When Dimiugos finished saying this, the entire ninja coalition army on the earth completely boiled.

Everyone present was very convinced that the supreme god must be capable of fulfilling all their wishes.

The 100,000 ninja alliance looked at each other, and their eyes released a hot light, which was a look of longing for the fulfillment of wishes.

Under this strong temptation, more and more ninjas who are not afraid of death began to ascend the air arena like demons.

They believe that so many ninjas go up together, even the gods can give him some bruises, in order to realize the desires in their hearts, they have ignored it.

Bai Hao sat on the high throne, looking elegantly at the ninja who climbed to the arena like ants on the ground, with a holy and beautiful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The whole earth crawled at his feet, and the powerhouses of the entire ninja world were all controlled by him.

In just a moment, the influence of this supreme supreme master in this world has far exceeded that of Uchiha who has been painstakingly laid out for decades.

This is the gap between pattern and power.

“It’s really pitiful.” Nabei’s Qianqianyu hand gently placed next to her vermilion lips, pursing her lips and chuckling.

“Yes, it seems that these ants still can’t understand what real power is.” Shatia nodded, there was still a trace of disgust in her eyes, she didn’t have any good feelings for these ninjas who exuded a foul smell of blood.

Being around His Royal Highness the Holy and Great White Emperor was so beautiful in her eyes, and everything on this battlefield made her feel emotion in her heart.

What an honor it should be to be fortunate enough to stay by the side of the Great Supreme Supreme.

“Honorable Supreme Supreme, you don’t need to be so pitying, the desires of these ants have devoured their minds.” Dimiurgos knelt on one knee in front of Bai Hao, put one hand on the position of his heart, bowed his head respectfully, and said.

His Royal Highness the White Emperor is a combination of light and darkness, the greatest supreme being, and if he will feel pity for these desperate ants, Dimiugos will not be surprised at all.

The benevolent Creator always radiates supreme brilliance, and the supreme supreme in front of him is precisely such a perfect deity.

“You’re wrong, Dimiurgos.” Bai Hao smiled slightly, shook his head and said: “The sacrifice of these people is very necessary, they can make more people soberly realize what price they will pay if they want to satisfy their desires.” ”

Bai Hao did not feel pity for these miscellaneous fish, on the contrary, these people would better reflect their spiritual will and be above this world.

The butler Sainz looked at Bai Hao with great reverence and said, “Your Highness the White Emperor, your wisdom exudes supreme brilliance, and it is our greatest gift to let us bathe in your wisdom. ”

Bai Hao nodded, accepted the praise of several guardians around him, and immediately set his eyes on Corsetus, who was already ready to fight at any time beside him.

The extremely sensitive Corsetus immediately felt the gaze of His Royal Highness the White Emperor, took a step forward and knelt down on one knee in front of him, and said: “Great White Emperor Highness, even if you don’t have to speak, I can feel your wise and divine thoughts. I, Cosetes, will go to the battlefield and fight to the end for your spirit and greatness. ”

Bai Hao smiled with satisfaction, it seemed that Cosetus knew the result he wanted very well, and said lightly: “Go!” To tell the world here what true greatness is. ”

“Obey, His Royal Highness the White Emperor!”

Cosetes fell to his knees, and a desire and excitement for battle came from the bottom of his heart.

But he always remembered that the Great Supreme Lord had said that he would be entrusted with the divine mission.

This battle is not only to show his strength, but also to carry forward the will represented by His Royal Highness the Holy and Flawless White Emperor in this world.

Let this ninja world, full of hatred and filth, completely bathed in the brilliance of the Supreme Supreme Lord, become an immortal legend!

On the battlefield, more and more ninjas began to head to the Air Arena.

The Five Kages tried to maintain the situation, but the mighty army of ninjas made them powerless to stop it.

“What do we do now?” I Iroh uses his Sand Ninjutsu to block the ninjas in his village as much as possible, not wanting them to sink into the darkness of desire.

But saints without desire never exist, and in this ninja world, they are just mortals.

Even if I Iroh exhausted all of his Chakra, he still couldn’t stop the ninjas who wanted to enter the Air Arena.

“Let them go, we can’t do anything about this kind of thing.” Onoki floated in the air, his eyes solemn, he didn’t do anything like I Airo.

After living so many years, he has already seen through the truth of the ninja world, no matter how hard he tries, the darkness in people’s hearts will always exist.

Even the sun-like light leaves a shadow behind them.

The ninja coalition began to scramble to the arena like a tidal wave, hoping to win the one in ten thousand chance of victory.

The corners of Liudaoma’s mouth rose slightly, of course he wanted to see this uncontrollable situation, only in this way could he profit from it.

But what he didn’t expect was that when he stared at those ninja alliances, a pair of extremely sharp eyes were also quietly staring at him….

Of course, Bai Hao will not forget the second most powerful boss in this ninja world, but he still wants to see this jumping beam clown perform for a while.

In the air arena diagonally below the throne, there were already ninjas who were ready to challenge Bai Hao’s authority.

In their eyes, life and death do not matter, and the moment they decide to become ninjas, death follows them.

Train their ninja school so that only goals and tasks remain in their eyes, which is their only desire.

Now, defeating the battle defenders represented by Bai Hao is their most important task now.

Their minds were tightly remembered by the words of the gentlemanly Dimiurgos, as long as they won the challenge, they could achieve all their wishes.

Naruto Uzumaki watched these ninjas rush to the arena, very surprised, he repeatedly touched them with his heart, but he did not expect this result.

Uchiha Sasuke’s face was expressionless, and no one could see what was going on in his scarlet eyes.

The battle will begin soon!

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