After fulfilling his previous wish, Lucid did not stop at Conston anymore, but turned around and escaped into the dense forest of Jianhai County.

   Old Nick’s shop is the shop where the curly-haired baboon had to "borrow" a set of clothes when he first arrived at Conston because of his disguise.

   Facing this lush dense forest, he frowned, as if remembering something he had said before...

   "Hurt, forget it, don't remember..."

   curled his lips, he walked into the forest.

   This is also helpless.

   Although the war between the Republic of Intis and the Kingdom of Ruen has come to an end, this does not mean that there is a smooth road between the Republic of Intis and the Kingdom of Ruen.

   On the border, the two countries are still stationed with a large number of troops, guarding each other.

   So there is no way. If Lucid wants to return to Trier, he can only pass through the virgin forest of Makai County once again.

   Different from the last time, this time the curly baboon has already made enough preparations.

   Necessary food, ropes, and other odds and ends.

   "Ah~ ↗ ↘ ↗ ↗"

   imitating the orangutan Tarzan, the curly-haired baboon once again escaped into the dense forest as if it had returned home.

   "Oh, the woods are much better than the homes"

   "The baboons in the woods are all baboons, they speak nicely, and I really like being inside."

   In this way, Lucid returned to Intis from Luen again.


   At No. 1 Denis Street, Patrick looked at the Ryan River outside the window with a spirited appearance.

   took a glass of blood-red Olmere, and he gently shook the crystal goblet.

   "Life is always like this, never knowing what will happen next second..."

   I couldn't help but sigh, what happened these days is beyond the imagination of this "superior" and "decent" magician.

   First, the castle of "Kitas" suddenly went up to the sky, and his enthusiasm was also gone.

   That's not a big deal. The "sister" who had been "battered" was left to explain, but suddenly her whereabouts were unknown.

   This made poor Patrick seem to have lost his backbone.

   I am sorry to see that, having the life like this, I am nothing more than a magician in an unknown circus.

   But a few days later, Patrick unexpectedly received a huge amount of "compensation."

   This is a payment from the deacon of the Gustav family, and he left Denis Street without a word.

   Patrick didn't realize the gold content of the letters "Gustav" at first, and thanks to the reminder from Frank, the housekeeper, he felt quite flattered.

   All in all, the Chatters family can be regarded as inadvertently, taking root in Trier...

   Relying on the towering tree of "Gustav", Patrick has successively received many invitations from prom salons and so on...Mr. Magic is happy.

   took another sip of "Olmere" wine, and he gradually felt drunk and hazy.

   "This kind of life is really good!" He let out a long sigh of relief.

   looked back a little lazily, but he was taken aback by Lucid who came back quietly in black.

   Lucid couldn't help feeling full of emotions when he looked at Patrick, who was living quite well.

   In the past few months, I have traveled around a small part of the northern continent, but some people just stay at home...

   "People are really maddening than people!"

   sighed quietly, a little melancholy.

   The journey to Backlund this time was not smooth, it can be said to be a lot of twists and turns.

   The initial goal of acquiring the shipbuilding industry in Champagne and Backlund was only half completed, and then he was scared by the strange incident and ran away.

   And this Champagne province, Lucid dare not go again.

   The original plan to break through Sequence 7 was also dead. Although Arrods asked about the "witch" potion formula, it was too easy to come by. On the contrary, the curly baboon didn't dare to trust this flamboyant formula.

   However, this journey is not without results.

  What he saw and heard in the Ruen Kingdom gave him a bold idea.

   The Luen Kingdom now is like a broken ship full of holes, where there are loopholes.

   But in Lucid's view, these "holes" are his "opportunities"!

   "Prophet and foresight," he clearly knew that not only did Luen not decline in the future, but instead became the most powerful country in the North Continent.

   "Oh, the angle of standing is different, and what you see is different!"

   Combined with Ruen's situation, he made a plan for future actions.

   Give up the development in Intis and seek an identity in Luen again as a wealthy businessman.

   Now in the Kingdom of Loen, it is easy to obtain the status of a nobleman.

   Of course, the premise is that you have enough gold pounds.

   But the foresighted Lucid doesn’t think this is a problem.

   The "stock market", which has just flourished in Intis, is not just a bunch of "leeks"!

   Instead of being stalked by others, it is better to let yourself stalk.

   Lucid doesn't mind scouring the nascent Intis stock market and ran away.

   I'm leaving Intis What can I do?

   Of course, before leaving Intis, he would definitely leave the message to "hometown" Russell to guard against the "moon".

   No matter how Russell reacted afterwards, it had nothing to do with Lucid.

   No matter how powerful Russell is, it is impossible to go to the Kingdom of Loen, right?

   Maybe when Russell recovers, he will already be a noble of the Loen Kingdom!

   After becoming a nobleman, he can still stand in line with his prophetic foresight... and then wait to lie down and win.

   The only thing that is a bit tricky is the weirdness of Backlund.

   But this is not a big problem.

   Lucid decided to avoid going to Backlund as much as possible in the future, or wait until there is a high enough sequence before making any plans.

   Ruen is so big, it is impossible to have it everywhere, right?

   He hid in Winter County where the church was in a big deal. He didn't believe that there were people at the foot of the church who would dare to do things unscrupulously.

   But this view of Lucid was strongly opposed by Patrick.

   "No! I don't want to go to the Loen Kingdom of Lao Shizi!"

   Patrick's neck is flushed.

   In his opinion, Ruen, who gave up his current stable life and ran to the bird without shit, is simply a nerve problem.

   "I won't go! I won't go to kill me!!!"

  Disagreement arose, and the curly-haired baboon frowned involuntarily.

   It is obviously not advisable to just throw Patrick at Intis.

   The angry Intis people might hang him up after being caught by Karma Leek...

   After all, he brought it here by himself, so it’s hard to ignore it...

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