Lord of Nine Stars

Chapter 678 Fierce

When Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei came out of He Siling's office, it was already bright.

After a long conversation throughout the night, Gao Lingwei not only reported the detailed mission process over the past 28 days, but Rong Taotao also analyzed and speculated on the affairs of the three empires through the information provided by Hell Lotus Petals.

For He Siling, this night was indeed a night of information explosion. He needs a certain amount of time to digest the precipitation, and he also needs to convene a think tank to discuss a proper future plan.

The return of the younger generation of Qingshan Army is equivalent to the beginning of the Snow-burning Army 2.0 era!

The Snow-Burning Army of the first era could only be forced to accept the fact that the snow vortex bloomed in the sky, try to adapt to what the vortex brought to the northern land, and try their best to defend the territory left by their ancestors.

As for the second era, it was Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei who started this era. Based on the forefathers' firm foothold and strong troops, they no longer passively accepted everything that the Snow Vortex gave to China.

The Snow Burning Army can finally take the initiative to explore this mysterious vortex and understand everything unknown. It may even change the status quo of the northern snow realm!

Gao Lingwei absorbed a new lotus petal, which was an unexpected surprise for He Siling.

After encouraging the two of them, he asked Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei to go back and have a good rest. He wanted to hold an emergency meeting to discuss it with his men.

Rong Taotao took advantage of the situation and brought up the matter of Xueji's Soul Bead.

In this way, Rong Taotao applied for two more of the three Snow Ji Soul Diamond Beads he had just handed over.

I reward myself!

But compared to this feat, the reward I provided myself was a bit shabby.

Just two Snow Swift Diamond Soul Beads? How can this be worthy of my achievements this time?


After leaving the office door, Rong Taotao also welcomed the four black-faced men from Qingshan.

Only then did he know that the teachers had left to return to school and report to Principal Mei.

Rong Taotao felt it was a pity that such a farewell was too hasty, without even a decent wave goodbye.

However, with military orders in hand, He Siling left Gao Rong alone to talk privately, and Rong Taotao could not refuse.

This night, the black-faced quartet of Qingshan didn't stay in vain.

They contacted the Qingshan Army to learn about the current situation, and reported the details of the Qingshan Army in the past month to Gao Lingwei on the road from Wan'an Pass to Wangtianque.

Rong Taotao sat on Hu Bugui and looked at Xu Yiyu with a surprised expression: "They all went to the west of the Yaolong River?"

"Yes." Xu Yiyu said on the galloping horse, "According to the acting commander Cheng Jiangjie, the Qingshan Army cooperated with the work of the Seventh Regiment of the Snow Regiment to clean up and plan the layout of the soul beasts near the west city of the Raolong River."

Look at the sky, the lotus flowers are falling, and the dragon river is around.

There are three walls, but there are not only three gates.

Of course, the city gate here refers to the "big city". Within each city wall that stretches for thousands of miles, there are of course a large number of small supply points, which will not be mentioned here.

Wangtianque and Lianhualuo are indeed separate city gates.

But the outermost "Raolong River" itself has three city gates, located on the western wall, the northern wall and the eastern wall.

There is obviously no city gate in the south, because the semicircular wall around the Dragon River intersects with the three walls in the south - Wan'an Pass.

If I have to say it, Wan'an Pass can be regarded as the southern city pass of Yaolong River.

At this point, a brand new fortification system has settled in the Longbei Theater, and the overall framework has been initially formed.

With the Long River - Snow Vortex as the center point, there are three walls, one hundred kilometers apart, with clear layers and impregnable walls.

This whirlpool of snow that nominally belongs to China finally and completely belongs to China.

All the "produced" soul beast resources will be left within the three walls of the Snow Burning Army.

The three walls cooperate with the original three southern city walls to protect the inside and exclude the outside. They echo each other and form a very reliable defense and development system.

Judging from the fact that Xuejing Northern Military Academy and Songjiang Hunwu Graduate School have opened in Lianhualuocheng

If nothing else happens, Lotus Falls City will be the gate with the highest development limit in the future, and will also become the mainstay of the entire development system.

Now that the university is here, everything is here too!

Rong Taotao expressed his great honor for this! After all, the name of the city gate was personally mentioned by He Siling for Rong Taotao.

Lotus Falling City was built on the site of the Battle of Longbei. Students who take classes there will know the story that happened that night, right?

Gee, I'm a little excited just thinking about it, we are also the ones who can get into the textbook.

"Good thing." Gao Lingwei said, "Aunt Hong is one step closer to her wedding."

Xu Yiyu continued: "The little souls are also among them."

