a big problem. They are essentially reciprocating motions, and there are very few things that need to be changed."

Frederick suddenly said: "The steam engine is ready, it's time for us to start entering the textile industry."

"You arrange for people to find the best weavers in the territory. In the autumn, we will discuss how to use steam engines for spinning and weaving."

All Might immediately agreed.

Frederick took a deep breath of the fresh air on the top of the mountain to relax a little.

As the stalls spread out, more and more things happened.

The Edelweiss Library he told the Grand Duke of Mainz before, he took the initiative to help find a master architect, who is now studying the layout of the Pentagon.

The first phase of the army's recruitment has ended, and now the new recruits are doing physical training and traditional pike formation training, and he hasn't had to go and see it yet.


Frederick and All Might chatted about things in the territory for a while, and the student team led by Schmidt came over to report after sorting out today's experimental data.

"Principal, Professor All Might," Schmidt said, holding a piece of paper, "the results are out."

Ogilvy was quite satisfied with Schmidt. When he saw someone making money, he didn't ask the principal for advice. Instead, he looked for work on his own. He was discovered by the principal at a paper mill, and finally got a knighthood by using a double-sided printing machine. As promised, the work of the steam engine was handed over to him.

After Frederick nodded, Schmidt looked at the data on the paper and said: "When the boiler exploded today, the internal pressure reached about 25 atmospheres. Judging from the status of the boiler and the scene, it was the screws on the top plate that could not withstand the pressure and collapsed. .”

"The explosion was so powerful that the surrounding wooden piles were blown away, chickens and ducks were killed, and the flying roof smashed a fox and a tree."

Frederick nodded and said thoughtfully: "The normal working pressure of this boiler is 12 atmospheres, and the maximum pressure is 15 atmospheres. The safety margin of 10 atmospheres is enough."

"Remember to take the boiler back and melt it again. I don't have that much money to make new materials."

Schmidt had a big smile on his face, as long as he didn't have to pay for it.

Frederick glared at him fiercely, and then asked: "How is the steam engine doing?"

Schmidt's face suddenly darkened, and he said cautiously: "There is still a gap between the sealing ring on the cylinder and the piston. During the water filling test, it was found that water would seep in."

Frederick thought that there was nothing he could do about it, so he said: "Let it leak, just control it within the tolerable range."

"First solve the problems that exist, and then solve them, okay?"

Schmidt breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Principal, I have two ideas."

"Can a safety valve be controlled by a spring? If it is the current one, it will be fine if it is flat. If it is tilted, its working pressure will be reduced."

"The second one is the accessories on the boiler. Can their safety strength be set between the working pressure of the safety valve and the ultimate pressure of the boiler? They can serve as a second safety valve and also serve as an early warning before explosion."

Frederick thought for a moment and said: "You can take care of these by yourself. The next step is up to you. I am very optimistic about you."

There is only so much he can take out. The rest is for these scholars to continue to study and develop in the research.

Schmidt immediately shouted happily: "Thank you principal for your cultivation!"

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