Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 124 The future is promising

Because of Arrods' words in the dream, Klein quickly woke up and made up his mind to immediately prepare the potion to advance to Sequence Six.

He looked at the time, there were still three hours until morning.

After performing a prayer ceremony on himself, Klein walked into the kitchen with the materials. This cauldron was a new one he bought yesterday in preparation for the recent potion brewing.

After cleaning and drying the surface with flames, Klein carefully proofread the "Faceless Man" potion formula in his mind.

The mutated brain pituitary gland and blood of the Thousand-faced Hunter required for the materials, Klein has reached a deal with the vampire Emlyn White of the Harvest Church, and has been collected before. Now even the last Deep Sea Naga's The hair is also in hand, and he can be promoted at any time.

But Klein felt that there was no need to wait any longer. The sooner, the better. The sooner he could master the gray mist and control the light ball, the sooner he might be able to restore Esther to a safe and free body.

Although both of them have now been "resurrected" in their own ways, Klein will never forget Esther's miserable cry when he fell down that day in Tingen.

He didn't want to have to call her name one day.

Strength, strength is everything that is the foundation of the extraordinary world, and it must be further improved.

Klein held the glass bottle containing the newly brewed potion. After performing a divination to confirm the degree of harm, Klein took a few seconds to calm down. Then he raised his head and poured in the black-green liquid with human face bubbles. into the mouth.

The feedback from the extraordinary potion instantly caused Klein's body to begin to dissolve. After he tried his best to meditate and keep his body stable, he finally passed the most difficult state of losing control during promotion.

He was successfully promoted to become the "Faceless Man" of Sequence Six.

Klein turned back to his "Zhou Mingrui" appearance in the mirror and smiled at himself.

Fortunately, I haven't been left too far behind by my fellow countryman. I must share this good news with her next time we meet and give her a surprise.

As Klein reached out and lightly touched his face, it instantly transformed into Emlyn's face, and then he changed again, and what was reflected in the mirror was Captain Dunn's face.

Is this the "faceless man"... I hope it won't scare her.

Klein's smile deepened as he imagined Esther's possible surprised reaction.


New day, new morning.

Esther didn't sleep particularly peacefully that night. She always felt that there was constant restlessness in her mind, causing her to wake up soon after falling asleep. But what the "spiritual intuition" gave her back was not a warning about danger, but more like a stress reaction after sensing some kind of abnormality.

Because this "alarm clock" was sounding alarms randomly, Esther climbed out of bed very early and went into the bathroom listlessly.

"It's so noisy that I can't stop it. I can't open my mind..."

Esther rinsed her face with water for a long time before she gradually regained her composure and cheered up from the annoying wake-up fuss.

Soon, she left the hotel again, and Xiao Qi followed her out, but soon flew towards the West District.

Esther didn't ask what it was going to do, but took the steam subway to Hillston District for today's "wandering performance". Esther's explanations to those stores would change a little every time. Although they were all insignificant matters, she was becoming more and more skillful in using lies.

Today she played a very light cuckoo waltz, which made the drizzle outside the cafe no longer so gloomy.

When a carriage passed by the door of the cafe, it suddenly stopped for some reason. A well-dressed lady stepped out, accompanied by a maid who held an umbrella for her.

The lady clasped her hands on her lower abdomen. When Esther raised her eyes, her hands were suddenly twisted together, as if she had been awakened from the performance, and she quickly returned to the carriage without looking again. One glance.

Esther did not stop playing music, but stared closely at the direction in which the carriage left.

At that moment, she smelled something full of temptation.

It feels like a hot cake just out of the oven, rich cocoa that has just been soaked, very sweet and attractive.

But that lady was not an extraordinary person. Esther could tell this, so she was even more unclear about where this feeling came from. The other party might have hidden her own existence.

"Destiny"? What a wonderful fate.

After Esther finished playing the song, she put down the harmonica. The shop owner smiled and applauded her: "That's great! I agree with you to stay and play. There will definitely be many customers willing to come here at noon and evening to accompany their meals with music. .”

"Thank you for your generosity," Esther responded with a smile, "I will give half of the tip to you, just like paying the venue fee. Rainy days are not suitable for me to perform on the streets."

"Hahaha, you should learn some professional musical instruments, kid! Like violin or piano or something. Go to a place like a big concert hall to better display your talents."

Esther smiled and chatted with the other party for a few words, brushing off the topic, but she was still thinking about the identity of the lady just now, and was very curious about what attracted her.


Friday, December 24th.