Gao Lingwei: "Huh?"

Xu Yiyu: "Brothers are coming back soon. According to Captain Cheng, the area around the west city of the Yaolong River has been stabilized and the mission has come to an end. They have been on the expedition for more than 20 days and it's time to come back and rest."

Gao Lingwei: "Are all the little souls here?"

"Yes. Not long after we left, the little souls returned to the team, and under the leadership of Li Meng, they went to the west of the Yaolong River to provide support."

Gao Lingwei shook her head helplessly. The students all had a strong sense of responsibility.

They won the Chinese National Championship, which is a great event for the ancestors!

It was already during the university vacation and the Spring Festival was approaching. Instead of going home to celebrate the New Year and share the joy with their families, the little souls returned to the Qingshan Army immediately after cooperating with the publicity of all parties?

Do you really not take an honor like the national competition seriously?

From this point of view, they are much stronger than me.

Gao Lingwei secretly thought that she attached great importance to the national competition back then, and was even a little crazy.

After winning the championship and achieving her staged goal, Gao Lingwei would of course breathe a sigh of relief, relax her mind, and enjoy the joy.

And the little souls

Is it because they joined the Qingshan Army that they have a higher outlook?

Obviously we were classmates, but Gao Lingwei suddenly had the feeling that the little souls seemed to be looking at the world on her and Rong Taotao's shoulders?

Rong Taotao said hurriedly: "By the way, who won the championship? What are their rankings? After we met and chatted, I exposed my flaws and made them feel that I didn't value them."

Everyone: "."

If you can ask "Who will win the championship?", doesn't that mean you don't value them?

In fact, Rong Taotao was also helpless. He was at home with Dazhuuzhen and watched the Shi sisters' game with his parents, and he also knew that the sisters defeated their opponents with overwhelming force.

But there would be no three-person match until the next day, and Rong Taotao suddenly came on a mission and ran to the Imperial City. How could he have time to watch the three-person match?

When the little souls won the championship, Rong Taotao should be in the Starfield Whirlpool-Dark Abyss, fighting for his life with Xinglong.

Gao Lingwei said: "Tang Jiaomang won the championship, and Li Xingli won the third place.

As you know, the match list for the national competition is determined by drawing lots, and it is also a single-elimination tournament.

When the two teams of little souls met in the semi-finals, it meant that one team was sent to the runner-up spot. "

To what extent did the appearance of the little souls make the contestants despair?

Whether you finish second or fourth depends entirely on the outcome of the semi-finals!

Anyway, you don’t need to think about your opponent. Pears, apricots, plums, bananas, mangosteens, these fruits are all the same and no one can hit them.

As for the little souls, they have all entered the top eight of the national competition and have tickets to the World Cup. At that time, the two sides will face off for the third time, and they can meet again on the world stage!

Of course, Zhao Tang, who was originally in the championship group, came back this time with the soul skill Snowflake Crispy created by Rong Taotao. It was even more powerful. It would be even more difficult for Li Xingli to stand up.

Among the two teams, in terms of individual strength comparison, the one who was completely crushed was Sun Xingyu.

Poor little Xingyu was not only inferior in terms of strength, but also in terms of command, she was no match for Jiao Tengda.

The unequal command level is the most fatal!

Xiao Xingyu is a very qualified commander, but he lacks flexibility and adaptability.

And the little banana

That's called a cunning and eccentric person.

Jiao Tenda is a good teammate, but he is also an absolutely heinous opponent!

He is thoughtful and shrewd, and his routines are numerous and dirty, which is really annoying to me.

Although Jiao Tenda couldn't see Rong Taotao's taillights in terms of combat prowess, he was indeed on a par with Rong Taotao in terms of command.

If we say that in the duo competition, the audience saw the shadow of Rong Taotao in the Shi sisters, and saw the heroic battle of the big devil in their memory.

So in the three-person competition, the audience also saw a more sinister version of Rong Taotao in Jiao Tengda.

Among Tang Jiaomang's team, the only one that the public can look past is Zhao Tang!

This is an upright man, open and close, and the style of a general!

Whether it is the poisoner Jiao Tengda or the assassin Lu Mang, it is difficult for some people to like them.

However, Lu Mang's situation is much better than Jiao Tengda's, because Lu Mang has captured a large number of female fans!

After all, this is an era of evil looking at faces, and Lu Mang’s figure makes people drool!

Among the ranks of soul warriors, Lu Mang is still the "bamboo pole". He is so thin that it makes people frown, but his figure is the configuration of a top idol!

