Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 571 Isolated

"The broken remains of destiny,

Wandering in the vortex outside time and space,

Eternal attendant of the Lord of the Spirit World,

The light that weaves the threads of the long river of chaos..."

After Mateo recited these words of honor, he paused for two seconds, but nothing happened. He hesitantly turned his head and glanced at Vika in the corner. Vika desperately gestured, urging Mateo to continue, Do not interrupt in the middle of prayer.

Sighing in his heart, Mateo had no choice but to bite the bullet and thought of a reason: "I pray to you, pray for you to give me enough good luck, pray for you to help me escape the bad luck of death..."

There was silence in the room. Vika even held her breath and suppressed her face until it turned red.

Mateo felt as if he had a faint tinnitus. He endured it for more than ten seconds because nothing was happening around him. Only then did he dare to raise his hand and pat his ears hard twice, hearing that weird buzzing sound. It slowly faded away.

Mateo ended the prayer, and it wasn't until he extinguished the candles that Vika stepped forward: "How was it? Did you get any response or revelation?"

Mateo shook his head. After seeing the rather gloomy despair on Vika's face, Mateo suddenly felt as if he had done something wrong, and he hesitated a little.

He remembered the strange movement just now and quickly said again: "But I heard a sound."

Vika immediately became alert: "Is it a buzzing sound like a fly!?"

"I was going to say bee...that's pretty much the sound."

Vika shook his head vigorously and walked around anxiously, muttering something silently. Then he seemed to have figured out the key, and gradually opened his eyes, and suddenly turned his head and stared intently. Mateo.

A faint silver light shone in his pupils, and the next second, Vika seemed to have been punched by an invisible attacker. He fell backwards in pain and curled up on the floor.

This made Mateo startled for a moment, and then he hurriedly leaned over to check Vika's condition. Fortunately for Mateo, except for a few drops of blood and tears from his eyes and shortness of breath, Vika just fainted.

There were no external injuries on Vika's body, and Mateo also turned on his spiritual vision for a brief inspection. Vika's spirituality fluctuated violently, but there were no signs of losing control.

Did he still see something he shouldn't have? Is there something special about me?

Mateo pulled out a handkerchief and shook Vika's shoulders twice. Before Vika opened his eyes in a daze, Mateo covered his face with the handkerchief: "You just passed out. Wipe it, there is blood on your face."

When Vika spoke, he sounded full of guilt: "Your death signs... have become darker."

"...People shouldn't recite the honorable names of these beings casually. I seem to have taken this lesson a long time ago. It's a pity. I shouldn't take any chances."

After two seconds of silence, Mateo pretended to laugh lightly: "But haven't I been struck by lightning yet? At least I'm still alive now, so let's think about what to do while alive."

While wiping the blood on his face, Vika said dejectedly: "I still want to say sorry to you, I shouldn't, I didn't expect..."

Mateo also sat on the floor, his shoulders drooped, and his smile gradually became forced: "Then, it doesn't matter, do I forgive you?"

After a long moment of silence, neither of them knew what to say. Finally, Mateo took the initiative to break the silence: "So what should we do now? If you have any revelations, you can speak out and listen, at least in the future. After tonight we have to… I have to do something.”

"If there is another possibility," Vika sat up from the ground hesitantly, "go to sea."

"To tell you the truth, I just escaped from my ship in a hurry."

"Then you take me with you and escape back?"

Mateo frowned and was stunned for a moment: "Okay, that's it. Let's go back to the ship tomorrow and take a look..."


"I seem to hear something?"

A bolt of thunder streaked across the sky in the Land Abandoned by God, illuminating the confusion on Esther's face. She turned her head and stared at the darkness in the distance in confusion, waiting quietly for a moment.

"What's the sound?" Amon also looked in that direction, which was the west that led to Silver City, the Twilight Palace, and toward the vast ocean and continent.

"No, it's nothing." Esther narrowed her eyes and shook the dagger in her hand twice, "Maybe it was my imagination."

"If you want to lie in front of me, it's better to just stay silent."

"Even if you don't believe it, you can still pretend to believe it." Esther muttered softly.

Amon tapped the edge of his monocle, and then seemed to remember something. He flipped his right hand in the air, and something appeared in his palm.

He turned his wrist and handed the thing to Esther: "Here you go."

Esther was quite surprised, but when she took it, she realized it was her harmonica: "Ah, why did you give this back to me?"

"You can throw it on the ground if you don't want it."

Esther gently wiped the surface of the harmonica with her cuffs. The edge of the heart-shaped nail polish had been worn away. There was a smile full of reminiscence on her face: "I mean you don't mess with me." Bag, or you can just give it back to me."

"I didn't even know you could play something like this. After all, your previous body was more like a movable sculpture than a human being." Amon paused and tapped his monocle, "You really are not. Stealing someone's ability to play?"

Esther rolled her eyes at Amon: "I don't need it! Of course I can learn on my own, there are all kinds of people among the candidates..."

"Are there also 'thieves'?"

"The last extraordinary characteristic on the Source Castle has entered reality. I don't know what else is piled there now, and I have no plans to go back. The candidates have no way to do it, they are just the most ordinary... ordinary people." Esther responded truthfully to Amon's words, "But there are indeed thieves, including those who steal tomb items."

Amon noticed her softened attitude and wrote down these words word for word: "It was last year, right? There was also a demon wolf wandering here, but since last year, his whereabouts have become difficult to detect. ."

"It turned out to be hidden here..."

Esther quickly thought of the goddess of the night, because she knew the temperament of this "human" so well, and instantly understood her design behind this. Hiding that extraordinary characteristic in an isolated continent, letting a "divineer" with no hope of real advancement carry it around while also pointing out the location of the magic wolf for the goddess of the night.

If the magic wolf really rashly swallows the extraordinary characteristics from sequence nine to sequence one, the goddess of the night can also capture the corresponding position through the misfortune imposed on it. When the demon wolf completely loses control, it will either die or be hidden. In any case, it will put a little more weight on the advantage of the goddess of the night - the candidate will always find the goddess of the night. .

Esther shook her head uncomfortably: "What did you do when I was away from the real world?"

The smile on Amon's face gradually faded, and he responded to Esther's question in a perfunctory manner: "I've done everything."

"If you don't want to answer, forget it... Is it still far from here to the next town?"

"It may be far away, or it may appear at any time."

Esther remembered the previous introduction very clearly: "Is it that moving city?"

Amon pointed in the direction in the darkness, and in the silence, several monsters of different shapes chased each other and ran away, as if they didn't even notice that there were two people here.

"I left my avatar there a long time ago, but I lost contact for some reason. After that, I never encountered it head-on. I can only speculate that the city is still active through certain traces."

"You still can't find it?"

"There are believers of 'dark night' in that city, and there are also 'hidden' powers."

Esther frowned. If she was really a believer of the "Night Goddess", shouldn't she have secretly migrated to the Northern Continent long ago?

"Do you know why they stay?"

Amon also shook his head: "If I knew, that city would not be out of my surveillance."

Esther shook the harmonica in her hand: "Does this have anything to do with you suddenly returning it to me?"

"You can play something and give it a try."

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