After two consecutive days of light rain, today there is only lingering cloud haze in Backlund, but everyone who lives here still takes an umbrella with them when going out.

The cold and humid air sticks to the skin, and no one knows when the raindrops will fall again.

While exploring the gray mist, Klein discovered a staircase leading upwards, but with his current Sequence Six, he could not ascend it. This only made him more curious about what was on it.

Returning to the hall supported by stone pillars, Klein raised his hand to summon the light ball down.

This time, he could even clearly sense the power contained in it. It was extremely pure but full of deathly silence, as if the dead giant tree had lost all vitality.

The nature of the power inside is very ethereal, and it is not the same as the gray mist that Klein felt. However, it seems to have been corroded by the gray mist for too long and has lost its autonomy. It can only be suppressed in the container where the gray mist condenses.

Klein had a hunch that it might be like the stairs on the gray mist. He must continue to improve himself to discover the secrets hidden in this light ball.

Since the time hasn't come yet and he can't think of a reason, Klein will no longer dwell on the matter.

He left the gray fog and returned to the real world, and began to prepare dinner for himself.

Just as Klein threw the potatoes and carrots into the stew pot and fastened the lid, his spiritual intuition struck and the doorbell rang soon after.

Klein smiled and opened the door, and saw Esther's smiling face again.

"Welcome, it's beef stew with potatoes tonight. You come so punctually every time. Have you installed surveillance cameras in my kitchen?"

Esther shook her head repeatedly: "How is that possible! I believe it's just my luck that I always get to take advantage of your craftsmanship."

In fact, Esther does like to come to Klein during dinner time, after all, there is a higher probability that he will be at home at this time.

It's just a casual thing, eh.

Of course, Esther didn't come empty-handed. In addition to a white umbrella, she also carried a paper bag in her hand, which contained a can of fruit candies and carrot cake, as well as two pieces of burnt cake that were slightly deformed due to the bumps. Sugar pudding.

However... Klein seems to be different today. He is particularly friendly. Esther looked at Klein a few times, but didn't directly see anything unusual.

As soon as Esther walked in the door, light rain started to fall again, hitting the window lightly and making a soft sound.

Both of them were a little surprised, but Klein quickly reacted and looked at Esther amusedly: "Should I say it or not, your good luck is indeed very enviable."

Esther smiled proudly and put the things in her hands on the table: "Luck is also a part of strength, right?"

Klein returned to the stew pot to check, and snapped his fingers to make the flame smaller and simmer slowly. The aroma of the cooked beef gradually wafted through the room.

"It's so convenient. You can directly adjust the fire like this." Esther stared at the boiler curiously, then turned to Klein, "But I always feel like there's something different about you?"

Before Klein could answer Esther, the doorbell rang again.

"There are a lot of guests tonight."

"Do you need me to avoid it?" Esther asked.

Klein shook his head: "It's okay. If an official Beyonder comes to visit, I will kick the coat rack as a signal, and you can go upstairs to avoid it."

Esther nodded and retreated into the kitchen without wondering who the person was.

Not long after, Klein returned to the living room. After putting down the postcard in his hand, he called Esther: "It's okay, it's my lawyer friend. You can come out now."

"Did he come to you to investigate the case?" Esther asked casually.

"No, he is going to take his family to the south for vacation next week, so he came here to tell me. Just in case, he came over and gave me his colleague's business card."

"Next week..." Esther took out the dishes from the cupboard and arranged them on the dining table. "It's going to be good too. The weather in the south should be much better than in Backlund."

"It's almost New Year after all."

"So what are your plans for the New Year?"

When Esther asked this question, the two of them were enjoying the steaming pot of potato and beef stew with slices of white bread that Esther had lightly fried with crushed garlic and olive oil.

"No, I'll probably stay in Backlund. I may go overseas to seek promotion after the year, and I will remember to tell you then. What about you?"

Esther made two gestures on the slice of bread with her hands, thinking about cutting out two words "福" from red paper, one for each person: "If you want to stay, maybe we can spend the New Year together. Free. It’s free time, we can make dumplings! I can still do this.”

Klein liked this idea very much, and his eyes gradually brightened: "Okay! What kind of filling do you want to eat then? I'll buy the ingredients."

Esther hesitated for two seconds and whispered: "...Strawberry cream?"


Immediately afterwards, the two burst into laughter in unison.

Klein hid his face helplessly and waved his hands repeatedly while laughing: "This won't work, this really won't work! This is pure dark cuisine!"

The warm fireplace dissipated the chill in the house, leaving the cold night in the drizzle outside.

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