Such good looks and long legs. Tsk tsk. He’s handsome and can fight. Isn’t this my long-lost brother~

My brother is more elegant and agile in his movements, and he never confronts you. What's wrong?

Why don't you let someone hack you from behind?

If you don't want to be hacked, you will become Nezha! With three heads and six arms, fighting in 360 degrees without any blind spots, wouldn’t it be nice if there was no back?

To be honest, there is indeed something outrageous about Little Mango. If the strength is the same, you can just stab someone in the back.

But you are a four-star soul magician! Driving a masterful snow dance!

You are a lot faster than your opponent, spinning around and slashing people on the back?

You call this your fighting style?

Is it a little too cautious?

On the way back, Rong Taotao learned about the fighting process of the little souls in detail from Gao Lingwei, and secretly remembered it in his mind to prepare for possible "exams" in the future.

After returning to the Wangtianque-Qingshan compound, the compound was indeed empty, with only the logistics and communication team stationed at the base camp.

When the soldiers saw the return of the people, they were filled with emotion and excitement.

The other branches of the Xueran Army didn't know what mission Rong Taotao had gone on, but how could he not know?

The return of the younger generation of Qingshan Army leaders also means that they have raised the Qingshan Army several levels higher!

Over the years, the struggles of groups of Qingshan Army have finally come to fruition today. How could everyone remain indifferent?

After all, Gao Lingwei was not a soldier of the older generation, so she did not participate.

She disbanded the team and signaled Qingshan Heimian to have a good rest. As for whether the Qingshan Heimian quartet would disclose mission information to their comrades, Gao Lingwei was generous and did not make strict requirements.

They are all comrades in the trenches. One by one, they will enter the vortex with her in the future. Sooner or later, they will know this information.

Finally returning home, Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei returned to their offices.

Rong Taotao took a hot bath happily. The fatigue was not washed away, but his whole body was clean and refreshing, and he lay comfortably on the big bed in the lounge.

"Ha" couldn't help but Rong Taotao breathed a deep sigh of relief.

He casually took the snacks replenished by the logistics team on the bedside table, opened an energy bar and ate it. Fatigue and sleepiness gradually invaded his mind. As he ate, Rong Taotao fell into a drowsy sleep.

It would be great if the body could move on its own, and eating while sleeping would be even more beautiful~

As for why you sleep in separate beds with your girlfriend?

Hmm. Recover your strength~

During this sleep, Rong Taotao slept in a daze, and the person who felt the most profound about this situation was Ye Nanxi who was far away in the imperial capital city.

Because she discovered that the guy in her knees stopped practicing?

Every time Rong Taotao stopped practicing, it was of course when he was sleeping or when the body of the broken star lost consciousness.

But this early in the morning, during breakfast time, why is this guy sleeping?

Ye Nanxi never expected that it would be early the next morning when Can Xingtao practiced soul magic and soul power again.

I don’t know what Rong Taotao went through during this period, but he was able to sleep all day and night?

Ye Nanxi was confused, and once again enjoyed the benefits brought by Canxing Tao's cultivation, and opened the "passive cultivation plug-in".

And here, Rong Taotao was also very hungry. In his sleep, he was seduced by the food on his lips. As he ate, he actually woke himself up?

Good guy.

I still have half of the unfinished energy bar in my mouth yesterday. I will continue to eat it today!

Fall asleep while eating, wake up while eating~

This life is indeed very fulfilling!

With his mouth full of food, Rong Taotao walked toward the bathroom in a daze, when he suddenly felt a violent wave of soul power coming from the next door.

Suddenly, Rong Taotao sobered up a lot!

This building only has three floors, and only Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei live on the third floor. Da Wei wants to be promoted?

23. Four days ago, Dawei absorbed the lotus petals and said that the soul method had advanced to the five-star high level and was very close to the five-star peak. The words still lingered in her ears.

Rong Taotao was overjoyed, and with a little more force, Gao Lingwei could inlay a legendary level soul bead! That is also the minimum level requirement for inlaying the Frost Beauty Soul Bead!

But problems also arise. Gao Lingwei has grown so rapidly, but Rong Taotao has no way to contact He Tianwen and Man Qingchen, and there is no trace of Gao Lingshi at all.

What should I do? The search for people has stalled, and continuing like this is not an option.

Hey~ My girlfriend is so fierce

I'm so stressed, who can help me?

Rong Taotao frowned, and his mind went through the figures he met one after another along the way.

Zodiac sign?

Anyone who can have news about Wuxuemian must be them!

There is a writing error in Chapter 672. The level of Rong Tao Tao's soul method is five-star high level instead of five-star mid-level. Thanks to the book friend for correcting it, it has been changed back.

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